Our Many Meetings

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Xochiyotl finally gets her chance to hopefully stop Diana's jealous antics during Diana and Marcus' 2 year dating anniversary when she takes them to a festival Oakland holds every year where there is dancing and a whole bunch of other fun stuff before she gets that chance she actually made the jealousy grow by dancing with her brother it was during that dance that she saw the one man she could HOPEFULLY get to help her out that she wouldn't mind doing the things that her mind thought of doing to make her hope become a reality what was even better was.... at least at the moment.... the man was alone sitting at at table near the dancefloor drinking a beer "I think I'm about to piss you off!"  she whispers into her brothers ear as they dance he leans back and looks at her oddly she nods towards the scarred cheek Scott and says softly "I have a plan and it MAY involve him!"  he turns his head and sees Filip "Chibs" Telford sitting at a nearby table with a beer in his hand and smiles "wish me luck!"  she says as the dance ends he chuckles as he watches her walk away "oh go spend time with the jealous one!"  she teases he laughs then walks over to the woman he loves and sits down at the table she was sitting at and they both watch Xochiyotl as she walks over to the unsuspecting Reaper who finally sees her walking towards him and the mans eyes widen at the sight then follow the beauty as she sits on the arm of his chair and asks as she cups his kutte and slides that cupped hand down the lip of it "mind doing me a favor smiley!?"  Chibs' eyebrow raises at her "nickname" for him and he asks "what sort of favor you askin for luv!?"  she coos as she straddles herself on his lap then leans forward so that they're practically nose to nose and traces his Sons of Anarchy patch and he watches every move she makes with a intrigued expression on his face "oh I'm sure you're used to this type of favor!"  she slides her hands up and down his shirt as she continues and his body quivers excitedly at the soft warm feeling of her touch "you see I have this problem.... my brother's girlfriend thinks he has a crush on me"  he chuckles then asks "who's your brother!?"  she turns her body halfway on his lap and points at Marcus who waves with his fingers with a smile Chibs' eyes widen then he asks as she turns her attention back to him "what do I have to do!?"  she replies softly as she leans forward once more "hopefully not much!"  her lips meet his with a sensually soft kiss which he deepens automatically for he's been waiting to feel this exact feeling since he first saw her a few years back and he starts to realize why she made the moves she made she's been working this plan that she had in her head since she started walking in his direction and he smiles she grips his kutte and gently pulls him towards the dance floor without letting his lips go "you don't mind do you!?"  she asks as she wraps her arms around his neck and they start dancing "not at all luv"  he replies with a smile "names Xochiyotl though most just call me Chiyo or Xochi they're easier and shorter"  she tells him he chuckles then replies "Filip"  she says softly into his ear as she leans forward so that their chests were pressed so close together it almost looked like they were one "pleasure to meet you Filip"  he smiles then replies softly into her ear "pleasures all mine gorgeous"  she smiles then lays her head on his shoulder as they continue dancing.... "how long have they been together!?"  Diana asks Marcus as they watch Xochiyotl and Chibs dance "about a year"  Marcus replies with a smile Diana's eyes widen "with him being a Reaper she...."  Marcus starts Diana nods with a shocked expression on her face.... "how long have they been dating!?"  Chibs asks Xochiyotl as they dance "two years, they've know each other for 10"  she replies he laughs then says "you must have the patience of a saint!"  she replies "actually I've been ignoring it it also helps that I only come to visit on "special" days birthdays, anniversary's like this one, Thanksgiving and Christmas"  after a small pause she adds "then again I have been waiting to do that for quite some time I must say it was a great first kiss!"  his eyes widen and he looks at her with a shocked expression on his face she smiles and says "what can I say I haven't found anyone worthy of me before you!"  he smiles then leans forward hoping she'll allow him to "give back" what she gave him and his lips meet hers in a gentle kiss and though he wanted to do so much more he was willing to wait not to mention her brother was watching and though Marcus may allow these "small" things he was sure he wouldn't allow the "bigger" and just as if not more so impactful things to happen especially in front of a audience and on the dancefloor he also wanted to respect her as a woman and not just because she isn't a Crow Eater or a Sweet Butt "I've also been waiting for one of us to introduce ourselves to each other but at least for me it felt wrong to walk away from those I rarely see anymore just to do something so small not to mention you were with other Reapers whenever I saw you before"  she says softly he smiles.... that night Xochiyotl and Chibs make it look like they left together then went their separate ways Chibs smiles when he sees her climb onto a Harley with a wave then drive off.... a few nights later Marcus asks Diana to marry him and much to his surprise and happiness she says yes though she didn't seem happy to see his sister at their wedding as a matter of fact his sister told him that Diana tried to disown her by "using the power of their marriage" to get rid of her.....

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