Chapter 33

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"You know, I think a lot of trouble could have been saved here," Bane began manically. "We could have kept you in a cell until your powers were strong enough to harvest. But no, you want to have your little fun, brother."

Pierce laughed. "You must admit, seeing her turn out so feisty was worth it. I liked the thrill of a chase. But now we finally caught you, didn't we?"

The table was violently shaking back and forth from my struggles. A slur of angry threats poured out of my mouth, but Bane and Pierce in all of their madness were too caught up in their enjoyment to take notice.

"My favourite part was seeing you turn evil, just like us." Bane suddenly said in a voice just above a whisper. His face went slack as his one eye made eye contact with mine. A smile crawled over his twisted face and the two let out a cackle. My head was to heavy to lift, so I stared at the ceiling with tears in my eyes.

"I agree, her little stunt with that pesky Daniel Lockwood was quite helpful." Pierce's voice floated from somewhere across the room. I had closed my eyes after hearing that name.

The decision I made that day tore me up. At the time I felt that his physical pain could somehow make up for what he did to me. But it was crazy and impulsive. To tie up a man, cut his face and set the building he's trapped in on fire is purely insane. What they didn't know was that deep down I knew the incident wouldn't kill him. After putting out the fire in the kitchen those many months ago, I learnt that Daniel wasn't harmed by flames. And I also knew that Daniel could repair broken tissue, so cutting his face wouldn't be the end of the world. Facts aside, it was still crazy to do.

"We found him while we were following you across the country. He was in that damn building crying like a baby!" I could hear Bane slap his leg while laughing. "We pulled him out of there, healed him and drugged him up!"

Hearing those words shook me cold. It was a long time fear of mine that Daniel wouldn't be able to finally kill Pierce and Bane. And now here we were, with everything different than what I had expected. I didn't want to die. I had so many loose ends that I hadn't got to fix.

"Why don't you come say hi?" Bane called across the room. I tried to lift my head to see, but I couldn't. As soon as he stepped closer, all of the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. My body shivered from the familiar aura that was Daniel.

He soon came into view, and I was shocked. He looked nothing the same as he once did. His clean, combed back hair was cut into a buzz cut. There was a tight line running up his cheek from where I cut him, but that was far from the scariest thing I noticed. His eyes were dark and cloudy, his face was sunken in and dark circles were under his eyes. His muscles were much more bulked but it appeared to be swollen. Tears ran down my cheeks.

"Do the honours, Daniel. Show our little pet who you fight for now." Pierce's voice was much closer now. I could feel the three men surrounding the metal bed I was strapped to. The sounds of the earth shaking above from war cries intensified.

Daniel picked up a long iv needle, that was attached to a some sort of medical bag that was out of view. My heart began to pound as I realized what was going on. I was going to be drained of my blood and killed, by my enemies all in the same room.

The needle was pushed into my tender skin, on my wrist. I screamed out in pain as the bracelets on my wrist began to electrocute me. I couldn't focus on anything, my sight was blurry and I was in total panic. This was the end and it was the most painful thing I had ever experienced.

I could feel the blood running through the tube and steadily drip into the bag. Then, all at once, I saw Daniel leap towards Pierce out of the corner of my eye. He held a medical knife from the table. Then it was plunged into Pierce's chest. Thats all I could see. Then Bane suddenly jumped to attention and yelled for the guards. But it was too late.

I could hear screams and gun shots fill the air and all I could do was close my eyes. The immense pain and fear circulated my being.

"Fall out!" Bane screamed and suddenly the room was almost empty. I could feel the buzz of adrenaline in the air. And I could smell blood. As soon as whatever happened began, it was over in a blink of an eye.

Daniel was standing over me again and this time he pulled out the needle in my wrist and unbuckled the restraints on me. I quickly sat up and tried to speak, but I immediately fell back to the metal. I felt my wrists against the cold air and the electric shocks stopped all at once. Then the chain on my neck was unlocked and I was free.

I could feel myself, weaker than ever before. I lost god knows how much blood and multiple of my bones were broken or fractured. I was about to heal myself, but I couldn't even move.

"Arianna look at me." Daniel suddenly barked. My head lulled to the side and my eyes searched for him in the blur of the room. When I finally saw him, standing a foot away from me I was shocked.

He was covered in blood, from multiple holes bleeding profusely of that black blood. His body heaved as he tried to breathe. Behind him, I could see Pierce laying in a pool of blood.

Daniel had did it. He killed Pierce and that small part of me that was him, was finally gone. I felt relief flow through me for a mere second. Until I realized that Bane was gone.

Two strong arms lifted my body off of the table and I was gently dropped in a chair, a few feet from the table. When my vision finally cleared and I could manage to hold my head up, I was almost hysterical. The room was destroyed and the computer screens and monitors were all black, or grainy. There was blood everywhere, and many dead bodies of guards. The room was riddled with bullet holes.

Daniel approached me, holding a small baggy of golden powder. "Listen closely." He wheezed. It was clear he didnt't have much time and my heart constricted. "This is Pierce's supply of dust. It will give you your strength back... And more. But you need to take it all. You won't feel too well in a few days, but at least you'll be alive." Daniel breathed heavily and he lumbered even closer. He carefully opened the bag and my heart pumped faster. I was going to be drugged by the purest of the dust, not the terrible black stuff the transformed my family into monsters. Daniel had fought it and he saved my life.

Then in an instant, the bag was being poured into my mouth and down my throat. I breathed in and all of the powder was sucked in to my lungs.

I was almost too focused on my fear, but my attention was back on Daniel when he collapsed in front of me. I leaned forward and instantly my hand shot out to grab his face.

"I'm so sorry." I wheezed. My throat was tight and tears pooled in my eyes and fell to the floor. "Hold on, I can heal-" Daniel grabbed my hand in his and the motion stopped me. "No. You can't. This is my stop." He attempted a smile but ended up coughing out a puddle of blood. I sobbed.

"This is my fault." I managed to cry. Daniel's murky eyes grew softer. "We did it. Pierce is dead and our family is together." Daniel's voice grew hoarse and he slumped to the ground. I slid out of my chair, still weak. "No, please Daniel... I need to fix what I did." I sobbed into his bloodied chest. I didn't care, I just wanted Daniel back. The old, happy Daniel. My Daniel.

"I-I forgive you. Just make me a promise." Daniel's chest heaved harder and harder with each word he spoke. I lifted my head to look at his pained face. "Take care of my brothers. And kill that bastard Bane Vega." I nodded my head furiously and cried 'yes' over and over again.

"Then we're even." Daniel smiled one last time before his face went slack and his body went cold.

I had no time to cry, my body began to vibrate and my eyes shot open wide. The dust was taking effect

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