Chapter 2

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Shadow looked in the review mirror. He cursed and hit the steering wheel. His foot slammed on the gas pedal and we surged forward. Bullets were pinging off of the metal body of the car. I looked over at Eaton and saw how terrified he looked.

Now that I think about it, I barely knew him, but he was always the kind, quiet one who always helped me. I put a hand on his shoulder. He turned his head and met my gaze. I smiled and said, "you look scared." I wasn't good at comforting people. "Aren't you at least worried?" His dark red eyes were wide and innocent. His dark almond curls were a contrast to his pale skin and few freckles. I shook my head and grinned. "Nah, I've been shot at before. Trust me, we're gonna be fine. I'd be more worried about Shadow crashing the truck then us getting shot." I lowered my voice so Shadow wouldn't hear, but he did anyways.

"That crash wasn't my fault. It was that transport truck that hit the van in the first place." Shadow rolled his eyes. His eyes seemed darker, almost black now. His hair was wild as if he just woke up. "Do you know what a comb is?" I asked, changing the subject. I tilted my head. Shadow sent a confused glance at me then he sighed. "Why are you being so annoying?" I chuckled and sat back in the seat. "Just trying to lighten the mood. I don't like this any more than you do. In fact, I feel like I'm losing everything. But, let's just focus on not getting shot."

It was silent after that. Just for a few moments though, because after that, a bullet shot out the back window. We were lucky though, because just ahead was an intersection that would get the car off of our tail and we were closer to the safe point. But, the intersection was very busy. Cars were everywhere.

"We aren't too far now." Shadow said. Shadow didn't slow down as we got closer, in fact he actually sped up. "Shadow..." I said nervously. It was a red light and cars happened to be driving in front of us. Shadow swerved the wheel to the left, right into the traffic. I fell backwards on the seat and I heard the screech of traffic. I pushed myself up with my good arm and looked out the hole in the shattered back window. Cars were all backed up and some even hit each other. The car that was chasing us, was stuck in a pile of cars.

I sighed in relief. We were going to survive another day, hopefully. I sat up straight, pain still shooting in my shoulder. I had to get used to the pain though.

We got father away from the intersection but Shadow, or Sebastian, didn't slow down. We were down residential streets, there could be kids or something running around. "Hey led foot, go easy on the gas. There's a school right there." I said from my spot in the back seat. Shadow mumbled something, a habit he has been doing an awful lot lately. But he did slow down, just a bit.

I don't know how long we had been driving for, but I didn't care. I was out of that building and away from the lies and secrets. Or was I? Bane had said to Daniel that it was a long time since they last saw each other. Not to mention the way Daniel just left me. I felt heart broken at that moment when he forgot why he came to get me. Maybe I wasn't the real reason, maybe it was an excuse for him to get close to Union.

Both of my families had abandoned me. My parents were alive, but they didn't care that they were with Union. Then there was Daniel. I thought he cared about me and loved me. But when he tossed me aside like I was nothing, I knew I was wrong. I still had the other Lockwood's and Atticus.

I didn't realize that the truck had stopped and that Shadow had opened the door for me. I pulled myself out and Shadow supported my weight with his arm under mine. We were outside of an abandoned single story building, boards were over the windows and door. The maintenance wasn't done and the paint was chipping off of the walls. Eaton knocked on the door in a certain rhythm and the door opened. He quickly went inside and we were ushered in as well by who ever opened the door.

The inside of the building was dramatically different then the outside. The room was light up by bright lights. A bunch of people were lounging in chairs or standing around with drinks in their hands. When I saw the table of food, I knew where I would be spending my time. But Shadow had other plans. He practically dragged me to a near by couch. A bunch of other random people rushed over and began to poke and prod my body.

Then the mountain of questions came. "Are you ok?" "You poor thing, how are you feeling?" "Does this hurt?" and let's not forget my favorite question "Are your parents alive?" It was over whelming to say the least. "Hey, back off." That familiar husky voice said. At that moment everything in my life froze. His voice took over my thoughts and emotions and my entire being. My heart beat faster and my palms became sweaty. "Atticus!" I yelled. The crowd moved away and there stood my best friend.

He looked different. His hair was cleanly cut and his tan was a bit darker. Atticus had muscles that were even more defined through his shirt. He wore a black long sleeve shirt and jeans. Somehow, he looked far more grown up than the boy I left back at home. Instantly, he dropped to his knees beside the couch and brought my form against his. I felt the heat of his body and his tensed up muscles. Atticus ran his hand through my hair. He felt like home. He felt like the light through this darkness. I held the back of his neck with my good arm.

"A month is too long to be away from you." He whispered into my hair. I pulled back and stared into those shocking green eyes of his. "I wasn't gone for a month..." He just nodded his head. One month wasn't nearly as long as 12 years but it felt like it. "God, you look so different..." Ouch. I didn't want to hear that again, from him or anyone. "So do you."

. . . .

The next painfully long hour was spent talking to everyone and anyone. I told my story to dozens of people and got reassuring hugs and what not. Then of course, I had people asking if I was ok and if I was alive. I also had to take a billion different medications. I mean, it was obviously nice to have people caring for you, but it got annoying. I saw a few kids from school who waved shyly too. That was nice. Atticus was also acting real protective. When ever some one came up, he practically acted like my body guard.

What was also amusing, was the fact that I got so used to everyone looking like they came out of a fairy tale or a horror movie. This was now my normal.

Finally, when the crowd thinned out and finally let me rest, I closed my eyes for the first time in forever. I was tired beyond belief but I wasn't nervous now. I didn't have to watch out for someone plotting to kill me. Atticus' arms around me helped relax me. But maybe I was relaxing a little too soon...

. . . .

He stalked towards me, tall and menacing. The air was freezing cold and I could see a puff of my own breath. His aura was holding me prisoner.

My heart stopped beating. I was still breathing, but I was dead. I felt myself slowly slip into the hold hands of darkness. This is what it felt like to be dead.

"It's mine! I am done playing games. I will get your power. " Pierce screamed the final words I would ever hear. His face contorted in anger, his eyes glowing deep purple was the last thing I ever saw.

Then the horrible pain of death came.

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