65. Pro Criesonian Man🍃

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"Hi my name is Jisung and I'm a pro Criesonian man"

"No....why would I say that?"

"Hey dude-No Jisung what the fuck" I cursed at myself as I turned around onto the street where Minho lived.

It was eerily quiet around the town. Not many people were outside and maybe I was over thinking it all but it really was eery around.

I didn't have too much time to think about that though as I worried about how to introduce myself to Minho's dad.

"Fucking hell why do I do these things to myself!!!" I cursed again as I walked up to his door.

I held my hand over the door bell and gulped. Fucking press the button-

I did it. And the door opened. Minho's mom stood at the door. Her eyes widened. I sighed of relief.

"Hi" I bowed. She looked around before dragging me inside. "Do you have a death wish Jisung?" She asked. I began to take off my shoes as she said this.

"No, Mrs. Lee. I'm only here to see Minho" I smiled. She folded her arms and looked me up and down. "Leave here with my son's neck looking the way it is now and you won't be visiting for a while"

My face went red. "Oh-" I cleared my throat and then she laughed. "Minho had the same reaction!!" She smiled. "Maybe worse" He thought back.

Her face then changed. "I dont think it's okay for you to be here right now Jisung... Minho's father is home from work"

I nodded "I know"

Next thing I heard was Minho rushing over to me. "Hey" He looked me up and down making sure I was okay. "You're okay" He said more to himself.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked.

As Minho calmed himself down from the worry he had, another figure appeared behind him.

"What's happening here?" A male voice spoke. Minho's hands which were held in mine, tightening their grip.

"Oh honey this is Jisung" Minho's mother introduced. Minho moved slowly away from me.

I was faced with the man who Minho was scared of me meeting. Minho never seemed to be scared of anything but for once I was looking at the one thing that worried him most.

If you're thinking that this guy looked absolutely like a dick and would be the highest of all evil and the villain sort of look.

You're wrong. He just looked like a really nice guy. That funny dad who would take his son fishing on the weekends when he was small or do something completely chaotic.

His tone was stern and cold, I guess it was like that due to the recent news, his job in general and because well he didn't know me.

I bowed. "Hello, Nice to meet you, I'm Han Jisung" I introduced myself. Minho's hand was holding mine still. He wasn't hiding our hands either.

His dad looked at our hands and looked back up at me. "So you're the boy" He folded his arms. "Dad" Minho mumbled a little.

"Minho's told us about you" He didn't change expression but his tone slightly softened. Maybe I was getting past the exterior.

"Do I know your father?" He asked. Minho went to reply but I panicked and replied quicker.

"He's dead" Great start Jisung. Minho choked on air. "What?" He asked as did his dad.

I nodded my head slowly "Y-Yeah" I stumbled over my words. "Those bastards the VA killed him" I said in an angry tone.

Minho's dad unfolded his arms. "Don't even begin on them" He rolled his eyes. "The Empire would be better without the VA" He said. "And the Velorean's" He laughed.

Minho looked at me. I had to hide my sudden shock and the hurt I felt. I seemed to do it well.

This fucking place would be a lot better without people like you-

"A Criesonian Empire for Criesonian people" I laughed in reply as I said an infamous saying that was well known by Criesonian's.

"Those Velorean's don't deserve anything" I said bittersweet. In a way I was trying to think of the things that made Velorean's hate Criesonian's.

It worked in my favour. Minho's dad began smiling at me. "Get this kid in the OCA" He laughed. Minho then pulled me past him.

"We'll be in my room" He announced before dragging me upstairs.

Once the door to his bedroom was closed he looked at me. "What was all that?" He asked. "I told you I'd pretend to be Criesonian-"

"And make fun of your own people?!" He exclaimed. "Jisung, I wouldn't even do that" He added on. "Saying you don't deserve anything? That the Empire should be Criesonian's only!?"

I shrugged "Well it's not like I was lying" I sat down on his bed. "I just said truths in the opposite light" I continued. "Min, you've seen where I live, my area isn't anything compared to yours"

He stayed quiet. "I'm not trying to make fun of anything" I said. "Can we not get political?" I asked with a pouty face. He sighed "You're lucky I like you" he then walked over to me and pushed me down onto the bed before falling on top of me.

"Yah!!!" I exclaimed from the impact. Minho placed a few small kisses on my cheek. "I really like you" He said quiet.

"I really like you too"

We stayed quiet for a few minutes. I wrapped my arms around him in a hug and let out a sigh. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm scared" I admitted. I was terrified of what the VA could possibly do now without the OCA around. Sure there wasn't just the OCA who attacked but they were the majority.

Yejoon also scared me. I had no idea what he was capable of.

"Scared?" Minho leaned up a little to see my face. "Scared of what?" He asked worried. I looked aside for a moment "Someone" I mumbled.

He furrowed his brows. "Who? Who do I have to beat up?" He joked a little but I didn't find it funny. I couldn't find it funny, not with an image of Yejoon being in my head.

He was once my friend, he is now someone I am purely scared of.

Minho saw that I wasn't reacting in a light way and his laughter faded. "Jisung... Seriously who is it? You can tell me"

I shook my head "I can't" I sat up so he had to move off me. We sat beside each other on the bed.

All I wanted to do was tell him how much fear I had for the next coming weeks. The fear I had about what Yejoon would do. All of it seemed so scary.

"I can't tell you this time" I sighed. Minho slowly put an arm around me, my head leaned against his shoulder in seconds. "I got you, okay?"

"I won't let anyone hurt you" He mumbled against my head softly before placing a kiss on my head too.

I let out a breath. I knew there was only so much that Minho could do.

There wasn't saving anyone anymore.

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Double update cuz the last chapter was short

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