Chapter 25

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(Hey guys! I had an idea to link songs that I thought would work perfectly with each chapter. I have quite a few that remind me of parts, or characters. If you think I should start doing that, leave me a comment or something!)

It wasn't too long later, when I finally decided that I could keep my eyes open for longer than a few seconds. I blinked a few times, as my head was pounding horribly. I gasped as sharp pain pounded at my sides. I noticed that where ever I was, it was too dark for me to focus.

"Is she awake?" A voice asked, near me. "I think so." Another replied, closer to me than the other. I soon realized that I was in a car of some sort, or maybe a truck.

"Arianna? Can you hear me?" I recognized the raspy, accented voce immediately. "Zaine?" I croaked. After blinking a few times, my focus was beginning to clear and I could make out forms. Panic set deep in my chest. Where was Charlie and the gang? How did they find me?

I sat up, but a dizzy spell hit me like a truck. I was quickly eased back into a laying position. "Don't try to sit up. You're still weak." Zaine soothed. Once the spots faded from my vision, I got a better look around. We were in some kind of army vehicle, with benches along the walls for seats, besides the two front seats. Weapons were littered around the floor. I could make out Eaton, Marcus, Alex and the form of a sleeping wolf, laying on the ground. The brothers were all sitting on the edge of the bench, with their eyes on me.

"Where's Charlie?" I asked, coughing a few times. Zaine kneeled in front of me, frowning slightly. "He's driving a truck, behind us." He explained, slowly. My brow pulled in. Why was Charlie behind us? Zaine seemed to see my confusion. "After you revived his brother, you collapsed. To make a long story short, you won't be running anymore. You're safe with us."

This time, I sat up quickly, shaking off the dizziness. My hands clasped around the cold edge of the metal bench. I threw my legs over the edge and took a few deep breaths. There was only one back window to the army truck, that only let in the smallest sliver of light. The truck bumped along the road, at a fast pace.

"No. I need to go back, to New York." I insisted, still quite dazed. Zaine sighed and he sat beside me, with his head hung. "Even if we wanted to let you go back, we couldn't. Union is closing in. With Charlie and Gabriel's help, we're going to take down the problem, for the last time." He spoke grimly and his jaw was set. His shadow was beginning to grow in thicker along with his hair, that was combed back like it usually was.

"Besides, we've been searching for you, for a long time. We don't want you to leave us again. We're not going to do what Daniel did to you." He sounded so sincere, the way he put a hand on my knee. I was still wearing my day upon day old clothes, that were dirt and blood stained. Hell if I knew where the blood came from. It was usual stain on my clothes. I was cold in my shorts and t-shirt, but it was the least of my concerns.

I had to tell them. I looked from Zaine and to his brothers, before sighing. "You're... You're going to want me gone, when you find out what I did." I forced each word out, with as much force as I could muster. Zaine placed a hand on my shoulder, off of my knee. "What are you talking about?" He asked.

"We wouldn't want you gone." Alex spoke up, from his spot beside Marcus. I took a shaky breath and I lowered my head. I hurt Daniel. I didn't know if I felt regret, anger or sadness over it. I didn't even know if he was alive. "I hurt Daniel. I don't know if he's alive or not." I stammered, refusing to look at anyone.

"Arianna..." Marcus said my name, slowly with confusion and slight disbelief. "What did you do?" Zaine asked quickly, removing his hand from my shoulder. "I hurt him. I slashed his cheek and left him in a burning building. I told you that you wouldn't want me around after you found out. I'm a monster. I want you to let me go. I'm only going to hurt you all anyways." Tears were pouring down my cheeks, as I spilled my guts. My throat was in a knot and every swallow hurt. I was blinking furiously, to tame the tears but every attempt only failed. My shoulders sagged forward, as if I was trying to block myself off from everyone even more than I was already.

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