Chapter 32: Tearjerker Confession and Second Kiss

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Author note: It's gonna be hardest time before Mike kick off his tour

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Author note: It's gonna be hardest time before Mike kick off his tour. It's gonna be so sad when Crystal will finally tell him what her ex-husband did. How he is gonna react when Crystal confessed to Crystal?  WARNING! It will be disturbing and it will make you cry when the readers read this.

Mike and Crystal POV

They are finally back in Holliday Inn Hotel. Mike is concern about Crystal. She is been quiet all night.

"Hey! Why you'll been quiet all day? You are OK?"

"I'm fine, Mike. I just have a great time. I'm looking forward for your performance. I'm just tired."

Mike is not buying it. He grab her arm.

"Crystal, I can see in your eyes. Just tell me what's going on with you?"

"OK Fine! I will tell you everything."

They sat on the bed. Crystal is finally tell Mike.

"You'll remember that you gave me the newspaper about Anthony sexual assault Denise?"

"Yeah! I can't believe that monster did to her."

"Well, It was not the man that he is. My husband is not Mario. His real name is Anthony. He did horrible as a child, and then he shot his stepdad-"

"Wait a minute! He change his name to Mario? Oh no! That means he is the same guy you married the actor that he kill his stepdad after he kill his mother?"

Mike is shock to learn that Denise did.

"She is writing to the newsletter and expose Mario? That is the same creep?"

Crystal eyes are started to watery as she turn away as she spoke out to Mike about Anthony. She try not to cry because Mike might start crying too.

"Mike, me and Mario are so happily married until He started to get bitter after I announce that I was gonna be your partner-"

Mike' s eyes are started to watered.

"Then what, Crystal."

Crystal's tears started to stream down her face as she covers her face as she begin to cry.

"He started to backslap me as I fell to the ground. He is abuse me."

Mike's tears fell down his face as he put his hand over his mouth in shocked.


"I throw him out and he sleep on the couch, and he is gone with his stuff."

"I'm glad that he left."

"Then I went to look for Anthony so I want the truth from him. I found where he stay at Gateaway until I find him. I lock on the door. He open the door. He was a mess. He apologize for hitting me. Mike, That is why I cover the bruise on my lip."

Mike touch her lip where Anthony hit her.

"OUCH! Careful I'm still healing."

"I can't believe you plan on to forgive."

"Well I didn't."


"Because I found bitch Denise in the closet that she is hiding. HE BETRAY ME!"

"Oh no he didn't. Anthony is cheating on you with Denise? She is having his baby?"

"I wanted to kill Denise  for sleeping my husband. She had a abortion-"

Mike wipe his tears. He is finally learn that Anthony did.

"Crystal, When I give you the newspaper, Denise went to Chicago. He went crazy.

"I don't know what to think , Mike. I dont know what think anymore. I can't take anymore of his abuse. He threating me with gun. He is gonna hurt me again. So he went crazy with the gun, He threating to rape me, but I started to grab the vase and hit over his head and I escape."

Crystal started sobbing in his arms.

"Oh Crystal, You are finally escape."

"I file a report against Anthony and I'll  filed for divorce."

Crystal drops the bombshell.

"I got sick. I took the pregnancy test and revealed I was pregnant."

"Did Anthony know that you pregnant?"

She continue to cry more. She put her hand on her face. She is sobbing so hard.

"No I divorce him. I'm not married to him anymore until I have miscarriage. I couldn't have his baby. It's not his baby. He is a monster. How can I be so stupid?

She and Mike started sobbing. His tears continues to fall down his face. He comfort her.

"Shhh! Crystal, You're not stupid. He is not gonna hurt you anymore. OK?"

They continue to cry for few minutes until they stop crying. They look at each other eyes as Crystal wipe his tears as she wipe his tears. His eyes are red for crying.

Until they come close slowly started to kiss on their lips. Its their first kiss since Mike kiss her when she was at the restroom last year. Crystal kiss him back.

Author note: YAYYY! Mike and Crystal finally started to kiss. Crystal deserves more better. Now its just beginning. Stay tuned, readers. 

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