Should I Stay Or Should I Go

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Xochiyotl sat at her cousins dining room table with her cousin after they return from getting divorce papers for Chibs and paying for it and says half teasing "I had half a mind to fake Kerrianne's kidnapping just to piss her off! but after the way she acted at the hospital I thought better not too"  Aracelia chuckles then they hear Kerrianne say as the young lady walks into the room "do it!"  Xochiyotl looks at her with a surprised expression on her face then says "I think it would be better if you wrote to her and tell her how you feel trust me I know it's harder to do when you're face to face but you'll be surprised what comes out on paper not to mention if I did that she'd take it out on your father and he's dealing with enough at the moment"  Kerrianne nods... when Chibs came home Xochiyotl handed him a closed white envelope which he looked at oddly when he took it "go ahead, it's already paid for.... good luck getting her to sign it though!"  she tells him he becomes even more confused then he remembers their adoption conversation and opens it with hope in his eyes and becomes surprised when he finds legitimate divorce papers inside "like I said...."  she says with a smirk he wraps his arm around her back, pulls her close and kisses her and she chuckles into his lips which makes him smile "Kerrianne has been officiated as babysitter for tonight so we're both free to go"  she tells him at first he was confused then he realized she was talking about Opie's kids "I'm forcing him to pay her!"  she says with a smirk he chuckles as she continues "she tried to stop me but I told her that she wouldn't be living with us forever and she could save it for a house of her own, college or whatever"  he nods with a smile.... that night at Half Sack's wake Jax raises a eyebrow at Xochiyotl and Aracelia when he sees what they're wearing  "aren't you a bit overdressed!?!"  he teases with a smile "we thought it was appropriate he had half a sack we're wearing half a dress!"  Xochiyotl teases back Jax laughs Tara who was standing at his side rolls her eyes with a scoff "pick your next words very carefully Teller!"  Aracelia teases Jax chuckles then says with a smirk "you look nice"  she chuckles then rolls her eyes and walks over to where Opie stands and wraps her arm around his waist Opie looks down at her and kisses her lips his eyebrow raises when he sees her dress "I know you heard that converstation so don't you start!"  she says with a corner smirk he chuckles then kisses her lips and whispers as he places his forehead on hers "you look beautiful"  then they leave the room that Half Sack's casket was in so others could come in and say goodbye.... a few minutes later all hell breaks loose as a van drives by the funeral home and starts shooting those outside it like they were gangsters in a movie "shit!"  Xochiyotl whispers as she runs towards a mother and her child and pushes them down and ends up getting shot in the back near her shoulder blade as a reward for her heroics feeling the pain from the bullet then the blood she calls out with a worried tone "Chibs!!"  hearing her scream his nickname Chibs looks around frantically for her and when he finds her he sees her hugging a young blonde boy and blood all over her back "Jesus Christ!"  he whispers with a fearful tone then he rushes over to her "are they ok!?!.... is the baby!?!"  Xochiyotl asks softly when she feels Chibs gently grip her not bloody arm "I'm sure they're fine but you have to let the boy go for me to check on him"  Xochiyotl looks down at the boy she was holding and says softly as she lets him go "sorry!"  the boy looks at her, kisses her forehead.... probably as a thank you.... then rushes over to his mother who hugs him grateful to know that he's alright "I'm so sorry!"  Xochiyotl whispers as Chibs helps her into a sitting position the crying mother looks at her and says with a grateful tone "thank you for saving my son!"  Jax looks over at a bleeding Xochiyotl and a frantically worried looking Chibs who sits beside her checking her wound the best he can and he (Jax) becomes pissed then attacks the man Unser and Eglee had their guns pointed at and slams his face into the pavement a few times letting that anger and aggression he feels out until Clay, Opie and Bobby rush down and stop him pulling him away from the asshole that he at that moment in time wanted to kill.... one of the Reapers who didn't know before finally find out who Xochiyotl is related to when a pissed of Marcus Alvarez storms into St. Thomas with a pissed off sway that rivals Jax's a hundred times over looking for his sister room and demanding to know what happened it was Juice that got him to calm down enough to listen to the story of how Xochiyotl got shot and though Marcus was still pissed he was also proud then his eyes widen and he asks with a whispered tone "the baby!?!"  Juice looks at him and asks with a soft surprised tone "she's pregnant!?!"  Marcus smiles then whispers with a smirk for he now knows the Reapers didn't know that "secret" either "oops!"  Juice chuckles then teases "does Chibs know!?!"  Marcus chuckles then teases back "if he didn't before he's about to find out!"  Juice laughs then he walks Marcus to his sisters room Marcus found it nice that a Reaper and a Mayan got along for a few seconds.... Chibs and Xochiyotl were both relieved to find out that their unborn child was unharmed (I tried looking up what happens to a unborn baby when the mother gets shot in the back but couldn't find anything stomach yes but not back so I'm having it so that Chibs and Xochiyotl's baby survives so it could be possible that what Chibs did when he got to her when she got shot saved the baby the nurse that checked on him/her guessed that the baby was a boy when she did a ultrasound which made Chibs VERY happy....

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