A Surprise For Chibs A Nightmare For Opie And Jax

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Xochiyotl called up her brother and asked if he had time to pick her up "oh and bring the car I have someone I need to pick up at the airport"  she says after she explains why she needs a ride Marcus chuckles then says with a smile in his tone "al...

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Xochiyotl called up her brother and asked if he had time to pick her up "oh and bring the car I have someone I need to pick up at the airport"  she says after she explains why she needs a ride Marcus chuckles then says with a smile in his tone "alright hermana"  then they hang up.... a few minutes later Marcus picks up his sister and takes her to the airport where a shy young woman seemed to be waiting for someone "that's Filip's daughter she's who we're here to pick up and no he doesn't know about it!"  she tells him he chuckles then watches as she climbs out of the car and walks over to the woman and chats for a few seconds then the two women walk towards then climb into the car "Kerrianne this is my brother Marcus I figured you'd be "a true girl" and bring one too many bags so I had him bring his car"  Xochiyotl says Marcus and Kerrianne chuckle "I think your fathers meeting your mother so I figured we'd just take you to mine and Filip's place so you can settle for a bit and let it be a true surprise!"  she adds Kerrianne smiles then nods and Marcus drives the two women to the home his sister shares with her Reaper.... Xochiyotl shows Kerrianne the spare bedroom she'll be sleeping in and says "make yourself at home oh and a little later if you're up for it I'll take you to meet your other Mexican friend"  Kerrianne chuckles with a smile then nods before walking into the bedroom and looking around then putting her stuff away and Xochiyotl leaves her be for the young woman acts more like a shadow than a person shrinking at the slightest thing and she couldn't help but wonder just how her mother and that creature she went to raised the poor girl she also hoped she could get her to come out of that tightly closed shell she lives in at least while she's there.... after Opie got home from helping Clay something he's been waiting to happen finally happens and much to his surprise the woman who feared it the most started it the strangest thing was she lead him to the spare bedroom she stays in "I figured it would be awkward for you to do it in your room and I want this moment to mean something"  she says softly "it does!"  he replies "not only that but I don't want my "first time".... the one that actually counts to be on the floor!"  she says he chuckles then kisses her lips god it was a wonderful feeling making love to her in a slow sensual way he actually feared going faster and harder for he worried that if he did that she'd be brought back to all the times her father used her body as his powerbase it was going to be just her and him no monsters just a Viking and his woman he ended up picking up his kids for she fell asleep after they made love which oddly enough made him smile for in his mind that proved just how comfortable she was with him being the one on top.... Chibs was having a hard time concentrating on just about anything for he had gotten a somewhat cryptic call from the woman his heart yearns for everytime he wasn't near her and when she was telling him to come home when he was done with whatever he was dealing with and with the life he leads and the people he had meetings with ever since he got out of the hospital all he could think of were all the bad things that could be going wrong and that night after a vote for Jax's Nomading career Chibs heads home and the first thing he hears is the woman he loves say "I kinda adopted a stray while you were gone hope you don't mind!"  then he hears a soft feminine chuckle come from behind her and he looks past her and sees his daughter smiling at them he walks around the woman he loves and over to his daughter but once he reaches her he's unsure if he should hug her so instead he says softly to his daughter "hi how ya doin?"  Kerrianne replies softly "hi"  Chibs says "Jesus look at ya!"  Xochiyotl says "she won't break you know!?!"  Kerrianne laughs Chibs smiles then carefully hugs his daughter who was still very nervous around her dad and she slowly hugs him back "see I just gave you a new reason for you to come home early!"  Xochiyotl says as she walks over to them Chibs chuckles then hugs her as soon as she was by his side "thank you!"   she replies "oh her mother and that sociopath she's fucking doesn't know she's here so keep it a secret would ya!?"  Chibs looks at her with a shocked expression on his face then hugs her tighter and kisses her lips "I told you I'd want her to meet her brother or sister and I figured it might be better if she got to know me before then and since you just got out of the hospital I didn't want to leave you so I paid for her ticket here after doing my very best to convince her to come and as you can see that plan went horribly wrong!"  Xochiyotl says Chibs and Kerrianne chuckle.... the next morning was sadder than the evening before for Chibs and the guys find out about Gemma being raped the night of Booby's homecoming party even Opie ended up having a bad afternoon for he finally found out why Tig was "becoming soft" for Tig finally fesses up to his crime and luckily for Tigg Aracelia was there to stop him from killing Tig by getting inbetween them knowing full well they wouldn't hurt her "it was Stahl Ope she made you a rat she's the one who killed Donna"  Tig tells Opie "if you ask me it was a team effort you Clay and June! you and Clay should have known better you should have realized her ego wasn't big enough to fit her boobs and she would do anything to get the job done no as long as it didn't hurt her!"  Aracelia says "we found wiretaps in his truck and his phone the Feds put money in his accounts"  Tig says "what part of "will do anything to get the job done" did you not understand!?! as I said Trager you two were STUPID enough to believe her bullshit! you'd think after listening to Clay's for so many years you'd be able to tell when someone else is bullshitting you but I guess not huh!?!"  Aracelia asks they hear Jax ride in on his Harley "well I guess you're secret isn't safe anymore Teller! I told you it would be better to tell him the truth from the start but you "men" never listen to us women!"  Aracelia says with a sharp tone as she looks over at him Opie looks at her oddly then he remembers the Mayan he was forced to shoot and realizes what she meant by that "did you know!?!"  Opie asks "I had a inkling but no hard facts I mean I knew Jax would do what he though was best to protect you while protecting the club but I didn't want something to happen if I was wrong"  she replies he nods then kisses her lips most likely as a apology for thinking SHE'D keep such secrets from him plus all her words in the past about Clay are starting to make some sense then he heads over to his bike, climbs on and rides off Aracelia looks at Tig and says "I'm not sure you deserve what I just did for you but you're welcome anyway! oh and it looks like the two of you know why Jax and Clay have been up each others asses for so long!"  she looks at Jax and says "now go fix your mess! you know where he's going so go after him I have to get to work!"  then she walks over to her Harley, climbs on and rides away....

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