Chapter 31

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My eyes protested as I tried to open them. I wasn't dead but I sure felt like it. That beast of a man came close to killing me and the thought terrified me of a fate worse than death.

Very slowly, pieces were coming back to me. I began to feel the pain in my neck and back, as well as my ribs. My head was swimming and with every blink, my surroundings became more clear.

I was in a dark, cold room. There was nothing but concrete walls surrounding me. There was nothing but a heavy metal door and the room was just a four walled box. There was a heavy, musky scent that made it hard to breathe.

I tried to sit up, but i realized that I was bound and chained. There was a metal cuff around my neck, connected to a thick chain that was mounted to the wall, like I was some kind of animal. My hands were also bound together, but by some strange kind of wire. They buzzed with some strange kind of electricity. I already knew what they were for. I was powerless and I couldn't fight back now that those cuffs stopped my powers from working.

Tears trickled down my cheeks. We fought so hard, but it appeared that Union had just been too strong for us. It was selfish but I didn't want to die. I had finally accepted my family and friends into my life again and I was no longer afraid to do what was right. But it still wasn't enough.

I heard footsteps coming closer and I could do nothing but lay on the ground, staring at the door. When the handle finally turned and the door pushed open, my jaw dropped, my heart skipped a beat and confusion filled my thoughts.

Shadow- Sebastian stared down at me, with a look I couldn't decide what it meant. He had his hair slicked back, as it usually was and his eyes were a dark, cloudy red. Everything about him was familiar and comfortable in a way. Though he was rugid and quite scary, with his scars, tattoos and leather jackets, he was still the one who saved me and I saved him. We were close, so I thought.

"W-what.." I began, in a hoarse voice. It hurt my throat to speak. He cut me off. "Get up." He barked. I was surprised by his tone and manner, but I pulled myself into a sitting position. "You came back." I croaked. Nothing about the situation made sense, but I couldn't rationalize or think. I was just grateful to see him and I had missed him quite badly.

He turned his head, clearly not able to meet my yearning gaze. "No, I didn't." Was all he said. My heart dropped into my stomach and I could only blink in response. He pulled a key from his pocket and reached past me, to the wall I was chained to. He unlocked me, but held onto the ring the chain was connected to.

I climbed to my feet and I felt my ribs crack. My powers were restrained so I couldn't even heal myself. Before I knew it, Sebastian was pulling me along. My bare feet- where my shoes went I had no idea- dragged across the concrete floor as I stumbled along. My neck hurt the most, and the feeling of a strong gripped hand still lingered.

"Why are you doing this.." I asked, feeling my voice catch in my throat, as tears welled in my eyes. I was putting two and two together and it hurt. "I told you I was a bad guy." He snapped back at me. "No you're not. Please, we can finally stop this!" My voice raised slightly and I begged for him to snap out of whatever trance he was in.

I knew Sebastian. He saved me, lived with me and protected me. And in his own way, he loved me. I remember how he took me to the amusement park and carried me on his shoulders and won me prizes. I remembered the early mornings he would be standing in the kitchen cooking for me. He must have remembered that too.

"You don't know me! I'm not some nice guy, I'm a fucking monster who's going to do whatever I want to you, if it means getting what I want." He pulled on my chain harder, so I fell forward, out of the cold room and into a colder hallway. There was no lighting, I couldn't see anything, but the ground coming up to meet me. The fall hurt, but his words hurt more.

I wanted to beg him to snap out of it, to realize what he was doing. But he turned back to Union and he wanted to hurt me.

It was a short and silent walk, to another door way. When it opened, all I could see was wall to wall guards, holding guns aimed directly at me. There was no way out. Past the guards however was Bane and Pierce, sitting in front of monitor screens, showing the battle play out. In the distance, I could even hear gun shots so we must have been close.

Sebastian continued to pull me past the guards and towards Bane and Pierce, who turned to watch us approach. Bane had his long, black locks tied back as they always were. He looked quite similar to as before, with his eye patch, his face long scar and his expensive suits. Pierce was as attractive as before, his smug chiseled face and the familiar, knowing violet eyes that brought too many memories. His hair had grown longer, that I noticed.

Pierce stood, towering above me but meeting Sebastian's height. "Nice work, Shadow. You didn't fuck up delivering her this time," Pierce sneered and sarcastically patted Sebastian's back. "Your side of the deal will remain." After that, Sebastian handed my chain over and slithered away, towards the guards. But not before I caught a look of his face. I could see the turmoil and internal fighting on his face.

"My little fox, finally caught." Pierce purred in his velvety voice. He gathered the chain around his fist, so the space between us became smaller as I was pulled towards him. I dropped my gaze and swallowed the lump in my throat. I felt like melting into the floor and disappearing forever, but I couldn't.

I was absolutely trapped. The guards were in the dozens, all armed. Even if I had my powers, I still wouldn't have had much of a chance. I felt hopeless and destroyed, seeing no way out. And most of all, I felt betrayed.

Pierce grabbed my chin and pulled my head upwards. He leaned down and tilted his head towards my ear, his breath tickling my neck. I froze, all the muscles tensing in my body. I was afraid of what would happen to me.

"You put up quite a fight. Made things interesting for us, but it's over now. No more games." His tone grew colder towards the end. Pierce straightened and pulled me towards his brother and the monitors. I could see quite a battle, and it filled me with the slightest bit of hope that even if I didn't make it, my army would defeat Union.

Pierce pushed me towards Bane, where I tumbled onto his lap. I instantly felt repulsed and tried to crawl off of him, but he grabbed my chain and yanked me back, falling into his chest. He held me there for what seemed like ages, before he finally pushed me onto the floor and placed a shoe onto my back. I hated the feeling of being so useless and degraded.

"Her father did quite a number on her. We're going to have to pump him with more dust, if hes going to be fighting more. He'll run out quick if we don't." Pierce commented, from above me.

"Indeed, let's get this over with her, so we can finish this fight." Bane agreed. I was yanked to my feet as he clasped one large hand around my arm. Bane and Pierce march forward, dragging me along. The guards followed closely behind us, and I assumed Sebastian followed along, to watch me be transformed into a dust craving monster like my parents. I didn't want to hurt anyone like they did so easily.

There was a room leading right off of the main one we had come from. It was bright, and sterile. The walls, floor and ceiling was white and it reminded me as a hospital room, including the bed in the centre of the room. I was quickly pushed onto the bed, facing the ceiling. Everything was happening too quickly and my heart was the only thing I could hear. All other sounds were just background muffles.

I kicked and tried to scream as the belts enclosed me to the bed. It was no use. Soon, I could hear the door open one last time, and I turned my head to see someone wheeling in a table, covered in tools and what seemed to be torture devices.

Instantly tears rolled down my cheeks and I screamed as loud as I could, in protest. A hand slammed over my mouth. It was Bane. He leaned in and his twisted smile curved upwards. "Don't worry, we aren't going to turn you into you're parents. We're just going to kill you." Bane grinned evilly. "We planned to, but unfortunately you brought this on yourself. Your power will be put to great use and you prophecy will not be lead."
Pierce added from somewhere behind me.

My body shot forward and I shook the bed I was on. My limbs pushed against the restraints and my wrists burned against the pain from the power restricting bands. It was the end, no escape for me this time.

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