Don't Mess With Mexican Reapers

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Xochiyotl walks out of the Reaper Clubhouse and sees her brother walking towards it with a bleeding shoulder "what the hell happened Rafi!?!"  she asks Gemma, Tara and the Reapers look at her with curious confused expressions on their faces.... all except Chibs anyway unlike the others he was smiling while holding his son who was reaching for his uncle.... for they had no idea she even knew Marcus "I'm ok hermana"  Marcus says softly with a smile the curious confused expressions of the Reapers, Gemma and Tara turn to surprise at the familiarity in the Mexican mans voice and the way he and Xochiyotl acted around each other as she takes over for Pedro as his assistant in carrying him inside "better!?!"  Xochiyotl asks "much!"  Marcus replies with a smile Pedro looks pissed "he got shot in the shoulder and you were pulling him like a disobedient dog on a rope you idiot!"  Xochiyotl tells Pedro who's eyes widen Marcus chuckles as his sister whispers softly "sorry!"  Marcus smiles and replies "está bien hermana"  Rafi chuckles "be grateful you're over there Rafi!"  Xochiyotl teases playfully "oh I am!"  Rafi replies with a smile Marcus laughs then shakes his head with a smile once inside the clubhouse she walks her brother into the Chapel then helps Rafi gently maneuver him onto the table and lay him down "I'll let Filip and Tara take care of you I'd  let you hold your nephew but I know at least two of you will be smoking and he moves around a lot so that'll have to wait till they're done"  she says once Marcus was comfortable Marcus nods then smiles when he feels her kiss his forehead before she takes her son out of her fiancée's arms and into her own "I know love! in a little while he can hold you but for right now he's gotta have his arm put back in it's socket!"  Xochiyotl whispers to her son who was still reaching for his uncle Marcus laughs she kisses Chibs' lips before walking out of the Chapel and over to the bar.... "what did it say?!"  Gemma hears Xochiyotl ask when she talks to Clay about the threat she turns and looks at her oddly but replies "I'm going to hurt you then kill you doctor bitch"  Xochiyotl says "sounds very amateurish, possibly purposeful but nothing a cartel would write.... was it written or typed?!"  Gemma replies "typed, so what's your relationship with Alvarez?!"  Xochiyotl says "he's my brother, I can't believe y'all haven't figured that out on your own by now!"  Gemma looks at her with a surprised expression on her face Clay lets out a short soft chuckle Gemma looks at him he tells her with a smile "she's the reason Alvarez wasn't protecting Zobelle anymore, I know Chibs called her and told her that he was a rat but I didn't know why and now I do!"  Xochiyotl walks back over to the Chapel with her son in her arms and asks Marcus as soon as she reaches the doorway "you think this could be Lobo?! I would have figured they'd be a bit more professional than this!"  Marcus chuckles then says with a smile "thanks hermana"  she smiles then says "I'm glad you're basically ok but....!"  he reaches for her hand which she allows him to take then gives it a gentle squeeze and says softly "I know!"  Chibs looks from one to the other then jokes "I can see why the wife thought you were dating!"  Xochiyotl lets go of her brothers hand then slaps Chibs' chest Chibs chuckles Tara looks at them oddly "I'm going to take him over to the swings"  Xochiyotl says Chibs nods then kisses her lips she reaches for and squeezes her brothers hand then walks out of the clubhouse and over the swing set.... Xochiyotl and Pádraic head back inside when Eli stands in the Clubhouse parking lot talking to Tara and they head straight for the Chapel Marcus still lays on the table "didn't have enough time to finish huh?!"  Xochiyotl asks Marcus shakes his head with a smile "here, hold him!"  she says as she gently places Pádraic on his hip Marcus chuckles and grips his nephew gently with his good arms hand and Xochiyotl finishes patching her brother up Pádraic is happy that he FINALLY gets to hang out with his uncle who is always happy to see him Chibs walks in to say "see you later" when he had to go with some of the Reapers to help Jax he kisses his fiancée and son then pats Marcus' good shoulder gently and leaves a few seconds later Tara walks in and asks Xochiyotl "what do you know about the cartel?!"  Xochiyotl replies "me, not much Marcus on the other hand too much!"  Marcus chuckles "hey you're the one making friends with "dangerous people"!"  Xochiyotl teases Marcus laughs "I can tell you this much Tara if what Gemma said the note said is right it wasn't written by the cartel one they wouldn't have typed it and two I don't believe they would have made the note so "simple" especially without having something "proper" to threaten you with like taking a child they go after not only what matters the most but will make the biggest impact threatening your life in such a "small" way that doesn't sound like something they would do they're much more.... proficient than that"  Tara asks "what did she say the note said?!"  Xochiyotl replies "I'm going to hurt you then kill you doctor bitch"  Marcus raises his eyebrow "I know not very original.... someone needs to rewatch the Godfather"  Xochiyotl says Marcus chuckles "I'm not making fun of the situation you're in Tara I just don't think that note came from the cartel"  Xochiyotl assures Tara nods then walks out of the room "she handled that better than I expected then again I don't think she's pissed at me"  Xochiyotl says Marcus smiles sadly "someone picked the wrong time to try to protect her in this way"  she adds he looks at her oddly "well like I said the note definitely wasn't cartel and I doubt the Niners or the Triad would write something so stupid sounding...."  she says he chuckles "I just wonder who or what this particular person is trying to protect her from if it's from Clay and or Gemma there's not much anyone can do!"  she says he laughs.... a few minutes later Jax comes storming into the room "I gave my opinion as I always do and as for how she found out about the drugs.... you fiancée is smart than she looks she read inbetween the lines after all you guys tend to "talk shop" no matter who's in the room and Clay and the others spoke as she was patching up my brother and your mother has a way of "subtly" dropping hints which probably clued her into the rest of your shit! DON'T blame me for all your problems when your main problem not only pushed you out of your womb but helped that one raise you!"  she tells him before he could speak a word Jax smiles then walks right back out "our predictable li'l prince still has so much growing up to do!"  she says to her brother who chuckles....

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