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WARNING! This chapter will be too disturbing for some readers

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WARNING! This chapter will be too disturbing for some readers.
The little boy name is Anthony Sims.His mother Anna Sims raise his son in Chicago,IL. In beginning in his childhood at age of 9, He is upstairs while his mother is still cooking dinner for her son. He loves his mother so much. She is been taking care of him since his father left him and mom when was 5 years old. When he grew up, his mother Anna is start dating the man name Curtis for a year now. Anthony is not so sure about that man. But he accept him now his mom married Curtis, But his true colors starts to show.

Meanwhile 3 years later POV
In two years into their marriage, Anthony is just came home from when he slowly walk in, he can hear his mom Anna and stepfather Curtis starts screaming at each other loud. He witness as Curtis start hitting her. He is abusing her for months. His mother wants to his son to boarding school where he will be safe. His biological father won't care for his father. Anthony knew he was bad news since day one. He hates him. He went to their parent's bedroom to grab a loaded gun from the closet where Curtis left there. He went downstairs when he horrified and shock to see his mother laying there unconscious. There is blood. His eyes are wide opening. His eyes started to watery. He is starts to cry as he ran to his mom. Anna is dead and his stepfather Curtis kill her with his loaded gun. He is threaten to kidnap Anthony. He went to call 911, but he is stall when he took out the gun. Curtis is stun when he saw Anthony put the gun out as he stated shooting at Curtis five times. The ambulance came to the house find Anthony's mom Anna and Curtis's body on the floor. They are both dead. He lost his mother.He was traumatized and comes back to haunt him. He pack up his clothes as he starts to on the run.

Author note: That is soo disgusting that stepfather abuse his mom and so tragic that Anthony lost his mom at age of 9.He kills his stepfather.Was it a accident or murder? She try to protect him now both of them dead. Where Anthony will go? It's just getting started.

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