Who's A Rat!?!

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That night Thomas and Abel have a sleepover at Chibs and Xochiyotl's place with Xochiyotl, Kerrianne, Azucena and Pádraic and Gemma fails her test for she drove to the Clubhouse higher than a kite and crashed her car as she started to fall asleep at the wheel Phil was asked to stay at the clubhouse and wait for Gemma who never showed and Nefertiti hired one of Luanne's girls to stay the night with him so he didn't get too bored by himself.... when Jax was at the cabin with Tara, Tig, Chibs and a dead body he learns what Tara had done with Gemma then he learns that Gemma failed the test when Tara got a call from St Thomas informing her that her husbands mother was now there as a patient and they decide together to not let Gemma around the kids anymore and once they got to the hospital Tara became pissed when she saw Xochiyotl walk into the waiting room and over to Chibs she calms when she hears Xochiyotl say calmly as she makes herself at home on her fiancée's lap and slides her fingers through his hair as she places her forehead up against his "I left them with Kerri and Cena"  Tara should have known better than to think that woman would leave her kids at home by themselves especially since she never does that with her own Xochiyotl leaves when Chibs has to get back to it.... later that afternoon Xochiyotl finds out that Frankie took her fiancée as a hostage so he could get away scot-free when he went to the new Diosa to get the money Clay promised him from Jax and she went looking for him.... Chibs not Frankie.... and when she found him she took him to Emergency Care to get checked up for his head was once again bleeding "don't worry I'll leave him for you and the club"  she tells him as they drive in the family car to the hospital he chuckles "you're more important anyway!"  she adds she quickly kisses his lips then turns her attention back to the road and he smiles "luckily Abel and Thomas went back home I don't want Tara to try and bitch at me for "leaving them alone" when she knows full well I'd never do that!"  she says he chuckles once they were done at Emergency Care she takes him to the Reaper Clubhouse so the guys know he's alright she tried to head home but he gripped her wrist and pulled her down onto his lap locking his arms around her waist forcing her to stay she chuckles with a smile then turns her head and kisses his lips she does however leave his lap when Jax walks over to where they are with Tig, Phil and Bobby Jax looks at her departing figure oddly "went to take a shower said it was unlike a lady to stay in the same outfit for more than one day and not clean herself"  Chibs tells him Jax chuckles shaking his head with a smile then says "that's true!"  the guys chuckle.... after her shower Xochiyotl once again turns one of Chibs' shirts into a dress without sewing or cutting it but by the time she got out the guys were in Chapel so she sat at the bar waiting it didn't feel right to her to leave without letting Chibs know so he didn't sorry about her... Chibs was happy to see the woman he loves sitting at the bar once again in one of his shirts he walks over to her and slides his hand along her lower back which catches her attention then he kisses her lips as she turns her head to face him and tells her he had to go so she should head home "you know what.... bring her with"  Jax says to Chibs who looks at him curiously with a raised eyebrow "I'm sure she'd like to make him pay for damaging your head more"  Jax tells him Chibs smiles then gently pulls his fiancée off her bar stool with the hand he still had wrapped around her waist and walks her out the door then climb on his bike and ride off they of course had to make a pit stop when Clay's hand started to bother him Juice drove the van and became Clay's chauffeur afterwards Xochiyotl watches Juice walk away with a worried expression on her face "what's wrong!?!"  Chibs asks when he sees it "you know Juice he's gonna do whatever Clay tells him cause he's family and he knows what it's like to be as lonely as Clay feels not to mention Clay's counting on that soft heart of his to listen to his bullshit!"  she tells him she looks him in the eyes and whispers "look after him!.... I don't mean with Clay I'm talking about Jax he's changing getting darker!.... they're wrong the gavel doesn't corrupt the one who's holding it does, it's like saying guns kill when the person who "pulls" the trigger is the one who kills sure you can whack someone with it but you still need to swing or throw it to do so!"  he chuckles softly as she continues while massaging his shoulders "you're not the only father figure in his life but he's going to need you more than he'll ever need Clay!"  he nods then kisses her lips "by the way Jax Juice isn't your rat"  she says Jax looks at her then replies "I wasn't thinking he was but I bet you have a idea who it might be"  she says "so do you if you really think about it"  he looks at her questioningly "think about it.... how in the hell would someone NOT from Charming know about Donna "well enough" to use it "against" Ara?!"  she asks his eyes widen then he whispers with a surprised tone "Devon!"  then he asks "why would they use Juice?!"  she replies "according to Q Juice told her his pop is black.... that rules gotta change Jackson!"  both Chibs and Jax look at her with a surprised expression on their face "why didn't....!?!"  Jax asks "would you if you thought you'd have the entire Lin Triad up your ass for as long as it went on?! after all they have no idea her brother doesn't know who she's dating or that she's married!"  Chibs and Jax chuckle as she continues "my guess is they couldn't think of anyone else to use so they put a UC in as a Prospect though it helps that his uncle is his handler and Clay's new bosom buddy"  Jax looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "well Clay is the one who brought him in!"  she says he nods "we should get going"  she says Jax and Chibs start their bikes then they all ride to the Fisherman's Poker Club....

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