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- Walking down the dark alley I was trembling from the cold and the fear. I must find them somewhere around here. They must be somewhere in here.

I just hope that no one could find me before I find them. I just hope that things go easy. I don't want any trouble. I just want money. I just need money.

My mother was the only parent I had left but she ended up in a chain car crash. Didn't survive. Drug usage. They tried to take me to a foster family but I managed to run away and escape them...

... For now.

Something fell behind me loudly and I spun around. Just a rat. I look ahead and continue walking with my hands wrapped aorund me in a desparate attempt to keep me warm. The door infront of me banged open and two men fell out on the street with laugher and funny screaming. They looked about my age.

I imedietly recognise the face of one of the boys. The vice leader of Nomoto.

"Hey!" I call out and they both turn their heads in my direction with smiles on their faces.

They playfully hit eachother and share smiles as they walk towards me and I walk towards them.

"What is it?" one of them asks.

"I just recognise you. You are the vice leader of Nomoto, my mother took drugs from you." I say.

He laughs.

"Yes,my name is Reino. What was your mom's name?" he asks looking at the other guy with a grin on his face. I have bad feeling about this.

"Miya... Um, Miya Messenger." I say nervous, second doubting if I should tell them such things.

"Where is she now?" the other guy asks looking behind them at the alley pretending to look for her.

"What's your name again?" I ask with attitude like he's not important.

He becomes serious.

"Sokolo. What's yours?" he asks becoming way too cocky and getting in my personal space so I back off a little bit.

"Rads." I answer quietly and dryly.

"Strange name."he says walking slowly face to face with me.

I narrow my eyes at him.

Suddenly a hand is put infrotnt of him stopping him from walking into me.

"Chill out." Reino says sternly.

"What is going on?" I hear a deep female voice and they both turn back around to the door behind them.

There stands a woman with a long brown hair and pink locks. She walks up to them and puts both her hands around their shoulders as they are on both her sides like they are best buddies.

"This girl called us, wanting to talk with us." Reino says.

"And you were apropriate with her, right?" she asks looking at both of them. She was so much older, something like 40 and acting like a teenager.

"What's your name?" She asks.

"Rads." Sokolo answers instead of me and I feel super offended and ready to attack him verbally.

"I asked her, not you." She says seriously, then looks at me and smiles.

"Rads Messenger." I answer.

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