Chapter 18

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The two burly guys behind me looked as if they ate nails for breakfast. Was it wrong that I felt better as they guarded me, though they had commands to keep me in line? Maybe. I didn't care though.

I was in new clothes and I was freshly showered. Thanks to my strengthening powers, there were virtually no signs of bruising. My face now looked like it previously had. I was nervous though, my powers couldn't possibly stay this strong for long. I would just have to find out.

But I was on a mission. There was someone I had to see. I looked all over the internet for this person and I searched high and low. To my luck, she was in Brooklyn. She would give me answers that I need. Answers; those were something I have never been given. I was more than just grateful for this opportunity.

I felt so confident and so alive. I was not being held back by anything, other than granting Charlie his wish. But I knew what I had to do. I couldn't be pushed around the way I was. I had things that I needed to focus on and it would be for my better good, but that would come later. For now, I would speak to the woman.

I approached the door to the underground bar that was located in a sketchy area. The bar was for people like me, though they may not be safe. The bar was apparently one of the biggest in the U.S. I marched down the damp, concrete steps and the smell of booze invaded my senses. Posters were taped to the walls. Loud laughter and voices were head from behind the last door. With Charlie's minions in tow, I turned the doorknob and entered the room.

It was a bar that looked as if it were from the 70s, not because it had worn and outdated furnishing, but for its style. The wood panels of the bar counter were shiny and new. The counter stretched long and far. Glasses were stacked beside the variety of alcoholic drinks. The bar was packed to the brim with people. They all appeared to be Mythical, some more than others. I weaved through the crowds, eyes were on me. I was used to being stared at, I didn't mind at all though. I felt like somebody.

I walked towards the bar counter, where a man with bright green eyes was cleaning the counter. His blond hair was smoothed back and his black, leathery wings were standing proudly out of his shoulders. He wore a traditional bar tender outfit. As I stood in front of him, his eyes trailed up to mine and he stopped cleaning the counter. "Can I help you miss?" He asked politely. His gaze drifted to the barbarians behind me then his orbs flicked back to me. "I'm here to see Constance." I said simply. His gaze narrowed as he studied me.

He briskly turned around and whistled. "Claire! Come here!" He called across the bar. A blond girl in a waitress outfit came up to the counter. She had her hair in pigtails and she wore a lot of makeup. Leaning over the counter, the bar tender whispered something in her ear. The amused look on her face fell to seriousness.

"Come this way." She said solemnly. The waitress was a bit shorter than me, I could tell. She turned around with a serving tray tucked under her arm. I followed her and the husky men followed me. We left the crowd behind and we were now down a dimly lit hallway. The silence was eery, but I was excited for what was going to happen.

We walked down another set of stairs and to our immediate left was a door. Claire knocked briskly and we waited in silence. The door slowly opened and Claire motioned for me to enter. Before I did, I tilted my head up to look at the giants behind me. "Stay here." I commanded. "We cannot-" Started one of them, who happened to be wearing an eye patch. "Well, make an exception." I snapped quickly, leaving no room for an argument. I slipped into the room and the door was shut behind me. It took quite a while for my eyes to adjust. There was only a dim candle in the center of the room that provided light. The flickering flame illuminated the table it sat on.

"Come." A raspy voice called. I felt chills run down my back at the sound of her voice. I was nervous and honestly afraid to walk blindly into the room. But instincts told me to go to the table. As I approached, I bumped into a chair. I coiled my hands around the back of the chair and lowered myself down.

"I can smell your fear. Are you afraid of the dark?" Her voice pierced the air. I took in a shuddery breath. This woman, she was powerful. I felt her overbearing power. 'What did I get myself into?' "No..." I answered honestly. The dark actually soothed me, but this darkness was full of uncertainty, the unknown. "I see. You are afraid of what you cannot control." Her voice was knowing and full of depth. Her mere voice brought me to places I have never been. She told me a story within simple words. I felt the shivers again, but they did not pass. The shaking continued.

"You believe that you have found me, but I could feel you coming before you even knew where you were going. That slip of paper was for you, and only you. You seek aid. But you won't like what you will hear." My mouth dropped open. I tried so desperately to see anything, but there was only appending darkness and the flame. Constance sounded as if she were right in front of me, but I could not feel her. The power, I could feel that. But not her. I was naked, exposed. She knew everything and she felt everything too. The slip of paper she referred to was how I even found the place. After I got tired of searching online, I took a fresh breath of air and the piece of old paper was just on my door step. It said to go here and for some reason, I did.

"Child, you are filled with doubt and worry. You act on impulse out of fear, but will you regret your decisions? Who means the most to you in your life?" Her voice was everything I could understand and comprehend. "No one." I answered quickly. "So you think." Was her knowing response.

Who mattered to me? I left my old life behind and none of them cared about what happened to me. Sebastian was the only person that I currently knew, but I could not bring myself to see him again. He was a mistake on my part. I was utterly alone. Maybe it was my fault. I had a habit of being a failure. Why was I doubting everything now?

"There is no God and there is no Satan. But there are people who have the power and ability to be both. Angels and Demons are the closest things you have seen so far to the evil and good the world has to offer. Listen closely when I say this; Angels and Demons have no set fate. They decide their paths to the darkness or to light. You will meet the darkest creatures to roam this planet and the purest ones too. Are you ready for that?"

Constance was filling me in on knowledge. I felt rich in knowing things I have always wondered. I had questions answered. I was learning the truth, at least part of it. But I was still terrified. What else was there for me to learn? There is no God or Satan; no ultimate, but there is evil and good in many forms. Was this common knowledge, or something sacred? I was getting answers but they were raising questions.

"You want to learn about your powers. Correct?" Constance asked. My breath hitched in my throat before I could find the words. "Y-yes." I was so weak before this woman. Everything was still for a few moments. The silence was a heavy hand, pushing me down into oblivion. I would have thought Constance was gone, but I could still feel the power.

Then she spoke again. "You have a gift that you alone hold. Others have similar powers, but you my dear are special. You have the kiss of death, but unlike others with that power, you can control it. This will come naturally to you. When the time comes, you will understand how. However, bringing back the deceased is not that simple."

More knowledge. These were the answers I truly needed right now. "To bring back the dead, you must travel to were the deceased was killed. Then, you must open your mind. You will feel the soul, regardless to how long ago the deceased has been dead. But, the longer the period of time, the more it will take out of you. You must pull the soul into the living realm once more and you must place your lips onto theirs. The soul will leave your body and into the deceased. Keep in mind, the deceased will have no recollection of how they died, but they will keep most of their memories." She rasped.

I was mentally exhausted. This information was taking a lot out of me. It was heavy on my mind. The weight of her words were sucking me dry. It was getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open.

"One last thing, those who you believe are gone in your life are far from it."

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