Chapter 32

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Atticus' POV:

It was blood everywhere. I was told to restrain, but it was so hard to when all of my instincts and senses told me to fight harder and faster. But I knew what our end goal was. Take out Union with the least amount of casualties as possible. That meant me as well. I wasn't about to die and leave my girl behind.

She really was my girl. Arianna; light of my life. Her very name burnt me alive in the strongest way. I would fight for her honour, for her life. These people destroyed so much and they took away Ariannna's innocence.

My heart beat faster and faster as I prowled the woods with my other kin. We were in our full wolf forms catching any of the stragglers and helping out where we could.

Every time I would see Union slime running blindly, every hair on my wolf form stood out and my muscles tensed. With a quick leap, I would knock them over and tear out their jugular.

With every soldier I killed, I would hear mentally the growl of another wolf telling me to keep focused. I tried to, I really did but my blood lust was just beginning.

I pushed faster and harder, never stopping for a second. My lungs begged in protest but my instinct begged for more.

I could see our playing field clearly. Us wolves and other kin would stick to the woods where we could best fight. We had flying creatures of all sorts ruling the skies, our fighters storming from all angles and the angels were fighting the strongest blood of Union. It all seemed like chaos, but each and every one of us knew what we had to do and where we had to be.

It had been planned out flawlessly. We were going to finally defeat the evil that had caused us all so much pain. Especially Arianna. Union took her family and turned them into power hungry animals. They put her through hell for so many years. I know I would feel destroyed if I found out my dead parents were actually alive and part of an evil organization.

Speaking of Arianna, I began to grow worried. I could see a few injured fighters looking for the healing van. I couldn't see it either. I wasted no time and telepathically sent out a message to my fellow kin, asking if they had seen the van. In mere moments, a flood of voices came back, with no good news.

Every fibre in my being stopped as pure fear leaked into me. I had nearly lost her many times now and this would not be another.

My muscles burned as I ran as fast as I could towards where the van should have been. I already knew it wasn't there and my heart just sank when I proved myself right. Something was desperately wrong and my instinct was pushing me to find Arianna.

I continued to sprint, searching for any sign of the van. No use. So I did the only thing I could think of in the moment that would help. I went to Gabriel, who was in the midst of sending men off in different directions.

I pawed at his leg to get his attention. His towering frame turned and he looked down towards me. "Bane and Pierce aren't in the building. No sign of the parents either." He reported. Our plan hadn't gone as expected, but that wasn't my main concern. I tilted my head and whined, trying to communicate to the other species the best I could. Gabriel's brow furrowed as he tried to understand me.

I turned and began to trot towards the road, where there was no sign of the van. I could sense Gabriel following me, closely. I sniffed around the area, trying to pick up a scent, or Arianna's sent. Nothing was there and it frustrated me.

"The healing van is not here." Gabriel stated. I howled in agreement, relieved that he understood my message. "They might be down the road." Gabriel strode down the road and I trotted after him, continuously sniffing the ground. As I did, I could hear him talk on the phone, in regard to where the van should be.

Suddenly, I felt a presence and all of the hairs on my back rose. My muscles tensed and I snarled. I could smell sweat and blood, a different kind of blood. And the closer I got, I picked up the familiar scent of Arianna.

I bolted off, as fast as my legs could carry me. I saw the blur of trees pass me by and the rough dirt road was not pleasant under my paws, but I knew I was close, so I pushed on. Suddenly, a speck grew in the distance. It was a wall of muscle, who was holding something in the air. The closer I got, I soon realized that it was rather a someone. It was Arianna, held at the neck by Tobiah, the monster known as Arianna's father.

In the next few moments, it was all a blur. I could only see red as leapt into the air and sunk my claws into his back. He fell hard and I clawed and bit and I slipped into the familiar rage that never ended well. I didn't care. I could only smell blood and I knew what my wolf wanted me to do. I couldn't stop to see if Arianna was ok. It didn't even occur to me.

Until I was kicked in the rib cage, sending me tumbling to the side. I recovered quickly, to look up from my bloody mess to see a tall, tattoo covered man. I leapt at him, but he disappeared and I landed in the dirt. I quickly sniffed him out, to see him picking up Arianna's unconscious form from the ground. I ran to him, but he only disappeared again. He was gone, no trace or scent left. I had failed in protecting Arianna out of my rage.

Gabriel had just jogged up to me, with a group of his men, but it was too late. They hauled up the bloody mess I left and dragged him away.

I howled and lumbered to the ground, with my head rested on my paws and my body heaving in exhaustion. I had failed Arianna yet again. I couldn't forgive myself.

Gabriel began asking me series of questions that I couldn't communicate answers to. "Just fucking switch and tell us what the hell happened!" Marcus, from Gabriel's side snapped. I angrily did, and the next few moments consisted of my physical form stretching, twisting and becoming human again. Gabriel tossed me his jacket that I thankfully tied around my waist immediately after being on two feet again, fully naked.

I had no time to process any thoughts. Words just spilt from my mouth. "Arianna... Her father, Tobias he did it.." I wheezed, still out of breath from my battle, then immediately switching to my human form afterwards. I could feel the bruises forming on my tender muscles.

"Then another guy, I recognize him... Tattoos and black hair... Tall." I panted, doubling over from the immense pain in my throbbing ribcage.

"Sebastian," Gabriel snarled in a voice I had never heard from him before. He immediately pushed past the small group of people forming to hear.

"This is the last time that he will ruin that poor girls life. We are ending this now. Get out Calvin's weapon!" Gabriel barked. Now the battle was really starting.

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