Et Carpe Vitae

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Chibs spends a few hours with Xochiyotl and Pádraic allowing his heart and body to calm completely and once Pádraic becomes tired he puts him to bed and tries his hand at singing his wife's lullaby for him after his son falls asleep he heads to the bedroom he shares with his wife then makes her nightmare a reality as he "fights" her before making love to her it's going to be hard to explain those bruises to the guys the next morning he was betting Happy would be the only one who understood them and would probably smile when he saw them... the next morning after dropping his son off at preschool then heading back home Chibs asks Xochiyotl "why'd you tell Packer!?!"  she replies "your boy needs to learn that actions have consequences and I figured he would listen better to someone outside his familial club than he would from inside it for even with all the darkness he's created he still wants to look like the "good guy" the one you can count on for anything beside I "gave you permission" to stay by his side no matter what so in a manner of speaking I would have gone against my own word if I did it any other way not to mention I don't think he would listen to any of you anyway I don't know what the other Prez's plan on using for his punishment I was hoping he'd only lose the prez patch and quite possibly never get it again but.... I think he wants more for in a manner of speaking he has nothing left"  he looks at her oddly "he saw Tara and Wendy being all lovey in the background during the "video conference" can you imagine what must be going through his mind now!? if he hadn't seen that maybe he might have thought there'd be something when he finished what he "set out to do" but I doubt it he put himself in a position where there just might not be any type of escape he lived in a house that was full of memories of what he lost and now may never gain again and that was what made what he did easier for it tore him up inside so there would be nothing left he physically tortured himself just so he could do what he did and make it "feel" right to him more than anyone else you guys let him do it because you love him but truth be told Filip we all could have done better! he would never listen to me completely because all I am is a "Old Lady" and my opinion doesn't matter in your world! but you and Bobby as well as all the others could have tried harder to help him heal in a better way instead of allowing all the misleadingly unnecessary death and destruction from even starting! its like I told Unser you guys never put it together that he was lying from the get go because you never questioned the fact that his children went missing while they were with all of you at Scoops when they supposedly were kidnapped it never dawned on you to question that lie for reasons even I have no clue about! and I "screwed up" because I also allowed that and every other lie to live on for far too long for reasons I don't even know! I could make excuses but they'd make no sense and the main excuse I'd use is because I love you and it would hurt you if I went against him in anyway but now after all that has been done all that it's STILL going on hell thanks to Jax and his lies and darkness our son rarely ever gets to see his father even though he promised ever so long ago before he was even born he'd be home every night and never stay at the club when there was no business for him to do but now that you're Jax's VP there's always things for you to do because you're stuck staying by the lost souls side because of all the shit he's done the darkness he's caused!... there is no light at the end of his tunnel Filip! for I believe he WANTS something more than losing his patch thanks to Asa he didn't lose Bobby and thanks to me he didn't kill Jury...."  she says "why would he kill Jury!?!"  he asks "Jax planned on killing both of Jury's little helpers how would you have acted if Jax or someone like him killed Kerrianne or Pádraic!?!"  she asks "Jury wouldn't....!"  he starts "it doesn't matter! Jax would have probably used that as a excuse to....! why do you think he waited so long to "take care of" the club's rat!?! he wouldn't need proof just a excuse and with how much you all trust him despite all the darkness and death he brought into our home you all would have believed him!"  she replies he slumps into a nearby chair as everything she said sinks into his entire mind, heart and body "you probably hate me for what I did but after what happened last night I doubt you do!"  she says he chuckles she walks over to him and straddles herself onto his lap then softly kisses his lips then says softly "I love you Filip, I know those words don't mean much to him anymore but I also know they mean the world to you!"  he looks into her eyes and replies softly "they do! especially coming from you!"  then he kisses her lips but unlike her he didn't let her lips go and he makes love to her in their kitchen he smiles when he remembers what she said when he made love to her in front of all his SAMCRO brothers in the Red Woody parking lot "no one taped it right!?!"  she teases knowing what thought popped in his head he laughs then says with a slight growl in his tone "if they did they're going to be in big trouble!"  she chuckles then kisses his lips a few hours later Xochiyotl heads to work and Chibs heads to Red Woody where they have a Chapel meeting and patch in T.O. then go out on a job he has yet to find out what Packer and the other Prez's have planned for Jax he does however find out after the job was over and he and Jax sit on the roof having a smoke and he finds out that his wife is right Jax made sure he got the Mayhem vote and Jax asked him to make sure the guys agreed to it no matter what and it broke his heart which slowly started to mend when he saw that his wife and son were waiting with Marcus who he, Jax, Happy and Tig were meeting before going to see one of the IRA Kings named Brendan Roarke and Conner with a little help from his buddy Hugh of course they didn't stay long because of said meeting but he was still happy to see them and they were happy to see him.... Chibs was surprised yet happy to see his family at Red Woody when he returns to it and this time he got to spend more time with them before he had to tell his club brothers the bad news and of course Althea had to come and ruin that moment for him.... Xochiyotl and Pádraic walk to the door of Red Woody with Chibs and Xochiyotl gives him a kiss then smacks his ass before heading back inside with Ratboy following them for Pádraic took his hand and led him inside Chibs saw the expression of jealousy in Althea's eyes and he hid a smile.... though he could have been smiling at the fact his son dragged Ratboy inside with him and his mother he hides his anger when Althea says with a smirk "she work here!?!"  Chibs replies "state your business and get out Sheriff"  Althea's smirk disappears for even she could tell she pissed him off just by his words for his tone and posture told her nothing after a short pause he says as he places his hand on the handle of the door "if there isn't anything you I'm going back inside to spend time with my family and you better leave"  she replies "I'm here to let you know I no longer want your pay off from now on, I'm just a cop, you're just an outlaw we both do what we have to do"  he says "that's a mistake but it's your life you do what you want to do just know that cops who land on the wrong side of us.... they tend to go away"  she asks "are you threatening me?"  he replies "don't have to history doesn't lie stay safe, sheriff"  then he opens the door and heads back inside with the smile that he hid from Althea on his face but it quickly disappears when he remembers what he and his brothers "have" to do and he sets a meeting in Chapel to let those who don't know know about it before Jax returns and they get it done....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30 ⏰

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