Vanitas Memento Mori

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Chibs had told Jax what Xochiyotl said about Barosky but Jax wanted to "weight his options" just in case she was wrong even though what she said made sense and that was the main reason he didn't even try to solve his rat problem and in a way she s...

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Chibs had told Jax what Xochiyotl said about Barosky but Jax wanted to "weight his options" just in case she was wrong even though what she said made sense and that was the main reason he didn't even try to solve his rat problem and in a way she saved Jury's life by saving his boys life without ever knowing she did so for Jax knows that Jury has no reason to go against the club but he still "needs proof" that it's Barosky (the meeting between Jax and Jury Season 7 episode 8 The Separation of the Crows never happens) before he "takes care of" him what made faking Tara's death so easy was the fact that Eli found a way to bury her WITSEC information from him and everyone else in and around Charming the only one who knows anything is Xochiyotl and that's mainly because Thomas and Abel video chat with Pádraic on occasion she found out that Tara calmed enough to allow Wendy to continue to get to know Abel but Abel still doesn't know that Wendy was the one that gave birth to him Eli manly hid her WITSEC info to keep her safe from SAMCRO's enemy's he never realized or found out what he "helped" Jax do.... Chibs, Happy and Juice were surprised to find their wives and children standing on the roof of Red Woody "it's got the best view of the sunset"  Xochiyotl says softly to Chibs as she wraps her arm around his waist he smiles then kisses her lips and they all watch the sunset together then spend a few hours enjoying the peaceful silence of the dark of the night together.... while Xuannü and Nero were out getting supplies for the cabin Jax and the guys were meeting with Tyler and Grant two frightened little black boys for two very different reasons one because he was forced to lead when he both doesn't know how and wasn't ready and the other because he wants to protect not only himself but his mother from a very dangerous black boy with a powerful ego.... Xochiyotl did a few things that broke her heart she went to Les Packer about the way Jax was conducting his SAMCRO business and even gave him proof that it was all a lie but before she did that she called up Eli Roosevelt and asked him to speak with Althea Jerry about Tara and give her whatever information she needed and to get him to do that she had to tell him what was going on the only reason it broke her heart to do it was the fact that she was doing it behind her husbands back and she knew how he'd take it if he found out what she did after all she swore she was on his side but the fact that his staying at Jax's even when he knew something was wrong about Jax's choices was splitting him up inside he was losing focus on what truly mattered in all walks of life his path had one too many forks in the middle of it and he wasn't sure which darkness looked pretty enough to walk to especially since he was stuck being in the center of every choice Jax made he couldn't be the heartfelt conscious he wanted to be for Jax only listened to what he wanted to hear she did however ask Eli to wait for her to call him before giving Althea the information which would take him awhile to get and she had a feeling he was going to do it in person anyway.... Asase and Bobby go with the guys when they go to meet August and this time she rides with Chibs on his Harley "what's with the girl!?!"  August asks as Asase climbs off of Chibs' bike "I hear you've been looking for me.... did you forget that little tid bit of info already!?!"  she asks with a sarcastic tone "you're....!?!"  August asks with a incredulous tone she takes her gun out of it's holster and asks as she points it as one of his men "do I need to prove it to you!?!"  she pulls the trigger and the bullet land right where she aimed in the center of the guys skull "you should hire smarter boys they're just about as dumb as you!"  she says as she lowers her gun and looks into August's eyes August smiles she walks over to Bobby pats his shoulder and says "come on Bobby let's get you some place more comfortable"  Bobby smiles then allows her to lead him to the van August's eyes widen he was so focused on her he missed the fact that Bobby was even there "see dumber than a pile of shit!"  she says as she opens the passenger side door of the van for Bobby who chuckles then climbs into the van and sits in the passenger seat then she turns points and shoots her gun hitting another one of Marks men just as he demands "I want the girl AND Bobby"  Asase says with a low dangerous growl in her tone "I am NOT for sale! you will NEVER have me! besides I don't belong to him I don't belong to ANYONE! and you're not going ANYWHERE near Bobby! he's under MY protection!"  August smiles at her "you speak another word you lose another minion! I've got more bullets then you've got boys!.... at least with you at the moment so once I run out of them there's still you and I'm not afraid of you! Happy's scarier than you are and he's white! so speak you business and get it done cause the longer I have to wait the more inpatient I'll get and trust me when I tell you that is not a good thing!"  she tells him she looks at Happy and says "sorry Hap"  Happy smiles at her for he knew she was talking about when she mentioned his skin color like it was a "bad thing" to have Marks and Jax continue their meeting Asase closes the passenger side door so that Quinn could drive the van closer to Marks then get the dead smelly fat body out of the back of it with some help from Happy and Tig as Grant walks over to where Jax stands once the body was out of the van Quinn drives it a little further away from where Jax, Grant and Marks stand Chibs, Tig and Happy follow him on their Harley's and Asase stays right where she is gun in hand just in case something goes wrong and as soon as Marks tries to make another threat she lifts then shoots her gun truly proving she was indeed the one who killed his head of security and his team for the bullet flew then landed in one of his crew that were a little ways away from them "don't make a threat you can't prove you can back!"  she says to Marks as she points her gun at him "you lost that sort of power when you failed to gain your "bargaining chip" now get out of here before the next bullet lands in YOUR skull! oh by the way if you want proof of how much I don't care, Moses is my brother and if I can kill him without remorse just imagine how easy killing you will be you were his "best friend" right!?!"  she adds both Jax and August stare at her with a surprised expression on their faces Marks orders his crew to "come get the preacher"  they do as their told then they along with Marks leave Jax looks at Asase and says "he was your brother!?!"  she replies with a shrug "cousin but I knew brother would have a bigger impact he doesn't have a sister"  he chuckles "lets get you back to your mother huh"  she says as she looks at Grant who nods Tig rides over and Asase climbs on the back placing her hands on his shoulders as Quinn drives the van over to pick up Grant and drop Bobby off next to his Harley then they all ride/dive away....

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