I'm at a bar. Already on my second whiskey.

"Don't you feel dizzy already?" Chifuyu asks me.

He hasn't even finished his first whiskey.

"A little bit, but what I need right now is food." I reply with a smile."Excuse me! What do you have for meal?" I ask the bartender who's washing some glasses infront of me.

"Take a look." He says and hands me a menue.

I open it and the first thing I see is a note. I knit my eyebrows and look at Chifuyu and Baji who are talking with a girl. I take the note in my hand and turn it over.

'Come to the back of the bar. Alone. I'm a friend.'

I have doubts. They can write whatever they want. They may not be a friend. I take a look at the bartender and meet his eyes while he's drying a glass with a napkin. His eyebrows go upwards and he nods. Then he puts the glass down and looks away. I close the menue with the note inside and throw it across the bar so that it falls right over the glasses that the bartender just washed.

"You guys, I feel kind of sick. I'll go breath some air. You stay here, alright?" I tell to Chifuyu and Baji.

"Don't plan on standing up. I'm fine that way." Chifuyu replies. I smile and stand up from my seat and head for the door.

After almost a minute of slow walking I finally turn around the corner and I'm at the back of the building. And I see Rose on her phone.

She looks up.

"Long time no see I guess. "She greets but she's in her usual, no fun mood.

She walks up to me.

"What's up?"I ask.

"There are some... Updates, if I must call them, that I wish you would know. I doubt they told you." She says.

"Alright, so? "I ask.

She sighs nervously and puts her hands in her pockets.

"Your guys killed four groups of our guys. We don't know how they knew which ones were ours. But they knew. Things are getting pretty ugly and I wish to know what's the reason. "She says.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"I thought Toman and black death had 'no kill' policy as for now? "I reply.

"Yeah, well I think all that went to hell the moment you killed four guys at a restaurant. "She replies.

I look at the ground and sigh.

"A few days ago I found that someone has broken into my room... Well not exactly broken, they had the key to my room, because the door lock was in order. Everything was thrashed around and there was a note on the nightstand. 'Come back or worse than death is coming'. I guess Chota is getting pretty pissed off with me. "I say.

"And did Mikey find out about the note?"

"He most certainly did." I reply and imedietly realise where the problem is.

"Chances are, he's sending people to kill our people." She sighs and her hand scratches the back of her head. "Great, now I can't even walk in peace around the neighborhood." She throws her hands clearly pissed off.

"I'll try to tell him to stop."

"Yeah, and imedietly he'll know that you are having connections with black death members, ever thought of that?" She snaps.

I feel personally attacked but I shake it off.

"Speaking of which, I told him everything." I say.

"What?" She asks confused.

"I told him that I was send as a spy but betrayed Black Death." I say.

She doesn't know what to say for a moment. Then she scoffs mockingly and it turns to a laugh.

"I bet now he's killing his own members, looking for traitors." She connects two and two. "Paranoid."

I laugh with her. It's the whiskey, I swear.

"You guessed it!" I shout.

There is silence after we finsih laughting. "He's going all psycho mode in the last few days." I reply. Serious now.

The look in her eyes show concern.

"Just be cautious. He wears a gun everywhere. If he spots you, he shoots you." I say.

"Yeah, figured." She replies. Her hands are on her hips now.

"By the way, I remember that Chifuyu mentioned you once."

Her head shoots up.

"What is going between you two?" I ask.

"Nothing is going on between us. Something was going on between us."She replies dead serious.

"Okey, chill. " I lift my hands defensively.

She shughs and shakes her head.

"What did he say? "She asks looking at me. Clearly some sadness in her eyes.

"Well, he wants to try and bring you back." I say.

"Oh, so he really doesn't see the danger in that?" She asks.

"Don't get me wrong, he wants to get you back on our side. Not to torture you." I clarify.

"Yes, I know, that's what I was reffering to. He might not want to get me back to torture me, but he's so blind... He clearly doesn't understand that even if he doesn't want to torture me, Mikey would." She says and I feel coldness in my chest.

"When this ends and we stop our connections with Nomoto I'll try to convince Mikey not to kill you and take you in." I say.

"You won't be able to do that." She shakes her head.

"I'll at least try." I reply.


"What happend after I left the motel?" She asks.

"The receptionist saw Mikey and Draken and called the cops." I say.

"Oh, wow, so smart of them. When I got back I couldn't take my stuff, I had to leave imedietly before anyone saw me." She complains.

"Yeaaah, sorry about-" I'm cut off when I hear a car appraching and the breaks going off so loudly that I almost go deaf.

In no time two guys exit the car behind me and I have no time to process what's going on until I'm grabbed and yanked towards the car.

The last thing I see is one of the guys pointing a shotgun at Rose and then the loud noise of the fireing bullet.

"Rose!" I yell but I can't see her because I'm being pushed into the car.

The guy who pushed me is going back into the car in a hurry and I smack the back of my hand in his face so hard that I hear the cracking of his nose. But it's of no use as the guy on my other side hits my head with something hard.

I hear muffled shoutings.

"John! John!"

"Just go!"

And I feel the motion of the car before I just give up. And I close my eyes.


Mikeyspet soooo yeah, here's that.

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