Chapter 30: Explaining To Do

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Author note:  He is got a lot of explaining to do now they are back home. This is gonna be the huge decision to make. Is he telling the truth or he is lying? The truth will be reveal in next chapters.  Did her husband slept with Denise?

  Did her husband slept with Denise?

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Anthony(AKA Mario) and Crystal POV

Moments after they drove their cars home, He put his suitcase back in his room while Crystal is still silence and never spoken. But now he is ready to tell his wife the truth  what really happened to his life.

"Finally! Happy to back home at last. I miss you, babe."

He try to kiss her cheek but she move back. She is still upset because he is keeping things from her about Denise.

"Mario, I want you to tell me what the hell is been going on with you?"

"There is something that I wanna tell you."
"Tell me the truth."

He sit down on the couch and tell her the truth.

"I was really really little boy at age of 9 years old back then  when my mom name was married to stepfather

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"I was really really little boy at age of 9 years old back then  when my mom name was married to stepfather. My mother's name is Anna Sims. I love my mom so much, but I hate him. He was controlling her and me. He won't let me go outside and play, but my mom says yes. When I came home from school. He started to beat her so bad and hit her."

He hold back his tears. His voice started crack. Crystal's eyes also started to watery like glass as she continue to look at his eyes. She is been concern and scare.

"I yell at Curtis and says" STOP HITTING MY MOM!, and then he started throwing me down on ground. Mom told me'' Anthony, go to your to room. I can't stand watching my mom got beat by that bastard."

Crystal's tear roll down her face. She cover her mouth in shock and learns the truth that he is been having a nightmare while in London.

"Oh no! What did he did to your mom?"

He started to crack when he tell Crystal.

"He stab my mom."


"He kill her. HE KILL MY MOM WITH HIS KNIFE! I went up there to their bedroom and look in the closet and find a loaded gun and then-then-"

"What did you?"

"I shot him in the leg. I shot him in the back few times."

She learn that Denise found information about her husband and he is been investigated. She was shock discover the truth. 

"OMG! OMG! Denise is telling the truth. You the turn the television off while she reveal his last name Sims. 

She is still got the newspaper in the draw in their bedroom. She run upstairs to their bedroom and grab it so she hide behind her back. She is been silent. She is scare of him. He came on to her. She is threating to call police.

"Crystal, I kill my stepfather in self-defense. I drop the gun before the police came. I went missing for couple of hours hiding in the bushes. The polices find me later and took me to the police station. They put me in psychic children hospital."

Crystal took the paper out and show to his face. She felt betrayed.

"Does it look like you?"

He stunned to saw the paper of himself.

"Can you explain this, Anthony?"

"Where did you get that newspaper?"

"Don't lie to me, Mario or should I say, Anthony."

"What did you say to me, woman?"

"You slept with Denise Huxtable in Gateaway?"

"Crystal , please she try to smear campaign to take me down-"


Mario finally admit.

"Yes! Denise and I slept together."


Crystal finally slap Anthony hard.


"I'm sorry that you find out about this. That woman ruin our life-"

"NO ANTHONY, YOU RUIN YOUR OWN LIFE SINCE. I'm really want you to leave now."


"DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH ME! I mean it or I'm leaving. You and I are finished, or I will call police. "

Anthony try to block Crystal for leaving him. He went to get a gun. She try to go downstairs.

"Wait a minute! That is what gonna look like? HUH? You are still going on tour with Superstar Mike the rich boy?"

"I'm not turning him down. He needs me and I'm still going. Now get the fuck out of my way. When I get rest of my things, I'm divorce your ass.

Mario grab her hair and pull her to bed.


"You are not going where with that rich boy."

"You are going crazy. You are a monster."

"I'm crazy? You know what I'm crazy. I AM CRAZY!"

He is started going insane yell around the house and went to break things. He threating her life with his gun and try to rape her.

Crystal plans to escape. She finally grab her vase and knock him out on the kitchen floor in cold. She went to pack all her things and get out fast. She finally got out.

Author note: YAYYYY! FINALLY Crystal fights back and left Anthony's ass. It's time to divorce him. Stay tuned, readers.

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