Chapter 9

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I woke with a start. The only nightmare I have been having recently was the one about the hands. It was far more terrifying than the recurring dreams though. Sometimes I wish I would just dream about that. It would bring an odd, comfort in returning my old life back. I wasn't too different really. Sure I looked different and I held scars and memories, but I was still stubborn Arianna. No one could take that away from me and I wouldn't let them try.

The hotel was really inexpensive and the woman at the counter was really kind to me. She listened to my fake story and gave me the best room for only $150 a night. In New York, it was a steal. I slept in my bra and panties that night, so I put the old clothes back on from the day before. Luckily, in the cabinet, I found all of the hygienic things I would need for a couple of days. I made myself presentable before stepping outside the door to my room.

I made my way through the silent hallways. This hotel was less extravagant, but it was safe and what I needed. There was no point in spending more money on something I difn't need. There wasn't anyone around to stare at me and the lobby was relatively empty. I got a friendly goodbye before I stepped out the glass doors and into New York, the city of my dreams.

It was a warm morning. I got to sleep in until 10 so that was a bit comforting. But the deep sadness had nagged its way into my chest, planting its self there. I felt broken and I desperately needed to fix that. But right now, I was focusing on walking to the cafe to grab myself some breakfast. I had big plans for today.

The city was breath taking. My hotel was in a safe area, thanks to the nice cab driver and it was close to many places to get what I needed. The part of city I was at, wasn't too busy. But there was groups of people here and there. I found a bit of peace here. I don't know why, but I did. The warmth of the sun kissed my face. I walked with my head held high. I had nothing to worry about here. No one knew me, or knew what I had did in my past. Even more important, no one could find me this time.

But I did feel horrible. My body ached with guilt and my mind was being chewed at with the feeling of failure. I had no place with Daniel, or anyone back there. I would have myself and that's all I needed. Something in me wasn't too sure of that. Not too many people looked at me strangely for the markings, but they did feel me. The humans felt the power radiating off of me as I grew stronger each day.

My birthday was on the summer solstice which happened to be exactly one week from today. Then, the spell holding my powers back would be broken. My full powers would be exposed to the world. I was terrified though. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I hurt anyone. I was already powerful, just thinking about what I would be capable of frightened me.

Whenever I used my powers, I felt something deep inside of me. I thought of what I wanted to do and I reached deep and touched my power source. Then I would be able to do what I needed. When I first used my powers, my power source was foggy with the strong spell. I could only manage small things, like moving a chair or stopping a ball. My power source was vast and at the time I could only reach part of it. Healing and telekinesis was all I could do with the spell. But every day as the spell weakened, I felt my body strengthen and my power source become more accessible. In one week I would be able to do many things and I was scared about how I would change.

A soft breeze pulled my hair from my face. My feet padded over the concrete and my arms hung beside me without an immediate purpose. As I neared the cafe I was told about by the lady at the desk, I felt my tummy rumble. Where I was, the buildings were not nearly as tall as the ones off in the distance but they were much larger then what I was used to. People rode their bikes down the new paved road and cars passed me in a hurry.

I opened the single door to the brown brick building and entered. A bell above me rang, to notify my entrance. Inside, there was a wall of booths, the center of the room filled with single tables and chairs. To the right was a counter with a glass display case and beyond that was the double doors to the kitchen. The cafe wasn't too busy but there was a handful of people here and there. No one looked up when I entered.

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