Chapter 11: Proposal

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Author note: This will be longer than a short chapter but it's gonna be surprise coming up

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Author note: This will be longer than a short chapter but it's gonna be surprise coming up.

Anthony (AKA Mario) POV in Central Park.

Anthony is just got something surprise for Crystal. He didn't get over it for keeping it from
Crystal about his past. He is still not ready yet. He will still been Mario forever. He dressed up in his fine black suit and then he is finally got the ring in the pocket. 

"I cant wait to surprise Crystal when she gets out of school. 

Hey says to to himself.  He is in the limo while waiting on Crystal. She is still visiting her parents.

Meanwhile POV

Crystal is just got out of the shower. She can't get Michael Jackson out of her head. She is dreaming about him while dating the actor Mario. She is been concern about him, but she won't tell her parents about it.

"Hey Crystal, Is something going on with Mario after you guys got back from London, UK finish the movie Shaft?"

Crystal felt she is not ready to tell her mom right now.

"He is fine, but he won't tell me whats going on. He is just have some nightmare that I don't think I should get into it about this."

"Hope he is OK."

"He is just doing OK."

Someone blow the car horn.

"Uh its gonna be the limo outside, Crystal. You better hurry up get dressed."

"I will mom. Tell daddy I will be back by time for dinner."

"I sure will."

2 Hours Later in Central Park

Mario is finally built a picnic for Crystal. She finally wear a beautiful black shirt and black pants and black boots. She wear beautiful gold earrings. She got her curls hair down, wear beautiful lip stick. She is wearing eye lashes. Mario is finally cover her eyes.

"Alright Mario, What something you wanna tell and where are you taking me?"

"You keep your eyes. I got a surprise for you."

"What surprises? Nobody surprise me like my friends did. I don't like it."

"Don't worry. I won't spoil you this time."

They kept walking as they sit down the bench. Crystal is ready to open her eyes.

"OK Crystal, You'll ready?"


"OK lets sit down. OK You can open your eyes now."

Mario finally removes his hand as she opening her eyes. It was flowers and fruit basket and its got cake there. She is so speechless.

"Oh Mario. It's beautiful. Its a picnic. You brought me a fruit with basket."

Crystal is just learn the surprise ,and its not her Birthday.

"Its our Anniversary."

"Yes its been since 1983 we when were friends and then 1985 we are started dating. We are lasted since you started college. We didnt get to see each other since I was still working and you while you still in college."

"But now its still we are finally spend Summer together. Lets eat first."

2 Hours in Sunset

Mario and Crystal finally sat on the boat. They enjoy the romance. She loves it. They kiss on their lips. Mario is finally stop their she surprise for Crystal.

"Crystal, You are been part of my life since we been together for 4 years."

"Yes It's been a long time, I'm so glad we are finally reconnected for the Summer. Are you saying that you want me to move in with you to Los Angeles, CA?"

"I've been talking about it for years after we did the movie together. And guess what?"


"Shaft  movie is set for release in July of 1986."

"I'm soo excited that the movie is coming this Summer. I'm ready for the debut my first movie with you. It's a Dream come true."

But Mario is got another surprise. He took the ring out of the pocket as she close her eyes. She open her eyes as she shock what she sees. She is started to cry tears of joy.

"Oh Mario, It's so beautiful. Are you asking me?"

"Yes Crystal Jennings, Would you married me?"

Her eyes are started to watery like glass."

"OMG! This is really beautiful."

She wipe her tears from keep streaming down her face.

"Mario Sims, Yes YESS!"

They hug each other in their arms but the boat flip over falling in into the pond. They are laugh together as they are finally kiss. He make the announcement as he told the crowd in the park. 

"Ladies and gentleman, Crystal Jennings and I are getting married."

"I'm gonna be Mrs. Crystal Sims."

The crowd cheer on and clap for them, but someone is watching them and she is not happy. It was Denise.

"This can't be happening. She can't married Mario."

Author note: LOL! That boat flipping is so funny Crystal and Mario are finally gonna get married but How Denise is spotted them and how is she really gonna reacted? It's not gonna sit well. Stay tuned and Have a great Spring.

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