Chapter 1

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I watched in terror as all hell broke loose. I know I've probably said that before, but it was absolutely madness. I hopped backwards just so I wasn't in the way of flying objects. Lines of guards, dressed in black armor and black helmets, stepped forward and prepared their weapons. They shot into the crowd of the 'soldiers' that came to fight for justice. Union probably hurt all of these people some time or another.

As I looked closer, I saw that some of the people fighting were in fact people that I knew. I could see people that I had seen around town, or even at school.

Union was equally matched by my hometown soldiers, as I called them for lack of a better name. The only difference was that when a guard fell down, no body turned to look at him. But when some one from our side fell, people where there to help them up again. I also noticed that there was no female guards in Union, fighting with the rest of them. But, there was definitely females with us.

Another line of Union men ran forward and shot into the crowd of people again. Most of our army ducked and hit the ground, others were unaffected by bullets. As soon as the guns started shooting, a white, near transparent shield of some sort appeared at the front of the crowd. Bullets bounced off of the unbreakable glass and ricocheted back at the guards.

"Hold your fire!" A voice boomed. It was my fathers. There was no doubt. Though the guns were slung to the side, the guards came back, wielding knifes or even their own powers.

People were tossed into the air, fire exploded out of the palms of some or light shone brightly around the figures

of others. It was so much to look at, so much to take in. One minute, a woman burnt a hole in a guards' arm, the next minute someone was gushing blood. But as people got injured, no one stopped or ceased. Bodies clashed together and there was punches and kicks and stabs and bullets.

What I did notice was that the guards seemed to be blocking the road back to their headquarters. The forest around seemed to be holding everyone in. Nobody ran to the woods, in fact more creatures of all sorts came out. A few trees caught fire, but quickly went out. It seemed a woman would blow on the fire, and it just ceased to burn.

I found myself standing there, awkwardly hopping about. I couldn't yet walk, since my muscle tissue was damaged and I would most likely need physiotherapy to walk proper again. It did make me a bit sad, but I was lucky to be alive. But I wouldn't be, if I just stood there, looking around like an idiot. The truck was probably the only safe place for me right now. Only thing is that the truck was parked down the road.

Suddenly, a body went flying past me. It was a union guard. I put my leg onto the ground to steady myself and a shot of pain went up my calf. Bad mistake. I lifted my leg again and hopped backwards.

Something caught my attention though. I looked over to see Shadow being slammed into the ground and being repeatedly slugged across the face. Blood poured from his nose and his face was swollen from the strong punches. His head whipped to the side with each punch. I felt my blood boil. I remember feeling angry like this when Jenny was about to get hurt, because I cared about her.

I concentrated. I could be weak for myself, but I couldn't be weak for others. No one was about to pull Bane off of Shadow. Besides that, no one thought Shadow was a good person anyways. He did a lot of horrible things. But somehow, he wasn't a horrible person. I looked and Bane and I was filled with disgust. He did far much worse things than Shadow. Bane and his brother were pure evil, but Shadow tried to save me.

I concentrated harder. I wanted it to happen, it had to happen. And it did. Bane went flying back, taking out four guards on the way. He hit the ground and as soon as he did, he looked for the source of his fall. I averted my eyes and acted as if I did nothing. My mental rubber band was nearly pulled to the limit. I could soon access even more of my power.

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