Chapter 21: Familys Worst Nightmare

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Author note: I'm finally add The Huxtables in the chapter. Their family are gonna face the worst nightmare that she will hear for what's going on. It's gonna hit their family hard. This chapter will be intense and disturbing for the readers. VIEWERS DECRECITON ADIVSE!

In Chicago, IL in Hotel POV

The lady name Amber who is 24 year old cleaning up the hotel until she open the door find the body on in the closet. It was Denise Huxtable. She was tied up and got blood all over her clothes. She was bruised. She is unconscious. She is screaming horror.


Someone came to the room.

"What's wrong, Amber?"

"There is a girl tided up in their closet. She got blood all over clothes. She got bruised under her left eye. CALL 911! HURRY!"

Amber did the pulse on her. Denise is breathing. She slowly open her watery eyes. She was crying.

"Help me!"

Denise is sobbing.

"Who did this you?"

"She is alive. Shhh! It's OK, girl. The help is on their way. GET THE DAMN AMBULANCE!"

Who the hell could've done this to that girl?"

The police officers finally shows up and saw that girl Denise lay on the floor. She was beating and bruised.

The ambulance are finally arrive and airlift to the hospital.

The ambulance are finally arrive and airlift to the hospital

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Meanwhile The Huxtables in Brooklyn, NYC POV

The Huxtables are started to worry about their daughter Denise. She didn't come home this Summer. Even Rudy is really worry about her sister.

"Daddy, I'm worry about Denise. I'm sad she didn't come home she can get back to school for the second year."

"Maybe she is visiting her friends or visiting grandma and grandpa."

The telephone rings few times.

"Cliff, can you get that for me?"

"I got it. Hello."
"Hello Is this the Huxtable Residents?"

"Yes it is. Who is this?"

"Mr. Huxtable, I'm Dr. Reed. I'm calling from the University of Illinois Hospital. Your  daughter Denise Huxtable is been found in the hotel room. She is been assaulted and been attacked."

Cliff turn around in shock when he can't believe it. He is going off and outraged.

"What do you mean my daughter is been assaulted and attacked? How did this happened?"

"You and your family should come to Chicago, IL right now."

"I got informed my wife and my kids. I got to booked a flight. Thanks Dr."

He hung up walk slowly in the kitchen to tell his wife Clair the horrible news while her daughter Rudy is upstairs with her sister Vanessa while her another sister Sandra is in grocery store. Her brother Theo is still in school.

"Cliff, who is that?"

He try to hold back his tears.

"Its a call from University of Illinois Hospital ."

"What ? From the hospital? What happened?"

"Umm there something terrible is happened to our daughter Denise. We gonna booked our flight to Chicago, IL right now."

"What happened to our daughter?"

"She was assaulted and attack on the hotel."

Clair covers her mouth broke down in Cliff's arms.

"We can't scare our girls."

"I gonna call Jalicisa to babysit Rudy and Vanessa while we're in Chicago."

"Our children will be concern where their sister is. I gonna get Sandra so we can packed."

Meanwhile POV in Chicago, IL University of Illinois 

They brought Denise to the hospital. She was hospitalized for a week. She was suffer for skull to her head. She was lay their in hospital bed. She is still breathing into her tubes. Her parents are gonna have a fit when she recovers. 

Author note: It's a terrible time for the Huxtables family but couldn't scare their daughters, but How Theo is gonna learn the news while his Cliff and Clair  and their older sister Sandra are Chicago, IL. Stay tuned, readers.

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