Silence filled the room as I just stared at the door blankly.

Nat sighed "Anyways,so!"and I could hear some anger in her voice but then I made a loud sobbing noise.

Everyone's heads turned to me and I slowly began crying. I began walking slowly to the door and I was feeling alone and like I had made a huge mistake.

"Wow,wow,wow, Sani. What's-" Nat quickly walked up to me and put a hand on my shoulder,clearly concerned but I harshly yanked her hand off of me and she stepped back.

"None of you care!" I yelled in her face and everybody in the room widened their eyes. "None of you care what I went through! You only cared when I was kidnapped and then it's like you forgot! You never asked me what I went through except...." only one name popped into my mind. The only person who actually asked me....and I lied to him. But I had to! God know what impulsive decision he would've taken if I had told him the truth when he asked. He might've event hurt Rose. I huffed as I shook my head at Nat and then turned around and walked quickly towards the door,not caring about the pain in my leg.

I slammed the door behind me and wiped away the few tears on my face. Maybe I never deserved to be given empathy to....

I headed for the elevator and just as the doors opened I ran into Mitsuya and both of us stared at each other. I sniffed and tried to act like I didn't just have an impulsive mental breakdown infront of 6 people. And also trying to act like I'm sober.

"Um....did you know where Mikey went?" I asked him in a deeper voice. It was actually hilarious how I was trying to act sober and okay.

He blinked a couple of times at me.

"He went to the garden on the rooftop and told me that if I wanted to get drunk then Draken is in room 503 and-"

"Okay,I don't care." I replied rudely and went inside the elevator.

He exited and turned around to look at me just as I pressed the number 16.

"Someone has a bad drunkness." he commented with a frown as he crossed his arms over his chest.

I didn't comment on that,I just fixed my t-shirt and rested back on the wall as I looked at him while the doors closed. I just kept my eyes on his until the doors closed.

Dumbass....he hasn't been through half the shit I've been through.

Soon,the elevator doors opened and I went through a little hall and then opened a glass door and I was on the rooftop. It was full with all kinds of flowers and just as I looked in the distance....

I saw him. Resting his arms on the railing and his head in one of his palms as the wind was gently moving his hair. I walked towards him and eventually he heard my steps and turned around. Immediately he knitted his eyebrows in frustration and clicked his tongue as he turned his head back around to look at the city. And there it was. Again that feeling. Of hurt. I felt my eyes water a bit just as I got next to him and rested one hand gently on the railing. I was watching his face carefully,his expressions.

"If you're here again to act like a drunk fool,then I'm not buying it. I'm done looking after you." he said in a cold tone,not even looking at me.

My face dropped at that.

"Mikey...don't say that.'' I said in a hurt and weak tone.

His body stiffened at my tone but then he just made a little 'tch' noise and shook his head.

"I'm sorry,Mikey,for lying to you,but you would've hurt people-''

"-And what if I did?" he suddenly snapped turning to me "What's the big deal if I did?! Who is Reino to you? No one. Who is Sokolo to you? No one. Who is Rose to-"

"-Because I don't want to! I want to have friends..." My face scrunched up as I broke off in the end and began crying. I put my hands over my face. "I want to have friends and-" I looked up and took a deep breath,trying to compose myself. His whole demeanor changed when he saw me like that. His face softened "And if those people matter to Rose,then I don't want her to suffer if you just impulsively shot them. I just...I feel alone enough,even with people around me,because even tho I had people around me there was no one there to help me when I needed-"he suddenly cut me off.

"Wait,wait,wait....what are you talking about?" he asked concerned as he stepped closer and put a hand on my shoulder as he stared into my eyes.

"I'm talking about the..."I couldn't even fucking say it "You know what I'm talking about!" I raised my voice at the end. He stayed quiet for a few seconds "Just please,I'm sorry." I said at the end quietly and looked at the ground.

There was some silence before he sighed through his nose.

"No,it's okay. You shouldn't be sorry. You did nothing wrong. I understand why you lied to me and it's reasonable just....just don't lie to me again,okay?" he asked.

I just nodded my head as I was looking at his chest and I was almost crying.


It hurt me to see her like that. Why the hell was I so impulsive? When she nodded after I asked her not to lie to me again her eyes filled with tears again and I felt a sharp pang in my chest. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly. My arms were wrapped around her head and her face was firmly berried in my chest.

"Don't cry..." I pleaded her as I was feeling her body slightly shake from the sobs but she wasn't making any noise. 

Her hands were gripping my clothes,like she was tugging onto me for dear life. I closed my eyes and sighed heavily as I felt like I wanted to cry too. I waited for her until she calmed down and she then wiped the tears off her face,sniffed and slowly pulled back so I released her and looked down at her face.

"I'm sorry for that.'' she apologised fucking again.

"Stop with that." I said firmly and she looked up at me. I shook my head at her "I'll always be here for you." I began and stared at her eyes "Forever." I finished.

She smiled faintly "And I'll always be here for you." she replied and there was a slight pause as she nodded her head "Forever."

I smiled at her and I gratefulness sipped into my heart,a warm feeling. I took in a shaky uncontrolled breath "And what they did to you...when you were kidnapped..." I said with slightly shaky voice "I won't let it happen again to you. I'll prevent it if it ever were to happen again. Even if it means that I have to die." I said now with firmer voice.

She stared into my face like she wanted to say something,but then she just closed her mouth.

"Let's get back to the others." She said and I nodded.


I wanted to say 'I love you.' but I didn't. And every time I wanted to say it and didn't actually say it....was a mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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