Baby It's You I've Been Lookin For👶🏻

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 "He's a idiot!"  Opie hears Aracelia whisper from behind him as she walks up to the door of the Reaper Clubhouse apartment they were in as Tara walks towards Jax's he chuckles softly as she cups her hand over his shoulder then says "yes he is!"  he looks down at her as she stands at his side "you do that to me Xochiyotl will cut your cock off!"  she tells him he chuckles then replies with a smile "I'm not that stupid!"  she smiles and he kisses her lips "well you kinda are after all you just lied to her for him!"  she says he chuckles "I can't imagine that blonde slut being any good anyway!"  she says he laughs then they walk to the bar side by side with their arms around one anothers waists.... Xochiyotl and Aracelia were both there to say goodbye to their men "read this later but keep it to yourself!"  Aracelia whispers to Opie as she placed a folded piece of paper into his hand he looks at it oddly but nods then feels her kiss his lips and he smiles then walks towards the van once he gets inside he opens up the paper and finds out that he's going to be a father and he begins to understand why she asked him to keep it under wraps and though he tried to contain his excitement Chibs saw him grin in a way he hasn't in a very long time he looks down at the paper, pats Opie on the shoulder then whispers "congrats man"  Opie nods then looks at Chibs and realizes he's been keeping the same secret then he whispers "you too"  Chibs winks with a smile Opie chuckles then folds that paper back up and slides it into his pants pocket and both men become stoic as the others start piling into the van then they drive off.... now there's something I should explain before I continue on with the story what Xochiyotl doesn't know is that Aracelia made her tease a semi-reality by getting two of Kerrianne's Oakland friends who she also met via social media two very dangerous friends for they're li'l sisters to the leaders of the One-Niners and Lin Triad to help her out no they didn't tie Kerrianne up but they "trained" her in how to make it look like she was they even used one of her friends bedrooms which they had darkened as her "prison" so she felt comfortable even though she wasn't supposed to look that way Kerrianne had a hard time trying not to smile but they got a few pictures of her looking like she was supposed to and they mailed them along with a letter to Jimmy O and Fiona they only did that after the letter Kerrianne wrote to her mother didn't pan out like Xochiyotl might have hoped what Fiona doesn't know is that Jimmy O was so busy with his own shit he never sent anyone to look for Kerrianne like he promised he would however Chibs does find out what Aracelia did when Fiona shows up at the Belfast charter and she shows him what she received he allows his shock to show but hides his chuckle as Fiona says shaking the papers in her hand angrily "I told her the world outside her home, away from me and Jimmy was dangerous!"  and that is what pissed him off but he hid it well but he made her even angrier when he handed her the divorce papers and had her sign them he even made sure she did it in front of everyone "I should have done this a long time ago! the day you chose him over me but I loved you too much and now that love is gone!"  he growls softly into her ear as he hands her the papers she grits her teeth and signs on the dotted line while whispering angrily through her teeth "this is all her fault!"  he replies with a smile "perhaps, but I finally found myself a woman who's taught me what true love is about YOU never showed me that so I'm grateful for her and her "horrible influence".."  she growls as she squeezes the pen in anger.... the guys meet these two friends of Kerrianne during the Ireland Welcome party that the Belfast charter holds for them Nefertiti Wayne and Qinyang Lin Juice was shocked to see Qinyang there "I know you want to keep us a secret from them but I figured this would be a good time for me to see you"  she whispers as she slides her body onto his lap as he sits in a chair in the middle of the party "I miss you!"  she coos alluringly "I miss you too!"  he replies she leans forward and kisses his lips then says softly "well I guess I should play my part huh?!"  he smiles as she starts a slow sensually sexy lap dance and his smile grows into a grin....

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