Chapter 19

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Daniel's POV:

I took a flight back home. Arianna's room was already cleared out, it had been since the first day she was abducted. The room was now back to my office. But Atticus, his room still remained the way it was.

Why did it hurt so much? Atticus, he was my brother. No, he wasn't. I just told myself that for too long. I cared for too long. Once you learnt to not care, life is just a blur of false emotions. I lied to everyone to keep my plan in place. I was never honest with any one, or even myself.

But now that they were gone, I could no longer keep those emotions in. I hugged that bottle of Scotch to my chest. Every so often, I chugged another gulp. Bottles were littered around me, they comforted me in a way, because intoxication brought out the truth I hid for so long.

Fuck, I did care. I was hurt by so many people but I kept a strong facade. My family needed me. While Marcus has his own kids and Alex has his company, the others had their girlfriends or fiancés. What the hell did I have? Pain still from the death of my parents. It happened so many years ago. Everyone else came to terms, but I couldn't. My father and my mother were the only reasons I woke up in the morning. I would have ended it so long ago, if not for them. They took care of us all as we grew up, they provided shelter from the cruel world. We all eventually moved out and started our lives, but where did I belong?

I had my powers, looks, money and a personality, so why did I feel so empty? I didn't talk to anyone about this, or my true feelings. Like everything else, I hid them deep inside. No one could hurt me if I hid from reality. I was a big person to everyone else. I was strong and powerful and kind. But every night I would lie awake questioning my entire existence.

I protected my brothers and Vivian, through thick and thin. I was the leader. But I lost my place, my reason to shine. I was already falling off the deep end before my parents died, that just pushed me even farther. A grown man should be able to cope.

However, Atticus knew a bit of how I really felt, but only a small part,. He was the only person to understand my angst. Sometimes he was more of an adult then I was. But that was the problem. Atticus knew how damaged I really was. He knew my feelings and my thoughts. That was more than anyone else. I couldn't be hurt by him, nor could I let others see how weak I was.

So I sat alone in the hallway, surrounded by bottles of alcohol. I laughed to myself. My brothers were also heavy drinkers. We didn't get it from out father though. He hated the taste of alcohol.

What should I do now? More sex? No, it was never satisfying. None of that filled the emptiness.

All of my brothers hated me, so calling them up would do no good. Besides, putting them against me was good. I couldn't hurt them anymore if they never wanted to see me. But I have never seen Zaine so angry. Never.

It was too late to turn back, too late to apologize. After this all blew over, I knew exactly what would happen. Marcus would be rich and world renown from his business. Alex would become a chef and cook himself amazing food, like he always dreamed of. Zaine would eventually marry his girlfriend and Eaton would settle down and create a perfect family. Vivian would still be evil Vivian. Arianna being the strong willed person that she was, would find her purpose. She would be fulfilled and happy. She would forget the pain that I caused her and more importantly, she would forget her parents. Erika and Tobiah lied to everyone and they dug their hole so deep, that turning back would never be an option. To most, they thought that the two were dead. That was much sweeter than the truth. What really happened still angers me.

Erika and Tobiah were losing their powers slowly and when they conceived Arianna, their powers vanished completely. It was a part of the prophecy, it all was. Erika and Tobiah went to Union and made a contract for power. Everyone saw them as the amazing people that they used to be and the two would do anything to keep up with the image. So they sold their souls. In return, for five years they were granted undying power, or more like a hyper version of Bane's Dust, but they had to keep up with their side of the agreement. They had to kill and steal and pass along knowledge, which they did eagerly.

Eventually, the guilt caught up with Erika. When the two failed to continue their tasks, Union abducted them and Arianna. She escaped, which was part of the plan, and Erika and Tobiah stayed at the head quarters. The two were so power hungry, that they continued to sacrifice their lives for Union. After all, it was only about the power. Pierce and Bane lied to Arianna, to gain her trust but that didn't work out at all. Now, Arianna believed the pretty lies that her parents had built up for her.

Why couldn't I just find my purpose with Arianna and Atticus? Because I was too stubborn and stupid, that's why. I never expected to feel anything when using Arianna, but I did. I had to pay the price. After everything that happened, I still didn't get to kill my rivals. There would be a next time. I felt even more empty for failing.

I took another sip and I felt the alcohol finally kick in.

I wanted Arianna and Atticus back. Badly. I wanted my family around me. I wanted a real girlfriend who loved me. I wanted and needed too much.

Would I take back my actions, if I could?


Gabrielle's (Sr.) POV:

I called all of my angels. I sent them to New York to search for as much information that they could. I took a flight, in the middle of the night. One day until her transformation. With all of that power, she could be hurt. Arianna had a pure heart and I could not see her being killed or used for her powers. We could have been too late though.

Arianna had powers that could kill an entire nation. I wasn't too sure how she would use her powers, in all honesty. She was what us angels call 'a lost soul'. Good and evil was in her body. She had good intentions and she did kind things for others, but a poisonous seed of hatred was planted in her when she was constantly hurt by others.

My plane finally landed and as soon as I stepped off of that plan, I was bombarded with angels. "Gabriel, you aren't going to like this." A female angel named Grace said in a small voice. I squared my shoulders and prepared for what she had to say.

"Arianna was here. Was. She left on a plane an hour ago, with a gang of some sort. We have more news of to what she has been up to."

The chase was on. I better find Arianna by 11:59 pm tomorrow, or a whole lot of hell would be set off.

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