Chapter 6-First Day

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A/n: I want to thank Nevermorangels for the support. I really appreciate the votes too. So this chapter is dedicated to you, enjoy!

Your p.o.v

⚠️Important!⚠️I just want to tell you that Primo, Jacob and Lester won't appear in this story. Let's say that after Goodwin died, Lazar took his place directly. So Lazar is now the Director of Sector Security. I'm also going to take the teams from the World Racing Grand Prix.

Two days after the reception of Sebastian's letter, we were all standing in front of the Kaiba dome's entrance. We all look at each other, all their eyes were full of determination. While I was nervous and starting to doubt my decision. Am I really able to duel again, after everything that happened?

- Don't be scared, everything will be alright. After all, you have us, right? Yusei said, while putting his hand on my shoulder reassuringly.

I smile gratefully and take a deep breath.

- Thank you. I promise you, I'll do everything I can to help you win.

He smiled back and let his hand fall off from its place.

- Let's go then.

We all stepped inside and were met by Lazar.

Even after all those years, this clown is still here.

You smile at Crimson Dragon. It's pleasant to see that he is still here. The clown-like man stops as soon as he sees you. He looked at everyone else in shock then looked back at you.

- What are you doing here with Team 5D's? he asked, confused.

- How funny seeing you here. Don't you know that I am in Team 5D's? I ask him, smiling.

I chuckled as I saw his face turn into shock.

- If you're here, then why even bother with all the other duels. Your team is surely going to win. Especially if you still have that dragon deck of yours, he said.

- Dragon deck? Jack questioned.

- Aren't you dueling with your water deck? Crow asked, confused.

- Something tells me that Y/n hasn't practiced with her real deck, Akiza said.

- That's good to know, because if she can beat all of us with a deck that isn't her real one, then we're going to rule this, Luna said.

I smirked.

- Of course we're going to rule this. With or without my real deck.

- Well, anyway, so this is a plan for the Kaiba dome. Your place is highlighted in red. We'll call you when your turn comes to duel. During that time, prepare yourself, Lazar said as he handed us a paper.

- Guys, go ahead, I'll follow you later. I need to ask Lazar something, I told everyone while they were walking away.

Crow and Yusei nodded at me and I turned around to face the small, purple haired man.

- I heard that Sebastian is the one organizing everything. Is it true? I asked.

He frowned sadly and nodded.

- It is. We got into this together. I hope, for your sake, that he won't try anything.

- But knowing him, he will probably use every opportunity he has, I finished the sentence for him.

He nodded and looked at me, determined.

- But, I know that with Yusei and all his friends by your side, you should be fine. Besides, why are you afraid? You'll probably destroy him with your powers. The light always wins against the darkness.

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