Rules Are About To Change In Our House🏡

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"Chibby you and I need to have a conversation!"  Chibs hears Xochiyotl say from inside a Clubhouse apartment with a playfully demanding tone "uh oh!"  Bobby who was standing beside him at the bar says for everyone knows she never calls him by his ...

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"Chibby you and I need to have a conversation!"  Chibs hears Xochiyotl say from inside a Clubhouse apartment with a playfully demanding tone "uh oh!"  Bobby who was standing beside him at the bar says for everyone knows she never calls him by his nickname Chibs on the other hand was all smiles from the moment he heard her speak to now "that's her version of "hubby" if she calls me "Chibs" THEN I'm in trouble!"  Chibs tells Bobby who chuckles he lifts his shot glass and gulps down the last swallow of his drink, sets the shot glass down and walks towards then into the apartment he heard the love of his life's voice come from once he enters the room Xochiyotl closes the door halfway then says in Scottish Gaelic "I'm thinking about stopping birth control"  Chibs becomes excited but does his best to hide it as he replies in Scottish Gaelic "why are you telling me this!?!"  she says in Scottish Gaelic "because this is a decision for the both of us and if I do this the rules are going to change!"  he chuckles then he sees the serious look on her face and frowns "how are they going to change!?!"  he asks in Scottish Gaelic "well for starters when our child is born you will no longer be spending the night here at the club I don't care how long the job takes but you will come straight home!.... I learned from my brother what it's like when one with children "puts the club first" as I know is a "rule" for MC's but that will NOT be happening in our home! when it's just you and me that's one thing but if you do that to our child I WILL leave you!"  she replies in Scottish Gaelic he frowns as she continues in Scottish Gaelic "now I'm not saying that you can't come around here but it won't be as constant or a all day thing our child deserves to know his father he will not grow up thinking he or she is being ignored by the man they'll look up to and love unconditionally and if you make it so that does happen I will make it so that you're just a "on call guy"!"  he chuckles then sees that she is trying to hold back her tears and hugs her and says softly in Scottish Gaelic as he places his chin on the top of her head "I promise that won't happen!"  she looks up at him and says in Scottish Gaelic "it already has!"  he looks at her oddly then frowns for he realizes that she's talking about his daughter Kerrianne "you can use the fact that you both live in different countries all you like but truth be told you have had many chances to use the money you get from the jobs to fly over and see her or you could even try social media which you know she has!"  she says in Scottish Gaelic he chuckles for he does indeed know that for they (his daughter and his Mexican woman) found each other on it when Aracelia posted a picture of her (Xochiyotl) and him together back when they first started dating and his daughter saw it then started asking her questions and she got ahold of Xochiyotl now Xochiyotl and Kerrianne go back and forth every now and again on Aracelia's social media page which made Chibs happy "though that bitch of a mother she has may just be another excuse and if I were you I would have found a way to see my daughter just to piss the old hag off which I'm guessing it would have done!"  she tells him in Scottish Gaelic he laughs "as a matter of fact if we ever do have a child you better prepare for a trip cause there is no way I'm going to allow your daughter to not get to know her brother and or sister that wife of yours yes your daughter no way in hell!"  Xochiyotl says in Scottish Gaelic he chuckles then hugs her once again this time a little tighter than the last for now he was almost to the point of tears.... after a minute or so Chibs leaves the room and finds Gemma waiting on the other side with her hands on her hips "what did you two talk about?!"  Gemma asks "the huge mole on the tip of his cock I'm worried it may be cancerous and was going to have Jax take a look at it for there's no way I'm going to allow that bitch of his stare at it! it's so bad he's even named it! he calls it ceann mòr which is.... oh wait never mind!"  Xochiyotl says as she walks out of the room Chibs bursts out laughing Gemma looks at them oddly "it's big head in Scottish Gaelic"  Chibs tells Gemma once his laughter stops Gemma rolls her eyes then walks away with a huff Chibs hugs then kisses the woman he loves and murmurs with a growl "oh you bad bad woman!"  she replies with a shrug "maybe she'll finally stop sticking her nose where it doesn't belong I doubt it but still!"  he chuckles then kisses her lips she pats his back then says "we better go find Jax if we can't find him I'll have Bobby look at it!"  he laughs and they walk towards the bar and sit on a stool with her sitting on his lap....

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