Chapter 20

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Around 7 in the morning, my plane landed in my home town. I could have stopped, to see the nuns and visit Missy and some friends, but honestly, I was not the person I wanted them to be proud of. I was a woman with a broken heart. I was so confused about who I was, what I wanted to do and how I could be strong for myself.

They would all be so disappointed. But revenge was what I needed. That son of a bitch would not get away with using me, or Atticus.

I looked to Charlie, in the driver's seat of a school bus he stole. In the back, the rest of his gang stood there, acting like children. Sebastian was back in New York. I nearly toppled down the stairs, when Charlie turned sharply. "Watch it!" I yelled. "You should be sitting down then, you stupid-" Charlie began. We passed through the boarder, to the Mythical realm. I closed my eyes tightly, as my vision was invaded by the bright light. The city was still huge, I forgot about that. We drove down the wooded country road and I was filled with nostalgia. 'No time for that.' I thought to myself, bitterly.

I told Charlie the story and how I could bring back Calvin. Fortunately, the city Calvin died in was only a couple cities away from Shining Falls. So everything kind of worked out.

I didn't want anyone from here to see me. They wouldn't recognize me. But maybe I could pay Caine a visit. Who else hurt me? Who else could I get revenge on? I couldn't stop the horrible pain in my chest. Revenge was the only thing on my mind. Have I finally lost my sanity? Maybe. At first, finding out that I meant nothing to Daniel didn't really have a full effect on me, until I started to really think. I was used and left like trash.

We drove through the city. I could fell my heart beating insanely inside of my chest. It had been months since I had last been in town. Would anyone remember me? It didn't matter anymore.

Charlie shut off the engine. Right ahead, was the drive way to my- Daniel's old house. I felt like vomiting from the nerves. It was still dark out, some what. Charlie opened the doors and I walked off. Two burly guys followed to make sure that I didn't do anything stupid. I walked up the paved walkway. I couldn't just barge in. I circled the house, looking in all of the windows. Everything seemed the same, so far. I went to the back door. I willed it to open and with a soft click the lock popped.

I pushed the door aside and entered. I was hit with Daniel's smell. I ignored the pain and pushed forward. 'Where was the worm hiding...'

I carefully walked up the stairs. The two giants followed. One stepped on a floor board and a loud creak sounded. I whipped around. "Shh!" I whispered. I quickly ran up the rest of the stairs. Right there, was Daniel. He was passed out drunk. Even in the darkness, I could see that he had let himself go. He grew a beard and he was wearing a stained shirt. I stepped over him and I paced to my old room. Of course, it was no longer there. An office was in its place. I should have known.

I went back to where the disgrace was passed out amongst the bottles. I raised him, so he floated in the air. His head lolled to the side. Daniel was clearly passed out drunk. I ran down the stairs, the floating Daniel behind. The two men bounded down the stairs after me. I was outside in moments. I couldn't get away fast enough. I was on the bus in moments and I was breathing heavily. I tossed Daniel into a seat.

"Tie him up and put the burlap sack over his head!" I yelled. Charlie drove away from the house as his men did my bidding. "Where to now?" Charlie asked. I thought for awhile. I needed to see her. I missed her greatly.

"345 Syndicate Lane." I said. I bit my lip in anger. I couldn't be selfish. It would only hurt her. But it was too late. Charlie was driving there.

. . . .

I stared at her, sleeping peacefully. I climbed into her room, since it was only on the first floor. Morning light slipped through the window. I reached out and shook her shoulder. She groaned in her sleep, but suddenly her ears perked up and she sat up. Her hair was longer, that was for sure. She turned to face me and she blinked a few times. She rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Then Moe saw me. Her eyes widened. "Ari... Arianna?" She asked slowly. I couldn't help but smile. "In the flesh." I said.

She scrambled to her feet and she wrapped her arms around me. I hugged her back. "Oh god, you don't know how badly I missed you." I felt her crying on my shoulder. I felt a sharp pang of guilt hit me. I had left her. I assumed she didn't care, but on multiple occasions, I saw how much she cared for me.

"I missed you too." It wasn't a lie, that was for sure. She looked up at me with big eyes. Then she noticed, how different I looked. She examined my legs and arms and face. She even saw my auburn hair. "You... How?" Moe asked with shock in her voice. I sighed. "Do you have time for a long story?" I sighed and sat down on the edge of her bed. "I always have time for you." Moe smiled.

I dived into the story. The whole story. I left no details out. She deserved to know. "Shit, I don't even know what to say." She mumbled. I brought her face close to mine. When my skin touched hers, I could feel her and sense her true intentions. "Look, I won't be back after this. I will miss you, a lot and..." I didn't know where to go from there. "You don't need to explain." She said softly, with tears glistening in her eyes. I choked back a sob and I wrapped my arms around her small frame. This girl... I felt so selfish for leaving her like this. "How about you and me go and do one last thing together?" I asked cheering the mood up. "Of course. What do you have planned in that wicked mind?" She giggled.

I laughed. If only she knew.

. . . .

We snuck through the town, with a bus following us. The town was waking up while we caused our happy mischief. Charlie was oddly patient with it all, but I did not trust him for a moment. Then we snuck up to the house we were looking for. I pushed her into the open window and I crawled after. I truly felt like a teenager.

"So, today is my birthday." I said, while creeping through the hallway. "Happy birthday, old woman. Consider this your gift." She punched me in the arm, thought I felt nothing since Moe was nothing more than a mouse with the attitude of a dragon.

My arms were full of pink paper and other decorations. We had to hurry. After creeping into his room, we covered everything in the pink paper and the most girliest things we could find. Moe snapped a picture and then we both stood in front of a sleeping Caine and snapped a picture of us with big goofy smiles.


. . . .

"Hey." I breathed into the phone. "I'm so sorry." Gabriel said so quickly I nearly missed it. Moe and I sat on the curb, I only had a few minutes. She begged me to call him and I was reluctant. He probably hated me, but if he did he wouldn't have .apologize. ''I should be saying that-" I began with a nervous laughter, but he cut me off. "No, you don't understand. I saw too much of your life. I didn't mean to, but I did. I saw everything." He sobbed. I racked my brain, for any clues of what he meant. "I don't understand." I mumbled into the phone.

"That day in front of the library, I saw your future. I saw myself meeting my father, I saw you and all of these crazy things. I couldn't make sense of any of it and I assumed that somehow I made it up. But slowly, the events folded out and I realized that I actually saw the future. And... And I called Atticus and told him that you came here. I also called Union and told them. Good luck, Arianna." Suddenly, the dial tone sounded. I stared at my phone is disbelief.

"You need to run Moe. Get out of here."

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