Chapter 45: As A Fugitive After Learn The Truth

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Anthony POV

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Anthony POV

Anthony Sims is been in prison for 3 years following accused of rape of Denise Huxtable and attempted rape and attempted murder of his ex-wife Crystal now she is divorce him, but he is still in prison for the death of his stepfather Curtis for 80 years. He is still in jail cell when the guys name David and Rocco. They are in prison for the crimes they commit. He is try to get out of jail.

"Well, well, well! Look at Anthony Sims. He is up to something. HEY RAPIST! WHERE YOU GOING?"

Anthony ignores Rocco as he try to plan something.

"I ain't talking to you fool. I'm really had with you and rest of animals calling me that. I can't wait to get the fuck out of this place."

"You're never getting out of that hell hole after what you did to that girl from college and rape her. Who is that girl name? Denise Huxtable and, WOWW! Your ex-wife Crystal?"

"HEY! I was really ticked off YOU KEEP MY WIFE'S OUT OF YOUR DAMN MOUTH!"

"She is your ex-wife after she divorce your punk abuser ass. You are a stuck up punk and loser"

"Yeah! You need to grow up and accept it and forget about the girl. The whole media and the whole industry doesn't want you anymore."

"SCREW THE INDUSTRY! It's not worthy."

Anthony is saw that Rocco got the newspaper.

"Uh guys, Is that what you look at the newspaper?"

They saw is that newspaper that Michael Jackson and Crystal Jennings.

"Oh he is gonna freaked when Anthony sees this."

"What are clowns looking at?"

"You should forget about the situation. You're never gonna-"


"Looks like Denise Huxtable finally put in the story now. You've been mention now Crystal move on now."

They are started laughing at him really hard.

"What the hell you're talking about, Rocco?"

"You didn't know?"


"Well that girl that you almost kill her and rape her was moved on with the King of Pop."

Anthony is confuse.

"What are you talking? Give me the newspaper."

He look at it and learn that his ex-wife Crystal is dating Michael Jackson after she divorce  him and them he saw the picture Mike and Crystal kiss on stage in Madison Square Garden make the article newspapers. Denise did against the wishes."

"That bitch."

"Who that girl who is dating Michael?"

"NO! It was that disgrace that girl did a story on me and its been published in the media about my past. DAMN IT! I can't wait to get out of this place. "

"Oh no you're not. They are getting serious. You are rapist and wife beater deserves to be the locked up for what you did."

Anthony disgust to be call that by the media especially from Rocco. He hid the knife from the pocket. He got it from plate.

"You're are have one reason when I get out."

"Like what?"

They continue to laugh at his face. His rage as he stab David thru his chest.

"UGH! "

David is screams in pain as Anthony finally escapes. Rocco grabs David.


The alert the alarms as the guards learn that Anthony is escape thru the tunnel.

"Alert the police. The fugitive  is on the loose. Oooh shit! Mike and Crystal better watch their back."

Author note: UH OH! ANTHONY SIMS IS ON THE LOOSE! Crystal should been warned. He life is in danger. Stay tuned, readers. I almost done with chapters.

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