How Do You Keep The Wolves Away?! You Date A Reaper 😜

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Xochiyotl and Chibs had been dating for two years before he decided he wanted her to meet the rest of the crew at first he did whatever he could to protect her from them then he figured as long as they don't find out her LAST name she'd be safe he felt nervous and excited all at the same time for these men weren't just his friends they were his family but before she met his he met the only member of hers he has yet to even see Aracelia another Mexican beauty who became like a daughter to him quite quickly he was warned beforehand about her past family life, the one she lived before moving in with Xochiyotl.... who had gotten Aracelia's permission to tell him for she knew her cousins reasons after all even though it's been many years meeting a adult male has always made her nervous the only other people who know about that past are Donna and Opie Donna was sorrowful and Opie was pissed when they heard it she also believed that Opie was the person to be proud of her brothers actions for when she saw his anger she let him know that Obispo had already "taken care of it".... but before Xochiyotl meets the Reaper crew she has a conversation with her angry nephew who heard from his mother that she tried to talk his father into not patching him into the Mayans and she corrects him by telling him the truth "I never told him not to patch you in I "advised" him that it might be best for you enter a different charter.... we both know why you want to join the Mayans.... other than the fact that it's every boys dream because motorcycles are cool is so you're able to spend more time with him and prove to him that he can be proud of you.... you're an adult now Esai and you'll never grow if you constantly live under your fathers shadow and I'll tell you this right now you have NOTHING to prove to me or your father for we are both proud of you!"  she tells him at first he looks at her with a soft surprised expression on his face then he smiles and hugs her "I informed your father that all in all it's yours and his choice not mine but when he asks for my opinion you know as well as he does that I'm going to be as honest as I possibly can no matter if he likes what I have to say or not and let's be honest Esai if I did tell him not to patch you in he'd never patch you in for his boys are more afraid of me than they are of him women are known to have PMS, men are just stubborn!"  she adds he chuckles.... a few hours after that conversation Xochiyotl meets Aracelia at a bar that was having Karaoke.... it was the main reason they went.... to celebrate Aracelia's birthday and they ended up singing Johnny Cash and June Carter's Jackson together Xochiyotl sang Johnny's parts and Aracelia sang June's parts the main reason Aracelia chose that particular song was because she saw Jax and Opie walk in a minute or so before it was their turn to sing.... they didn't have a song chosen and Xochiyotl told the man in charge of the Karaoke that it was the birthday girls choice which made the man smile and much to their surprise he was willing to wait till the last minute for her choice if need be.... Aracelia smiled the whole time they sang even Jax and Opie were smiling for they both figured out why she chose that song after all it's also her ringtone for Jax Opie's was a song from Manowar after the song was over Xochiyotl left the bar and Aracelia walks over to where Jax and Opie stand AT the bar the men look at her oddly "she would have stayed but her boyfriend wanted her to met his crew he called just as we were leaving the stage apparently he wanted to wait till some guy named Hobart was sent out on a job before she....!"  they look at each other and their eyes widen then they chorus with a surprised tone "that's Chib's old lady!?!"  Aracelia chuckles softly with a smile they look at her and say "we've gotta go!"  then they gulp down the last of their beer and rush out of the bar listening to their friends laughter follow them out which makes them smile.... the first person Xochiyotl gets introduced to is Alexander 'Tig' Trager who was all smiles and even though he searched her body once the rest of the time he "behaved" himself and kept his eyes locked with hers whenever they ended up conversing next was Robert "Bobby Elvis" Munson Happy Lowman's introduction was a little interesting for by the time he entered the clubhouse Xochiyotl was standing at the bar chatting with the only two men she got introduced to when a Reaper who must have thought she was a new Crow Eater came walking up to her feeling his beady little eyes on her in a way that made her uncomfortable Xochiyotl elbows the Reaper in the stomach as soon as he was close enough that she could smell his disgusting scent then she grips his wrist and flips him over her shoulder without his body touching her and punches him in the face as she knees him in his center where the small thing he wanted to use on her lived Chibs and Happy walk into the clubhouse just in time to "watch the show" Happy's eyebrow raises at the sight anyone who knew him would know he's impressed by her way of protecting herself but no that is not the moment he gets introduced to her for he was put to work as soon as the Prez of the club... who also has yet to be introduced to her.... Clarence 'Clay' Morrow saw him the moment he got introduced to Xochiyotl was when she was chatting with Opie and Jax who she introduced herself to.... Chibs introduced her to the others.... she teasingly mentions her and Jax "duking it out" with a playful fight and that's when Happy introduces himself for unlike Jax he.... as he always is.... was ready for a fight no matter what gender the person was and of course just like with everyone else she was either introduced to or she introduced herself to she got along with him right away which made Chibs very happy the toughest ones to please/impress.... as they always are.... were Clay and Gemma Teller Morrow who didn't like the fact that Chibs was dating a Mexican.... no one knows her last name yet.... and Wendy Case of course hated her but only because she thought she was flirting with her husband Jax though she seemed semi-relieved when she found out that she was actually Chibs' woman....

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