Weakwilled And Wounded

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Xochiyotl saw Wendy walk over after her (Wendy) chat with Tara and Jax then heard her say "can I speak with you!?"  Xochiyotl kisses the top of her son, Thomas and Abel's head then promises to return and as she stands she calls over to Juice "mind taking Cena to go pick up supper I would have had it delivered but I figured the guys at the gate would not let them in and eat it all themselves!"  Juice looks over at her as she speaks then chuckles with a smile and says "sure!"  then he and Azucena walk out of the Clubhouse and over to Xochiyotl's car.... Azucena has her key.... and Xochiyotl follows Wendy outside once outside Wendy asks rudely "what are you doing with my son!?!"  Xochiyotl lets out a short scoff like chuckle and Wendy looks at her offended "just because you gave birth to him that doesn't make him your son! you not only tried to kill him while he was still inside you but you ran away from the responsibility after you had him!.... you can blame Gemma all you want but you CHOSE to run instead of fight to stay a part of Abel's life!.... do you know when he took his first steps!?! what his first words were!?! his favorite color!?! his favorite animal!?! do you know ANYTHING about him!?!"  Xochiyotl asks "I've been trying....!"  Wendy starts "again with the excuses!"  Xochiyotl says Wendy huffs then says "I'm surprised she didn't ask you...."  Xochiyotl replies "actually it makes sense after all she's been trying to get her family kids AND husband out of Charming and away from the club since Jax and the guys got out of prison almost 4 years ago so why would she ask a bunch of women who are either married, dating or related to a member to look after her kids!?! if anything should happen to her and or Jax I'm surprised she didn't ask Margaret!"  she pauses then says "I'm shocked you care! at all after all you spent every month he was living IN you more worried about your next fix then the dangers it was causing him! HELL you're lucky he lived can you imagine how Jax and his mother would be treating you if he had died because of your selfishness!?!"  Wendy opens her mouth to speak but before any words could come out Xochiyotl says "don't you dare give me more excuses! if you had cared about him from the very start you would have done whatever you could to make sure you didn't need that fix so badly and actually gotten help he WAS your child but....!"  Wendy says "if you tell me he'll never call me mommy so help me!"  Xochiyotl replies "who ever said you DESERVED to be called his mother!?! after all it took you 4 years just to come see him!"  Wendy raises her hand to slap her but Xochiyotl was faster as her fist meets Wendy's face and breaks her nose "go home Wendy and never come back EVER AGAIN! oh and there's one more thing you should always remember Tara's been "trained" by Gemma she's still got a lot to learn but with everything she's allowed to happen to her "in the name of love" does it really surprise you she's manipulating the both of you as well!?"  Xochiyotl says calmly Wendy storms over to Tig who watched the whole thing happen trying very hard not to smile when he saw his friend clock Wendy a good one and Xochiyotl walks inside and over to Jax and says "she may be a little late getting home"  Jax looks at her oddly "I may have broken her nose the sad thing is I used my weak hand to do so!"  she tells him he chuckles "whatever you do don't touch her!"  she says he raises a eyebrow at her "she could use that against you saying that you're dangerous and she'd be worried about Abel's safety when he's around you.... you've got enough on your plate Jackson be smart and actually think this one through! words are one thing fists are a whole different ballgame!"  he smirks "I just don't want to see you lose your son you've lost enough as well!"  he cups her shoulder with his hand and says softly "I know!"  then he walks away once Jax walks away Chibs walks over and looks at the woman he loves oddly then asks "what did he lose!?!"  she replies "his freedom!"  he looks at her even more confused "he and Tara have been trying for so long to get their kids out of Charming and away from the club life but everyone keeps pulling him back in his mom more than anyone think about it Filip she didn't tell ANYONE about her rape until Jax decided to go Nomad and who knows what else she's done to his psyche! then there's Bobby who just about told him this was the only thing he was capable of doing when he could have plenty of chances to learn new things if he's brave enough to try! then there's Romeo who's using the power of his badge to keep Jax where "he'd be useful"! I wouldn't be surprised if Pope's doing the same in his own way and who knows what his reasons could be though he does like his own version of power over others too!.... to be honest I doubt he's been free either since he was born or his brother died after all he's the only thing left in Gemma's life that allows her to keep the power she has in this place so yes Filip he's lost his freedom! and if he's not careful he'll lose himself and everything else he believes he has and at this point it'll be his own fault! for the way he's been not only trained but manipulated by his mother, by Clay, by Romeo, Pope and lord only knows who else! that way of living is all he knows cause no one has ever allowed him to be anything else! so he may even have it in his head that he can't be anyone else and that is NOT his fault!"  he looks at her with a surprised expression on his face "I-I'm sorry that was a lot!"  she says softly he chuckles then whispers "yes it was!"  he kisses her lips then says softly "I forgive you!"  she chuckles then kisses his lips just then Juice and Azucena walk in with 6 sheet pizza's "pizza!?"  Chibs asks "that's what Abel said he wanted Thomas was going to say Mac and Cheese until his brother said the "p word" and he changed his mind"  Xochiyotl replies he chuckles "we got different toppings on each pizza in case of allergy plus we have no idea how people like their pizza and if they want something else they can make it themselves!"  she adds he laughs.... Tara let Abel and Thomas stay long enough to have pizza and pop then she took them home and put them to bed....

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