Chapter 35

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It was only a blink, and I was awake again. Flashes off war, blood and battle filled my mind. I could remember every last detail of the horror. I killed many people. I was some sort of powering beast. It had to have been a bad dream.

But it wasn't. The pain was my only truth. My entire body, head to toe, crashed and burned with a fire so bright that my entire body had a visible glow. My eyes hadn't yet opened, but I knew it. The dust was still alive in my system, which was probably the only reason I was alive. My body was riddled with wounds that were wounds that were all rapidly trying to heal at the same time.

Then the shakes began. Tearing through my body, every muscle twitched and moved in no particular pattern. I had to open my eyes, so I could at least see where I was, but even that task was too difficult. If I could survive what I did, I could at least open my eyes for gods sake.

Ever so slightly, my eyes grew from blinking slits to wide and afraid. All I could see was darkness at first. Darkness, then slowly the blur grew shapes and forms as I slowly gained more consciousness.

I was in a warm, soft bed, with a blanket carefully tucked around me. The room had a few tables, and chairs but not much else besides two doors on opposite walls. The lights were off and only a soft glow shone through the blinds of a window.

I looked down at my arms, that had scratches and bruises and all sorts of markings I had no idea where they came from. No, some were from what Bane and Pierce did to me, in their final moments together.


I started to cry. Out of pain, out of a broken heart, and out of the shock of everything. I didn't stop even when the door cracked open. The tears filled my eyes and poured down my cheeks in two steady streams.

It was Eaton, who slowly approached me. He sat on the edge of the bed beside me and slowly ran a hand over my rumpled hair. Then he softly took a tissue and tried to dab my cheeks dry.

"Shh, calm down. Everything is going to be okay." His soft voice cooed. I sniffled and my whimpers subsided but the tears didn't. Eaton looked worn out beyond belief. Wrinkles and worry lines borrowed through his once soft and youthful face. He had a bruise under his eye and a scratch on his cheek, but other than I couldn't see any missing limbs thank god.

"I missed you." Was all I could manage to say. A smile creeped over his face and my heart hurt just at the sight. He could always comfort me, more than anyone else in the family. He took my hand gently in his and ran circles with his thumb over my tender skin.

I almost forgot the incredible pain in that moment. I wish it could have lasted forever, even if I had to go through all of the pain a thousand times again. To see Eaton smiling, holding my hand and having him close to me again meant the world.

"Are you in pain?" He asked with concern in every word. I couldn't nod, because moving my head hurt horribly. "Yes."

"I should go get Gabriel. Hold on." Eaton squeezed my hand lightly to ensure me. I looked into his eyes and we locked eye contact. I could see the pain, the hurt and the emotions swirling around his soft orange eyes. What has he gone through these months?

And with that, he looked away and stood up. Eaton looked back at me once again before slipping through the doorway. I felt cold once he was gone, and I held my abdomen as another sharp pain hit me. I was bandaged up there, and I'm sure somewhere else. I didn't want to focus on my body.

Gabriel ducked his head to enter the still room. His gorgeous face was riddled with worry. He had one arm in a cast and he seemed to be in pain as he walked.

"Good Morning princess." His silky voice poured over me like honey. Another tear slipped down my cheek. He stood beside my bed and picked up a glass of water that was sitting on the small table beside me.

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