Chapter 17

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Charlie told me to come to him when I was ready to talk. Now seemed like the time, seeing that Sebastian was not being logical or fair. I was hurt by his words, but I was prepared for them. I set up a shield around my heart the day I left the hotel in Texas. I knew that I wasn't going to be hurt again. And I wouldn't be. Sebastian would not phase me. I couldn't let myself pretend like the last few days felt real.

One of the guys who was watching over the room I woke in lead me silently down the hallway. The hallways were cold and bare, the lighting dim. I had no idea of what kind of building we were in, but that didn't matter. I was determined to make a life for myself and I would protect innocent people. I didn't care what it took, I would do it. I was not weak anymore. I could do things for myself. I didn't believe that before, but I did now. I didn't care if anyone else looked at me as weak, I would prove them wrong.

We approached a door and the man knocked. "Come in." Called a voice. I kept my head held high as I entered the door way. The guy stayed behind, but I entered the brightly light room alone. There was a large desk in the center of the room with three monitors set on one side of the dark oak desk. Charlie sat at the desk, papers piled in front of him and his eyes were on one of the screens.

He didn't say anything as I sat on one of the chairs in front of his desk. Charlie gave me an odd look when he saw me, sitting on the chair so casually. "Good morning." I said, boldly. My stomach was jumping with butterflies but I had a mission to do. I had to play my cards right. "It's near noon now." Charlie replied, a suspicious look on his face. The dull throb in my face was slowly subsiding as my body healed its self.

"I'm guessing you would like to see the news right about now." Charlie stood from his chair and pointed a remote at the tv that hung on the wall to my left. Charlie scrolled through a few channels, though everyone had the same report on. On the screen, a woman stood in front of Seabreeze with a grim expression on her face. Behind her, crime scene tape was pulled across the the gates of the entrance. The woman spoke of a terrorist attack with fire arms and bombs, though she of course did not know the truth. Witnesses spoke of bright light and people who seemed inhuman. The woman also said there was an unknown body count that wasn't being released to the public. I didn't want to watch, and I felt the words flow pass me, but I kept my eyes on the horrific screen.

Then, a young man came onto the screen. It was the one I healed. He looked pale and shaken but he stood beside his sister, alive. "There was a girl. She saved my life and... and I would have died. I saw myself dying. But the girl was like an angel. I think she was." Before he could finish, Charlie clicked off the screen.

"Isn't that interesting?" Charlie said with mock concern. "How about we talk about our agreement?" I said, annoyance laced my voice. Charlie nodded slowly, before sitting back in his chair, across from me. "The prophecies are true, but I cannot do anything yet, until four or five days from now." I relaxed back in my seat, while Charlie leaned forward visibly tense. "And why is that?" His voice was sharp, like a knife cutting the air. "There's a spell over me, that will break on the summer solstice." I began. He narrowed his eyes at me, clearly skeptical of the whole thing. "Am I supposed to believe this all?"

I sighed impatiently. "You have no choice. After all of the things you have done, no Necromancer would want to help you. I doubt any fallen angels would either since you have nothing to offer. I am your only chance at bringing your brother back and there is no certainty that I will. After all, you did beat me unconscious." The certainty in my voice kept my hands from shaking. I was scared, but I wouldn't let him know that.

A necromancer was a term I learnt from my big book of all things Mythical, a long time ago. Necromancers could communicate with the dead, summon spirits and bring back life. A fallen angel was an angel that took the dark path, that wanted to be evil. Fallen angels had wings as dark as night.

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