A Very Busy Welcome Home

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**** I think I'm going to have the guys stay in prison for the full 3 years I'm thinking of having it so that someone in prison "misbehaved" and blamed it on the imprisoned Reapers which made it so they had to stay full term ****

Xochiyotl and Aracelia were at the Reaper Clubhouse when the guys returned from Ireland and Chibs and Opie were very happy to see them and they kiss their women as soon as they reach them "yeah, I know!"  Xochiyotl whispers when she sees the sad expression on Chibs' face "we'll be here took the day off for this shit!"  she says he chuckles then kisses her lips and walks away slapping her ass lightly as he does so she shakes her head with a smile at his departing figure and mutters  "men!"  Aracelia replies with a smile "tell me about it!"  Opie who was walking away from her at that very moment chuckles and she smacks his ass making him laugh.... Xochiyotl was surprised that Gemma handed her grandson over to her before going to talk to her son she suspected it was her thank you for taking care of Chibs when he was in the hospital Chibs walks over to her with a smile on his face "this will be us soon!"  he whispers as he takes Abel's hand in his own as gently as he could she smiles and he kisses her lips "I want to test something!"  she says softly he looks at her oddly "I want to see if he's ready!"  she says softly nodding over to Opie he nods then watches as she walks over to Aracelia and hands Abel over to her it was then he started to understand what she meant and he smiles as she walks away from her cousin and back over to him just as Opie walks over to Aracelia and watches how she reacts to having a baby in her arms and sees the love he has for her in his eyes "he ready!"  Chibs whispers "good! she's going to need him just like I'll need you"  Xochiyotl replies "I'll be there!"  he says softly then he kisses her lips sealing the promise as soon as Gemma comes out of her sons clubhouse apartment she was fuming and ready to scream at Xochiyotl then she notices who she and Chibs were watching then notices that Aracelia now holds her grandson with her man at her side and she calms down Aracelia, Opie and the Prospects take Gemma, her grandson and her bird to her place.... that night Opie asks Aracelia to marry her.... frighteningly enough without getting her brothers permission first.... and the next day at the Reaper breakfast they announce not only their marriage but the fact that they were having a baby which seemed to make everyone happy "that could be us someday!"  Xochiyotl teases as she leans up against Chibs' chest he chuckles then kisses her lips with a smile....  that afternoon Xochiyotl and Aracelia weren't at the Reaper clubhouse till after Chibs and Opie went to go take care of Jimmy O and Stahl and Tara didn't seem all that happy that they weren't there when the guys went to prison "we had to work and unlike you our men aren't one of the ones going to prison Jax, Happy, Juice, Tig and Bobby all understood that we couldn't get today off its a wonder you can't then again I really don't care that you can't!"  Xochiyotl tells her Tara looks at her appalled that she spoke to her in that way "you're not my "princess"! and even if you were I'd still treat you the same for NO ONE disrespects me or my cousin you got that BITCH!!"  Xochiyotl says getting in her face Tara backs away in fear and Xochiyotl walks away.... Chibs was happy to see Xochiyotl and Aracelia waiting outside the clubhouse but he was surprised yet excited to see Kerrianne also with them Xochiyotl walks over to him and hugs his side as she says "figured you needed family"  Chibs grins and kisses her lips then whispers "I love you"  she smiles then replies "tha mi gad ghràdh"  she tells Opie as passes by them while walking over to his fiancée "oh and your friends are with some social media friends of hers very dangerous black and Chinese American ones!"  Opie chuckles with a smile Chibs and Xochiyotl walk over to the picnic tables where Kerianne sits Xochiyotl lets go of Chibs' side so he could hug his daughter fully which is exactly what he does then the three of them head inside both women on either side of the man who had his arms wrapped around their waist.... Gemma was shocked to see Kerrianne under Chibs' arm as the three of them walk inside after a few seconds she shakes her head with a smile then walks over and gives the young woman a hug Kerrianne who was less nervous now than she's ever been allowed it and even hugged her back without stiffening like she would have done if she still lived with her mother and Jimmy O "who's that!?!"  Tara asks Opie who looks over at the three women and one Reaper then says with a smile "Chibs' daughter"  Tara's mouth gaps open in shock "looks like that makeover worked wonders! you see what a lot of sun can do for your complexion!?!"  Xochiyotl teases Kerrianne laughs then hugs her "second mother".... even though she (Xochiyotl) and her father aren't married yet.... "one more thing"  Xochiyotl says Chibs looks at her oddly "you want to do it!?!"  she asks Kerrianne who nods with a smile then walks over to the couch where Xochiyotl's canvas bag is Chibs becomes even more confused "like I said I figured you needed family and you're missing one so I asked my OBGYN if we could borrow a at home ultrasound machine just for today"  Xochiyotl whispers Chibs grins as he watches the woman he loves walk over to then hop onto the pool table and lay down everyone looks at her oddly as Kerrianne prepares the machine then gives away her father and second mothers secret by showing the Reapers in the room her baby brother and they all had something else to celebrate as they congratulated Chibs even though they were surprised that he and Xochiyotl were able to keep it a secret for so long....

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