[3] Real Life

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Sadie slid her thumb across the bottom of her phone screen and saw a face she never knew would become a dreaded visual. "Hey Sadie."

"Hi Bobby." His name already foreign coming out of her mouth and it made her stomach hurt. This was it though. They both knew it and have known it for a while despite trying to sweep it under the rug. "I've been thinking about what you said and I think you're right. Things just aren't what they used to be and it's nobody's fault, it's just life."

She saw the way his lips contorted into a sad smile seeing the tears start to prick at her eyes. His own eyes began to glaze over with tears. "Sadie, I love you so much and I'm sorry we weren't able to make this work like we both deserve."

The words hurt and this phone call sucked but they both knew it was what was best. "I love you so much, Bobby. I'm so fucking thankful for the time we got to spend together and I don't regret a single second of it. We both need to take some time apart though and grieve this unfortunate loss separately. Fuck, you know I hate crying!" Bobby chuckled seeing Sadie prop her phone up against the island of the home they bought together in the kitchen they used to dance around it. She dragged the sleeves of her shirt down and slowly dried up the tears that managed to escape. "You're amazing, Bobby. I'm going to miss you so much but if fate has us meet again then so be it."

"Then so be it." He repeated. "We should probably discuss how we're going to handle the media and what we're going to do with the house and with Franklin."

"I'm suppose to make that appearance at the People's choice awards this weekend and I can kind of plant the seed there. Nice and delicate. I don't know what to do about the house and Franklin can be with me until I leave and stay with you when I'm gone. We can discuss the whole Franklin business when it gets closer."

Bobby smiled, beginning to reminisce on the day they got Franklin. They didn't originally plan on getting a dog but the moment Bobby and Sadie locked eyes with him, he was there in an instant. There was no going back home unless they had him and they're both so happy for it. "Bobby, I want you to have the house. It's too big for me and you've got the kids. I can get my own place and stay with my brother or sister for the time being. It's really okay."

"Sadie, I can't-"

"Bobby it's okay, I want you to." Sadie was telling the truth. To be honest she didn't want to stay here. She wouldn't be able to move on with her life having constant reminders of what has been and what could have been. "Don't argue with me on this, I'd like to keep this break-up civil."

The two of them sat in silence wondering if this really was the right decision or if they had made a huge mistake. Either way, both of them hoped to find each other again. Someone entered Bobby's trailer saying they needed him back on set and he gave them a five minute hand signal before returning to the phone. "I'll be looking out for your red carpet interview this weekend. I wish you nothing but the best, have fun, and take care, Sadie."

"You too, Bobby."

The call ended and Sadie felt her heart break into a trillion little pieces. She felt like there wasn't any up from here but knew that she needed to find a way there. Sadie dropped her face against the cold marble of the counter and let out a guttural sob at the realization that she lost the future she thought she was going to have. It was hard for her to believe that this really was the best decision but she didn't have any other choice but to believe. "FUCK!" She shouted before she heard the front door bell ringing. 

Sadie opened her doorbell app and was confused to see her brother's costar standing on the other side of it. She rushed to the door and opened it after rubbing her now red eyes and pale face. "Oscar, now really isn't the time."

"Well that's too bad because I brought snacks, the kids, and Timothee said you really like cookie cakes." The kids jumped from behind him holding the two other things he listed off. "We don't have to talk unless you want to but you need the distraction, amiga." 

It wasn't the first time Oscar had randomly shown up on her doorstep. The first time wasn't his fault. It was Timothee's because he had tried to play it off like her house was his but forgot when Oscar was showing up so he never did. From that awkward interaction on though, Oscar had been treating her and Pauline like family. Even his wife would pop over from time to time. In this moment that was exactly what she needed, family. Sadie wrapped her arms tightly around Oscar before sobbing into his chest. "I know, nina, I know. It's going to be okay." 

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