Were We Really Born For This?!

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After dropping Althea off at home Chibs realizes the same thing his wife did and he takes out his phone to call himself a ride and as soon as he had it in his hand it started ringing he stares at it with a worried expression on his face then sees his wife and son's smiling faces stare at him from the screen and he smiles then answers the call "have fun!?!"  he hears his wife tease with a smile in her tone "not really!"  he replies with a smile which grows when he hears her laugh "well there's been a slight change in plans instead of you picking us up we're picking you up though it's going to be a tight squeeze since we're riding your Harley"  she tells him he laughs then gives her the address, tells her he loves her then hangs up.... a few minutes later he sees his wife and son ride up on his bike then park next to him Pádraic hands him a helmet which makes him smile then he climbs on and they ride off to Kerrianne's place which surprised Chibs he figured she'd take them home.... "I figured you'd want to be with your entire family"  Xochiyotl says  as she parks in Kerrianne's driveway Chibs smiles as the three of them climb off the Harley he kisses both his wife and son then wraps his arm around their waists and they head towards the front door Pádraic knocks Kerrianne answers with a smile then lets them in and they spend the rest of the night with the entire family sleeping in the spare room together Chibs, Pádraic and Xochiyotl in the spare bed Kerrianne and Azucena in theirs.... Nero was upset about Colette dying for a cause that had nothing to do with him or his girls yet relieved about Asase... who if you recall was at Scoops.... who he was getting pretty close to pretty quickly.... Chibs wakes up to a phone call and quickly gets out of bed when he hears what Happy tells him on the other end Xochiyotl wakes up to the feeling of his quick movements and looks at him with a worried expression on his face he walks over to her and says softly "I'm sorry I have to go you two stay here, I love you both"  she nods he kisses her lips then the top of their sleeping sons head, walks over to where he left his clothes, gets dressed then leaves.... once Asase and Xuannü left Scoops they head out to pick up Lucius.... Nero called the Home for Physically Challenged Youth giving permission for select girls from Diosa to pick his son up and Asase's one of them.... and take him to Asase's house they take him to Red Woody after Asase gets a call about Diosa and when Asase sees Jax leave she and Lucius follow him a few seconds later for she had a idea who he was going to meet.... "you see this is how real girls fight! almost looks like they're hugging don't it!?!"  Nero hears a soft nectarous voice tease then he hears a familiar chuckle and he looks up from his position on top of Jax with a surprised expression on his face and stops the "girly" brawl he started when he sees his new friend and his son standing nearby watching the cat fight with smiles on their faces just then Barosky walks out of his shop "why don't we go get some ice cream!?"  Asase asks Lucius who nods with a grin Nero chuckles as he stands up and straightens out his shirt he's grateful that she went to get his son and made sure he was safe from all the shit Jax created and when he got to Red Woody he was happy to see both of them there.... before heading to Red Woody Chibs heads to his daughters place to talk to his wife about what was going on "you think it might be Barosky!?!"  she asks he looks at her oddly "well think about it he's a dirty ex-cop and much like the lives you've lived that persona doesn't leave you plus much like Clay did he'll do anything to keep his powerbase and the money he makes not to mention he doesn't like it when things don't go his way so maybe this is HIS payback for all the shit that's went wrong in "his quadrant" that he "knows" is Jax's fault"  she tells him "I don't know Jury that well but he's a soldier and a loyal one at that he's not greedy and seems more like a peace over than a war guy for I'm sure he's seen his fill of that we all have!"  she adds he nods then kisses her lips and says softly "I've got to go"  she replies with a smile "not before you say see you later to your son and daughter"  he smiles then heads out back where his son, daughter and possibly soon to be daughter in law are playing and says see you later to each of them as he gives them each a hug and a kiss on the temple before leaving again.... when the guys got to Diosa the next morning they saw that everything was already in order paperwork wise and there was a bottle of heavy liquor and a few shot glasses on the bar waiting for them "must have been Asase from what I understand she took over for Lyla when she started full time at Red Woody"  Quinn says when he sees them and the guys smile then Tig walks over to the bar and fills the glasses and the guys drink in memoriam of those who died.... once the guys get to TM they watch Xuannü take charge of all the guys with smirks on their faces she "allowed" them to use the office for their meeting which made their smiles grow and they thank her for her "kindness" they chuckle when she rolls her eyes at them and she gets back to work they notice that even though all the guys seem to like working for her they don't look at or touch her "I may have told them I was dating Quinn and that he'd gauge their eyes out with a spoon if they look at me and chop their hands off with a butter knife if they tried to touch me I hope he doesn't mind!"  she tells them as she turns to face them and they laugh as she turns back around and heads towards the shop.... when Quinn and Chibs get to TM Bobby tells them what Xuannü told them Quinn turns and raises a eyebrow at the woman who was now speaking with a customer then says "no I don't mind at all!"  and the guys laugh....

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