Chapter 14

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Unknown POV:

He thought he had won, but he didn't. That was just a test. The city was full of people who would like to have him dead. Those people would help me. But all in due time. There was no rush.

I followed him when he drove away. I didn't really care about the dead gang members. I had plenty of them. They could be easily replaced. But I wanted to know the reason Shadow came back. There must be a damn good one too. Maybe he was here to kill the rest of his enemies? It was possible. I was going to find out, that was certain. I always got my way.

I followed him all of the way to what I assumed was his new house. That was odd. Shadow never settled down. I would know, I was once his 'friend' until he killed my brother, many years ago. I was never one to move on or forgive and forget. Besides, it was my brother dead. Blood should always come first.

Shadow lived in a quaint, little house with not much to show for. He could do much better. I got a few of my men to watch the house until signs of movement. They called me when something particular happened. A girl left the house. She wasn't older than 22. Why was she living with Shadow? As far as I knew, he was never the type to have relationships. Maybe she was something else to him. In any case, she was a pretty little thing, but she had weird tattoos over her legs and on her neck. They didn't look like tattoos though, it was something else.

She was familiar too. I felt like I knew her somehow, or I have seen her somewhere. As the girl walked past the black sedan I was in, I felt a wave of power. She was special, there was something different about her. She definitely possessed some kind of power.

I would find out everything soon enough. I needed to know why Sebastian was back, why he lived with this girl and who she was. In due time, I would know.

I always do.


I woke up early feeling refreshed and well slept. I climbed out of bed to see that I was wearing the same clothes as yesterday. I was probably too tired to change into some pj's. After making my bed, I went to the bags of clothes on the floor. After searching through them all, I decided on a maroon circle skirt and a white tank top. I threw on a cardigan too. After pulling my hair into a loose bun, I left my room and as I was walking down the hallway, I noticed a patch of sticky looking liquid. Bending down, I saw that it was blood.

I stood back up and crept to Sebastian's room. Opening the door silently, I peered into the room. Sebastian had a simple room much like mine, except his room was a bit smaller. His bed was against one wall and his new dresser was on another. I walked into his room to see more pools of blood on the floor and on his new sheets. Sebastian was laying face down on the bed, his toned and bare back had bruises on it. Stepping around the blood I stood beside his bed.

I couldn't help but feel worried. What happened last night? He must have been in a fight. I placed my slender hand over his back. He was very warm. "Sebastian?" I called gently. He didn't move. Placing one hand under his chest, I rolled him over gently. I saw that his hair was matted to his forehead with blood. He had a black eye and a

few minor cuts and bruises on his face. His torso was the same, scratches and burns here and there. I shook my head disapprovingly. He should know better.

I left his room and to the kitchen. Underneath the sink, I kept all of the cleaning products. Taking out a scrub brush, paper towels and bleach, I returned to the hallways where the first pool of blood was. I went onto my knees and began to clean the blood.

For the next half hour, I cleaned the floors of the hall and in Sebastian's room. After I returned the cleaning products, I washed my hands. Then I grabbed the first aid kit that I bought at Walmart. I also took a warm face cloth. Sebastian was in the same position I left him in. I couldn't take off the sheets while he was on them, but I could at least clean him up.

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