Chapter 7-Day Two

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⚠️ Important ⚠️: So I thought that it might be confusing to know who is talking to Y/n in her mind so I made a small legend:

- When something is written in bold, it's Crimson Dragon.

- When it's italic and bold, then it's one of the Signer's dragons.

- When it's italic, then it's Y/n's thoughts.

Previously on Yusei Fudo x Fem! Reader . . .

I stopped in front of Crow, closed my eyes and stated:

- Oh majestic dragon of the sky! Help this boy, carrier of your mark!

Once again, my eyes started flashing a red light and soon, my hands did too. I healed Crow slowly. It was harder for me because I didn't have much energy and his injuries were bigger, but after a few minutes, I was able to heal him completely. In exchange for that, I lost my consciousness again.

Your p.o.v

I woke up a day later.

- Y/n! You're finally awake! You don't know how much you scared me, Yusei's voice said from beside you.

I turned my head to face him.

- After Jack was defeated, I checked his duel runner to see what the damages were. It wasn't really important so I thought it would be better to check up on Jack so I walked in the direction of the room. When I first saw you with those red eyes, I got scared but then I noticed that you were healing Jack. As soon as you finished, I wanted to thank you but you fainted. I was worried sick! I told Luna to take care of you while I go to help Crow with his duel. But then, Crow got defeated so I dueled. I was able to easily defeat the three last men. And when I got to the infirmary to check up on Crow, you and Jack. You don't know how scared I was when I saw you using your powers again! What got into your head! You weren't even able to stand up properly so why did you try to use this power?

To my surprise, Yusei sat down next to me, made me sit on his lap and hugged me tight, his face burrowed in the crook of my neck.

He is warm, it's somewhat comforting, was the only thought that crossed my mind as my cheek became a light pink.

- The idea of having Jack and Crow on the infirmary bed is hurting me so much but knowing that you are asleep and we can't even know if you're going to wake up or not is making my heart ache.

I hugged Yusei as tightly as he was hugging me and suddenly felt something wet on my neck.

- Shh, don't cry, I am so sorry for what I did. But you know what? If it was to happen again, I would still force myself to heal both our friends. You need to trust me when I do that type of thing. I have powers you don't know about, I have many secrets that are considered dangerous. I need to ensure that the Signers are safe, that's why it is important that I healed both Jack and Crow.

Yusei cried for a few minutes before he pulled back. The sight of his swollen red eyes and his tear stained cheeks really hurt me. I put one of my hands on his cheek and concentrated myself to make him feel better. My hand glowed a warm red and his eyes went back to their normal royal blue color and he looked more relaxed.

- No matter what happens to me, I will always get up again if there is something worth fighting for, I softly said to Yusei, my thumb making small circles on his cheek.

He added his hand on mine and smiled at me.

- Now, while you were sleeping, a lot of duels started and ended. Let me fill you in on everything you missed. But before I do that, allow me to go get the rest of the team, he said.

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