Chapter 16-Orphanage and Preparations

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He opened the box and showed me a beautiful ring with a royal blue precious stone in the middle. I put my hands on my mouth, happy tears slowly got down on my cheeks as I looked at Yusei, with love and joy. When he finished his small speech and asked me the question, I got down on my knees and kissed Yusei.

- Yes, Yes, Yes! Forever and always Yes! I told him, looking at him, smiling in delight.

He passed the ring around my fingers and kissed me again.

I hear Theo, Nora, Bruno and Sora cheer in the background as I get up with my now Fiancé.

- I love you so much! I whisper to him.

- And I love you to the moon and back! he whispered back to me.

That was how my day went! I was the happiest girl alive and I was going to stay happy for as long as Yusei was going to stay by my side. That means forever! Since we are getting married!

Your p.o.v

The next day, I woke up early and prepared myself. I wore a small purple dress and got down to the shop. I waited for a few minutes before Yusei came into view. He stopped his duel runner and took off his helmet, smiling at me. I smile back as he gets down and comes to hug me. I hug him back and kiss his cheek.

- So, ready to go see Martha? Yusei asks me.

- Of course! It's been so long since I last got the chance to see her! I told him, happy.

He looked at me, his eyes shining with joy as his gaze went to the ring around my finger.

- You never told me. How did you even meet Martha? he asks, looking back at my face.

The memories come back as I remember the past years of my life. Long ago, long before my meeting with Sebastian, long before I even discovered my passion for dueling.

- I'll tell you later. Let's get going for now, I answer him, smiling back as I chase the thoughts out of my mind.

He looks at me worried but nod nonetheless. We get on his duel runner and he starts the engine. Soon enough, we are on our way to the orphanage.


We get down the duel runner. I look at the small building in front of me. Memories slowly making their way to my mind. I also notice Crow, Akiza and Jack's duel runners. I walk beside Yusei, holding each other's hand. We get inside and as soon as Martha sees Yusei, she goes to hug him. Crow, Jack and Akia show up in the doorway and look at us. I wave at them and the only girl waves back with a smile. When Martha let go of my fiancé, she looked at me and gasped in shock.

- Y/n?! She shrieks out.

I smiled a little bit at her.

- In flesh and bones.

She starts crying and gives me a deadly hug.

- Oh god, I missed you so much! What happened to you, Theo and Lilia? she asks, not letting me go.

I look away.

- Lilia died a few years after we left. She got killed by a demon. Theo is perfectly fine though. He settled down and got three kids.

The older woman looked at me sadly.

- I am so sorry!

I look back at her.

- Don't be. It's in the past. Lilia wouldn't want any of us to cry.

Everyone smiles at me. Then, I remembered.

Maiden of the Light (Yusei Fudo x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now