Chapter 17: Confronted,Harassing and Blackmailed

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WARNING: This chapter is contains sexual situation and rape will be too disturbing for the readers. READERS DISCRECTIONS ADVICED!

Denise and Anthony got somewhere to hide. They are started flirt but the twist. Denise kiss Anthony on his lip. They kiss until he push her away and ask her one more time.

" Denise Huxtable, One last time, What are you doing in Chicago?"

"I was just want to congratulate on your engagement to Crystal."

He is stunned that Denise that she knows his name. He didn't like about this.

"How did you know my name?"

"Umm it doesn't matter. I'm just here for business trip, then I will be back in Brooklyn, NY."

"Not so fast! Can we go somewhere private so nobody see me like this?"


Someone paparazzi took a picture of Anthony and Denise kissing.

2 Hours later into Sunset Hotel

Denise and Anthony finally headed back to the hotel. She didn't like that idea what he brought her here.

"What is this place? It's messy. I can't-"

"Come on, Denise. It's only place I stay. Besides I'm waiting on my fiance to get here. Let's pretend never happened."

"So I heard that you and Crystal are about to get married."

"That's right, why is ain't of your business?"

"I'm just curious, and my friends from Hillman are concern about her that you are gonna married Crystal so soon after you did a movie with her, and I went to see it."

"They gave a preview and is out next Friday, and I'm gonna be at premiere when Crystal gets here from Santa Monica, CA."

"Santa Monica, CA?"

"Guess you didn't know. Me and my fiance are already moving there, and now she is about to finish Hillman. She won't contact and no longer  talk to them."

"That is not true. She is friends with Whitley."

"But not to you and rest of sissy's."

Denise didn't like that Anthony calls her friends.

"Hey my friends are not. You don't know them."

She keeps standing.

"What movie are you and Crystal doing next?"

"What are you? A journalist or Oprah something?"

"Well I heard they did the private screening earlier in Cannes Films Festival past May. When is the movie call Shaft coming?"

"It's gonna be theaters before next week. And by the way, Crystal and I are gonna travel there to promo around the world but the wedding in Santa Monica, CA is coming first Everybody is gonna love it."

Denise is looking curious about him. He realize what is going on.

"Denise I know what's going on. You are just wonder how Crystal is doing?"

"How is life in Hollywood?"

"Everything is been successful now for me and Crystal can act and she is fantastic. I can't wait for our big day to come."

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