Chapter 16: Past Revealed

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Denise POV

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Denise POV

Denise is start packing for the weekend as she headed to Chicago, IL. She is been waiting to hear from Detective Webber a story about that man name Anthony Sims. Whitley is looking around.

"Hey! Denise, Where are you going ? Are you are going to visited your family?"

"No! for your information, I'm not going to Brooklyn, NY. I'm going to Chicago, IL."

"For what?"

Denise starts to lie.

"I'm going to Chicago for business trip."

"Business trip?"

"Yep. I gonna get going."

"Wait! before you go, We know you'll been bitter about Crystal is gonna married the actor Mario Sims, and I'm concern about her too."

"Well its her life, but I'm really curious too. Listen, Whitley. There is something I should do. I will be with my family in Brooklyn when I come back. Have a great weekend."

"OK girl. Enjoyed your business trip."

"I sure will."

2 Days later in Chicago Police Department POV

Denise is in Chicago, IL for two days. She felt terrible for lying to her family and her friends since  she don't come home until it's time for Summer. She is finally at the office.

"Hello Denise, I'm Detective Webber that we talk on the telephone."

"Hi Detective thank you so much for responding  the newsletter."

"It's time that I should revealed who is Anthony Sims."

Detective Webber is finally share with Denise about his past.

"He is from the hometown that his mother Anna Sims raise him there but when he was five, his parents divorced. His mother started dating the man name Curtis for a year. Anna married Curtis after been dating. They been married for three years. "

"Then what happened?"

"When he was 9, Curtis is started drinking a lot and abuse his wife Anna, and then they got into argument, and he became abusive towards her. He started to hit her. Anna suffer for abuse since. Anna is gonna sent her son to boarding school to keep him safe from him, but didn't happened."

Denise's eyes started to watered as she listened to Detective Webber. She wipe her tears.

"Oh my God! Is her son saw what happened?"

"He went to his parents bedroom and went to the closet to grab a loaded gun and run back downstairs. It was too late, Curtis stab her with his knife. He was horrified. He broke down and cry a lot. Curtis is threaten to kidnap him. He shoot him. He shot him five times. He didn't call 911, but the neighbors got call 911. Curtis died when the police's got there. He packed up and ran out of the house. He drop the gun and ran and then disappeared."

"Did they found him?"

She is was in shock to learn in that picture is the actor as a child.

"Yes someone found in the forest until they brought him to the mental hospital for the kids. "
What hospital he is in?"

"He was in Impatient Psychiatric Services in Children's Hospital in Chicago. He had Behavior Disorder when he was 10 and Bipolar Disorder he was 17."

"What is his name?"

"The picture I show you, his name was Anthony Sims. He is still on the loose.

"Oh my God! That means that is the same guy that Crystal is gonna married. She is gonna learn the truth."

"Are you OK? I'm sorry to scare you. He is dangerous."

"I'm fine. Thanks for telling me the truth about Mario Sims. I gonna go home."

She walk out of the office as she bumps into that man, It was the same guy. She look at his eyes and recognize him.

"Excuse me, Wait a minute! You are Denise Huxtable? What the hell are you doing in Chicago?"

"I was gonna ask you the same thing, Mario, or should I say Anthony."

He plays coy while she is about to flirt with him.

"I want to get know more about you."

"Did Crystal that you are here?"

"She won't."

"Let's go meet quietly."

Author note: Oh damn! Denise finally sees Anthony. Don't miss the minute in next chapter.

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