Chapter 26

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My body was vibrating and shaking as if I were just electrocuted. I ended up just falling back on the bed, grasping the sheets tightly.

I felt Gabriel move closer to me, then suddenly back away, until his presence had faded a bit. I wasn't too focused on that however, I was more concerned with how my body was reacting so oddly. I felt something strong, from far inside of me, shudder. I felt my power source suddenly strengthen and light was shinning from my body, but only for a few moments. The spell was broken, quickly and suddenly. I felt overwhelming power suddenly flood my body and I needed a release.

The entire room shook and soon every painting and shelf on the wall fell and shattered. I was trying so desperately not to damage too much, but couldn't tame the flow of intense power. I was officially 18, which was exciting, but I had to focus on my inner power source. It was now steady and continuous, like a second beating heart. I put two hands over my chest and I focused.

The only immediate answer that came to mind was to use my powers, enough so that the pressure would be relieved. I quickly rushed past Gabriel, who was standing in the door way, monitoring me. He followed behind me, silently. I was thankful for that.

I had no idea how to relieve the pressure burning inside of me. Then, a new feeling invaded my thoughts, my heart. I could sense souls everywhere. Some were no more then a dead animal, but I could tell that humans had died here, in and around this old motel.

Suddenly, all around me, were dead animals coming to life. Their bones rebuilt themselves from thin air and soon flesh and muscle mass was building on the bones. Skin and fur followed as well as a living soul, returned. Dogs and deer and birds ran, pranced and flew around me, before disappearing in different directions.

It must have been different. I didn't have to kiss the souls of animals to grant them life again. They were not as complex as humans and mythicals seemed to be.

I wasn't even close to tired after what I had just done. Instead, I felt slightly relieved. It was weird to have power flowing at my very finger tips.

I looked down, to see the marks on my body begin to shine even brighter, before fading dimmer and dimmer. Then they were gone. I looked down the shirt I was wearing to see that my porcelain skin was back to its original state. I had no idea how it managed to work out that way, but it did. The spell must have canceled out the blood that was mixed with mine once it broke. Or something weird like that.

"I'm glad that's done with." I sighed, before returning to my bedroom.

. . . .
I had a good nights sleep after that. It had been to long that I went with out the rest I needed.

It was time to do some thinking. I had so much going on, that I never processed what I needed to. Not once had I took a step back to give myself room to breathe.

What I knew now, that I was surrounded by love. I hadn't realized it before but I needed to now. I had my family, the brothers still accepted me for who I was and Atticus would be there for me, regardless of what I did in the past. I needed to stop running away from what I had. I had myself and I knew that I was strong enough to carry myself through anything. So if trouble were to come again, I would be able to take care of myself, with the help of my family.

There was also the trouble with my parents and Union. We had an army, of angels, misfits and our community. They had drugged up demons and my power hungry parents. It would be a tough battle, but it was one that had to happen. I had to focus on what was important first, then deal with everything else afterwords.

I decided that I better get up and out of bed. It was still early morning, but I was on edge. As I walked towards the bathroom, I saw that the mess was all cleaned up from the night before. The boys let me rest and I was happy for that.

I stripped down and hopped into the shower. I let the steaming hot water run down my back and wash away every grain of dirt and every drop of blood. I used the free soap and shampoo to my advantage. I was very grateful to be clean again.

After a nice, long shower, I stepped out squeaky clean and fresh. I wrapped a towel around my torso and stared at my reflection in the mirror. My hair was a mix of red and burgundy, that hung down to my shoulder blades. My eyes were a golden brown with flecks of yellow. My skin no longer had the mysterious swirls, so I was almost back to how I was before.

I turned away from the mirror and I realized that I had no clothes that were clean. No panties or bras or anything. I moved the towel a little tighter around my chest and let out a sigh. I had no choice but to search for some clothes from Eaton's room, which was the closest one to mine.

So as careful as a mouse, I tiptoed out of my room, and closed the door behind me. The hall was empty and I just had one corner to turn and I would be home free. But of course I couldn't be that lucky.

I was suddenly pressed up against a solid figure, with a muscular chest. My eyes wandered up until my gaze was met with a pair of electric green eyes. Tanned skin, hard jaw, black tousled hair... My heart was pounding out of my chest as I felt the heat of his body against mine.

Atticus leaned down slightly, so his face was closer to mine. My lips were almost tingling with the need and rush to kiss him. I bit down on my tongue.

"You're... Not wearing any clothes." He mumbled, his gaze dropping down to my lips then slowly up to my dazzled eyes again. "I don't have any." I managed to say, my voice sounding husky.

What was this boy doing to me? God knew how much I loved him before, and now. But did I really feel this strongly for him? I don't think I could deny it much more.

"Well, we have to get you something quick soon, because you have a big speech." He grinned, showing his adorable dimples. I blinked out of my trance for a few seconds. "Speech?" I asked, cocking my head. "Yeah. You're crowd is waiting."

He winked at me, before reaching down and taking my free hand, the one that wasn't holding up my towel. He lead me down the hall towards his room that he was sharing with Zaine. He opened the door and ushered me inside quickly. When I saw Zaine sitting on the bed, looking stressed out as hell, I was starting to feel guilty for acting the way I did. It wasn't fair how I abandoned my family for my selfish, reckless ways. I was also feeling slightly mortified for being mostly naked in front of the two.

Zaine looked up and instantly grinned. "There's my girl!" He stood up and rushed towards me, kissing my head. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, sounding concerned. He was wearing dark denim jeans and a black shirt.

"I slept ok. Do you have any clothes for me?" I asked, blushing pink. I suddenly realized that Atticus was still holding my hand in his larger one. It felt so natural, as if my hand belonged there. He felt so comforting beside me, being tall to my small frame. His very touch sparked flames and also a feeling of comfort and safety.

"Sure thing! You'd better get dressed quick though, because you have some people to talk to." Zaine turned around to search threw a backpack he had on the bed. He had said the same thing that Atticus did. "What do you mean?" I asked, leaning into Atticus, purposely. He seemed to relax at my touch. He seemed quite tense lately, they all did and for good reasons.

"You've done some amazing things Ari, for many people. They see you as a leader now. They want you to lead them into battle and finally stop Union." Zaine placed a folded piled of clothing into my hands and he motioned for Atticus to follow him out of the room. He let my hand go and I suddenly felt a bit colder.

"We'll let you get dressed. Then meet us at the truck. Your fans are waiting."

I couldn't believe it. My dream had finally come true. No one saw me as a monster, they thought of me as a leader, a hero. Not only that but I had a family, I had support. I could make it through this. I just had to keep my head up. I still had so much to do and I knew that I was strong enough now. Like Eaton said, no more tears.

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