Chapter 23

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(HEEEEEEYY! It's me, back with a long awaited update. I've been editing both books like crazy, the entire summer. I HIGHLY recommend that you reread the series. A few details have changed, things have been added and my writing has improved greatly. I also plan to finish the book before summer ends. I will most likely be making a third book, *fingers crossed* but for now, reread the first book, then this one and the new chapters coming up. The rough edges that and loose ends that haven't been tied are nice and fixed. It's honestly more like a book now, instead of my crazy unedited mess. But if you're reading this, thank you. I do apologize for making you guys wait, but I do love my loyal readers who are patient with me. Please enjoy these chapters, and have a nice day :) )

"We have a problem."

Charlie was serving madly and dodging fallen trees over the road. We were on a country road, right outside of a city. Large, flying creatures were behind the bus, hurdling objects. I was directed to not look. For some reason, I listened to Charlie's commands for once. I was afraid of what would happen if I did look back.

The glass shattered and I hit the floor. I crawled under the seat, barely fitting in the tight space. Every time the bus bumped and swerved, I would hit my head against the metal. I don't know how long I had stayed under there, but it was quite a long time.

My hands trembled as I pulled myself out of my hiding spot. Almost all of the windows were broken and glass littered the floor.

I knew who it was though. The angels had finally caught up with us. I was up at the front of the bus, away from Charlie's men, who were firing rapidly at the angels. I moved along the floor, right up to Charlie who was madly driving the bus.

"What are we going to do?" I asked with a heavy gulp. Charlie was too focused on barreling down the road at a speed I didn't know was possible for a school bus that was half destroyed. "You made a big fucking mess here. I'm going to have to send half of my men to fight off those damned marshmallows while you get my fucking brother back. I can't wait to get you out of my hair." Charlie snapped quickly, before whistling sharply.

I turned my head, to see the greasy burly men hurdle themselves out of the back of the bus. It was mostly just a giant hole, with the door blown out.

My head was spinning. Too many thoughts and emotions were crammed in. I never had time to just stop and breathe. I wanted to be a good person, who helped others and became some sort of super hero. But what kind of hero has such inner battles that never get solved? All I am is a dangerous, reckless teen who continues to be hurt and left behind.

My skin began to glow, light blue. It was a white hot heat that made sweat drip down my forehead. Gabriel was close. I wiped it off with the back of my hand absently. Gabriel would bring me back to the Lockwood brothers and they would hate me when they found out what I did. Not only that, but I would be left with no one. Absolutely no one.

Charlie was beginning to lose them, as he entered residential areas. We were right outside of the city Calvin died in, in mid day. We could hurt innocent people and drag them into a mess that they didn't belong in. But if it would save Sebastian and myself, not to mention the other lives Charlie would bargain, I had to take a chance.

I watched out the window, as people stopped to stare at the crazy looking bus with even crazier people inside of it. Summer was just beginning, so children would be out, who could get easily hurt. I hoped that I wouldn't bring anyone else misfortune.

The silence that came with those few moments without having angels hurdle objects and brutally attacking the bus were awkward. I could hear the sound of metal drag against the asphalt and the creaking and groaning of the bus. Not me or Charlie or the few gang members left would dare break the silence.

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