Chapter 5

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I lifted my head for an explanation from anyone who could deliver. But what I ended up seeing killed me a little more inside. Atticus kept his distance from me. He looked at me as if he were so unsure of who I really was. Even though I was unsure of myself, that didn't mean that I needed everyone else to be too. Especially Atticus. He meant the world to me. He never let me down. But here, my best friend, stood looking at me as if at any moment I would grow a second head.

"You see, when Arianna died the day before and I revived her-" Woah woah. Slow down there angel. "Died?" I chocked on the word. He nodded simply. "Have you ever been visited before through a dream, or in your mind maybe..?" I nodded my head quickly. "A few months ago Pierce dream walked into her mind. That was when I knew for sure I had to prepare for a fight. Pierce just took her sooner then planned." Daniel spoke up. Is that why he turned pale when I asked him about the man with purple eyes in my dream? But that also means that I was just an accessory to this whole 'plan'. I knew something happened between them when Bane made that comment before they fought. There was something I was missing here. Was I not why Daniel came to the head quarters?

"Arianna, Pierce Vega visited you in a dream and he killed you. He knew that you would somehow be revived, so he made sure to drug you with a mixture of Dust and his own blood. I have never seen anything like it before. You were dead but you didn't let go of your soul. That is not normal." His smooth voice stated. A lot of thoughts were turning through my head. How could I just forget this all happened?

"What exactly is Dust?" I asked. I had heard of it many times before and I tried to put the pieces together to solve it, but I didn't get too far. "It is like a drug, for Mythical beings. It gives a temporary power advance, but it is highly addictive and it can turn a being into a mindless drone very easily. Bane Vega created the damned concoction to build his own army." Explained the angel. "Your parents had exhausted their powers and they figured that they could trust Bane. They were so idiotic to the point that they rather make a contract with him than to have everyone know that they weren't as powerful as they believed." Daniel snapped. He was still pacing around the room. I didn't know what to think, or how to process any of what was said. I was discovering the truth, very slowly.

The angel sent Daniel a hard glare. "When I was told what was happening to you, I honestly did not believe it. Until I saw you of course. I gave you life again. But, something happened. My aura and Pierce's filthy aura collided." Angel put a finger on his chin as he thought. The purity I felt, must have been the life he had given me and the burning must have been Pierce. I sat on the bed, in deep thought as I processed everything the angel was telling me.

"A demon aura and an angel aura collided. And that is why you look like this. As to if its permanent... I don't know. You have surprised us all so far. Arianna, you should be dead right now. A demon in its self is a powerful creature. Its blood can kill or immortalize a thousand men. The same goes for an angel. When two powerful things collide like they did, horrible things happen." Every head turned to the angel as he spoke. My eyes widened even farther then they already have. Was I some kind of ticking time bomb? Was my immediate death certain? Being ugly seemed not to be my biggest problem.

"I'll watch over you Arianna. I can't have you dying, now can I?'' He laughed in his pure voice and turned his attention to Daniel. "As for you, all of my trust in you has died. Zaine, watch over the girl. And your brother." Daniel's eyes flared in anger. His pupils grew darker. "Gabriel..." He said slowly. Gabriel? "Your name is Gabriel?" I asked in a soft voice. He turned his head to look at me and he nodded. "Do... do you have a son of the same name?" I asked him. He nodded again and turned his attention to me. "He's my friend..." A smile grew over his face. "I haven't seen him since he was born. How is he?" Well I had to think about that. We made up before I left and I missed him a lot. "He has definitely grown up to be rather emotional." My voice sounded really small. I was really nervous though, I can't be blamed. Gabriel senior, Gabriel the first, Gab- what ever you want to call him- laughed heartily.

The door opened. And I turned my attention to the front of the room. Everyone fell even more silent then they already were. Sebastian walked into the room. By the looks on everyone's faces, he was unwanted. Even Gabriel frowned. "What the hell are you doing here?" Daniel spat out viciously. No one told him to calm down this time. Sebastian looked calm and composed. He was wearing a typical black hoody and jeans. What else.

"If you must know, I came to check on Arianna." Daniel laughed loudly, but he wasn't humored. "Is that what you said when you took her from her room at night?" Daniel no longer cared about the feelings of others in the least. There was a few murmurs of agreement, even from Atticus. "As I remember Daniel. I was the one to get Arianna out of the building and I was the one to drive her to the safe house. You were busy getting your hands covered in blood." Sebastian shrugged his shoulders as if what he said was no big deal.

Daniel closed the distance between him and Sebastian. The rest of the men, Zaine, Atticus and even Gabriel were ready to back him up.

Sebastian an Daniel were the same height. "You have killed plenty of people and you could care less. Why are you being a hypocrite now?" Sebastian smiled. His hard features were not forgiving. "Last person I ended was two years ago. The last person you killed was an innocent boy who was trying to escape the building. His name was Dennis Hornbrough, though I doubt you care who you kill at the end of the day." My mouth dropped and my hand covered my mouth.

Dennis. He was the reason I escaped and called Zaine. Thats how they knew where the building was. Dennis had risked everything for a person he never met before. His actions were proof of his heart being pure. And now he was dead. "D-Dennis?" I mumbled. I would not cry, but I couldn't help but feel a deep sorrow. Everyone who tried to help me ended up dead. I brought this on them. Daniel looked and me, then back to Shadow. "Why do you claim to care about her when you took her in the first place?"

Sebastian looked at me. Our eyes met and we exchanged an understanding. I had helped him and he returned the favor. He was a friend to me. He wasn't as bad as he looked. "I made a mistake. And I'm doing what I can to heal what I did. But you Daniel, you constantly make mistakes that you leave for other people to take care of. And weren't you the one who planned this all in the first place? To get close to Bane and Pierce?"

Gabriel stepped forward and started into Sebastian's eyes. Everyone was moving closer to him, ready to hurt him. I moved back on the bed. I didn't want anyone hurt, that's all I ever ask for. "You are a little puppet to Bane and Pierce Vega. You watch as things burn and it makes you happy. You are a manipulative creature, Shadow." Gabriel's voice boomed through the room. "I'm a puppet to no one. I no longer work for them. Besides, I'm not a dead-beat dad, Mr. Perfect."

Gabriel shoved Sebastian and he went falling backwards. He hit the wall with a crack and as soon as he stood up straight, four powerful men surged forward to attack him. I closed my eyes and put two hands over my ears. I couldn't take all of this. I felt my bottled up anger release itself. It was so easy to toss everyone aside in the room. The fight was broken up, but I now how to deal with angry men who could and would hurt me.

I opened my eyes to see a dazed group of confused people stand to their feet. They were each tossed away from each other and across the spacious room. I was practically drowning in my own emotions. I was confused and angry and upset. Gabriel hardly moved from his original spot, though.

I hugged my knees to my chest and hid my face. "I'll leave." Sebastian called. I had already heard the door close shut before anyone responded. "Forgive me, for my behaviour. I will see you later, Arianna." Then Gabriel left to. The two other men that I didn't know, said their goodbyes to Daniel and Atticus. I never raised my head.

But I did look up when I felt the bed dip. Atticus was sitting on the edge and he had his head down. "I'm not going to lie. You have changed. And I probably have too. I don't know what you had to go through there and I can already see that the road won't be easy ahead. But it doesn't matter. I'll still be your best friend and you will be mine. Arianna, you are the strongest person I have ever met. I love you and I will love your changes." Atticus said in a soft voice. Then the door slammed closed and this time it was Daniel leaving.

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