We are walking across as a street and I know we are near the tower. My heart is beating fast as the thought of what I just did crosses my mind.

I betrayed Black Death.

I didn't mean to do it, but I guess I subconsciouslly wanted to do it.

"Mikey won't be happy about this... Mikey definitely won't be happy about this." Chifuyu says clearly freaking out but still keeping some control over his thoughts and actions.

He is walking so quickly that I have to jog from time to time to keep up with him.

"Yes, but I mean are we supposed not to defend outselves if they attack us?!"

"Yes, defend ourselves!" He yells stopping us both at the middle of the street. "Self defense! Not killing! You didn't have to kill them, it would've been enough if you knocked them out!" he continues yelling.

"Well, sorry, when that's literally what I've been thought to do for years?!" I say sarcastically with a raised tone now. He scoffs and continues walking ahead.

I stay in the middle of the street looking at him to demonstrate my frustration but that is until a car horns at me and I jump one step forward. With a groan I continue walking after him. Great, now I'll be excluded from the group just because I tried to defend myself.

Chifuyu enters the tower and we were met by Baji standing infront of the elevator. In a line we all begin waiting infront of the elevator.

"Oh, great. It's all over the news." Baji says looking at us. "Whoose's dumb idea was it this time?" he asks clearly expecting for it to be Chifuyu's fault.

"Mine. Do you relly think he would kill four people just like that?" I try to insult Chifuyu but clearly it doesn't work as he keeps himself composed.

Finally the elevator's doors open and we all eneter. We requested to go for the fourth floor but the elevator stops at the thrid floor. A girl comes in with a phone in her hand.

"Chifuyu and Sanya?" She asks after enetering the elevator still facing us with her phone in her hand.

" Yes?" I ask.

"Mikey's expecting you two in his office." She says.

No one replies with anything. Silence falls over the tiny room of the elevator as I curled my shaking hands into fists. Crap. I once again have failed him. No wonder he hates me.

The dpor opens at the fourth floor and I begin exiting with Baji without even thinking, but a strong hand catches me by the shoulder. I look back and I realise it's Chifuyu. He shakes his head.

"We're on the next floor." he says with a flat and calm voice.

I get back inside the elevator and then we exit on the fifth floor. He leads the way to Mikey's office or dorm or whatever it is. We stop infront of a large double door and Chifuyu looks at me.

"Are you ready? It's not going to be easy." He whispers because he doesn't want for Mikey to hear us from the inside.

"Yes." I say.

He opens the doors and I enter the room as he closes them afterwards. I look directly at mikey who is playing... Uno with Draken?

My expression is formed into a confused look. Am I supposed to take the situation seriously?

Mikey lifts his head up and when he sees me his eyes darkened. Ofcourse, they will, he hates me for no reason after all. Can we really forget about that?

He pushes his chair backwards with his legs which were resting on the desk just a moment ago. Maybe he even plans to kick me out already.

Draken looks at me and puts his cards down.

I feel Chifuyu's strong presence next to me. He's holding his hands behind his back and looking down.

I look up straight at Mikey who's acting all serious and shit like we didn't see him play Uno with Draken just a second ago. Honestly, I was super pissed off. Looks like it should be the opposite, like he should be pissed off and not me, but we can argue about that. I just defended myself after all.

"Have you realised what you've done? We had an opportunity to make peace with Black death." He begins.

Opportunity to make peace? Bullshit.

"They wasted their opportunity." I spoke with a monotone voice and it clearly pisses Mikey off. "They wasted their opportunity the moment they pointed a gun at us.You really think we were gonna be on good terms? That we were gonna just ask them again to join Nomoto and they will simply agree after the fact that they were pointing a gun at us? Clearly they wanted something else." I say.

For a moment no one speaks and I feel powerful. But then I realise how both Draken and Mikey are looking at me and my confidence fades away. Maybe more because of Mikey than Draken. He is my weakness. He will always be my weakness.

He gets up from his chair and I flinch a little bit. The air in the room shifts somehow and now I feel like I'm the enemy in the room. Even Chifuyu is looking at me surprised because of what I said.

I gulp hardly as Mikey begins walking up to me.

"It was self defense..." I say quietly hoping I won't get hurt. Mikey stops when he hears my tone. The fear in my tone. I lower my head with my clenched fists.

Everyone is quiet.

"From now on if something like that happens you don't kill them. Do not kill them. Anything else but this. This can only happen in our big fights."he says clearly more softly than before.

I look up at him and for a moment our eyes meet. He quickly turns his head to look at Chifuyu.

"We are gonna clean this mess somehow. Just don't show off too much in the next few days, alright?"he asks.

"Sure, but what does this mean? I shouldn't go to open public spaces filled with people?"he asks.

"Exactly, and the same goes for you."Mikey looks at me and there is a little longer pause before he continues.

He turns around.

"Chifuyu, don't forget about saturday." Mikey says getting closer to his desk. I lift up an eyebrow.

"What about saturday? "I ask.

"None of your business, newbie."Draken says.

I scoff loudly. " I think I just showed that I can fight, and not just that... I can kill... And you said that we can kill in big fights. So stop hiding the obvious from me. "I say.

Everyone keeps quiet and Mikey is looking me in the eyes. Dangerously. Draken and Chifuyu look at him, clearly wiating for him to say something. To make the decision.

"You are not coming. I think I made myself clear." And I'm pissed off. He does not yield.

This is not going to continue like that.



Mikeyspet I know is a bit unfinsihed but it's only because I have a plan for the next chapter so be prepared (it's again with Mikey.) 👀👀

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