Chapter 41: Officially A Couple

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Author note: This is the officially the moment that we all excited about. Its a another fiction chapter. It is a short chapter. The Bad Tour ends with special surprise.

Mike and Crystal POV in 1989

Mike and Crystal is finally continues their journey as he is just finished wrap up his Bad Tour in Los Angeles, CA. Crystal is just continue as a Mike's partner. 

"I'm soo glad that you are in me now is finally ending.

"Yes the divorce with Anthony is finalized and now I'm moved on with my life now I'm with you."

They hug each other.

"You are fantastic. I'm sorry that you been thru soo much. I'm worry about you. What the hell is that girl Denise thinking?"

"She did the article on me and admit that about you and me kissing on stage. I warn that slut to the drop the article about you and me in the press, or their parents gonna find out about her and Anthony's affair

"I KNEW IT! I can't believe she try to sent this to the media but its not all over television. I gonna stop."

"Mike, she admit the affair."

Mike is shock about Denise's behavior.  Crystal got her on tape. She is already sent to police in NYPD. But now Mike is finally making official for him and Crystal.

"You and I are begin while you been thru horrible abuse that you suffer now Anthony is jail now. You are part of my life."

"I'm happy to be part of your life despite what your manager Frank didn't approve of us."

"I admit to my mother that I'm really fall in love with you."

"You did?"

"Yes! My brothers and sisters especially Latoya they are excited for us except my father Joseph.

"Hope he understand  me and you. I got to admit you, Mike"


"I'm falling in love with you too."

"Crystal, would be my girl?"

She hold back tears as she accepted.

"Yes! Michael Jackson, I will be your girl."

"YESS! I love you, Crystal Jennings.

"I love you too, Michael Jackson."

They are finally kissed on their lips. They are finally officially a couple.

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