[31] Interview

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(shouldn't be anymore extreme time skips after this one! we're now at his appearance on the tonight show the same week he hosted SNL. i'm so excited for y'all to see what i've got coming in a few parts because honestly it gave me butterflies just writing it, its so freaking cute)

Pedro walked out wearing the green suit that was picked out for him tonight. The green suit that once was on his body, Sadie had to leave the room and splash cold water on herself for. He just looked so handsome she couldn't help herself from wanting to completely undress him and take him right there in the dressing room. Just how he took her the last time they were both here.

Sadie was going to sit back behind the cameras where Pedro had been but she chose to sit backstage with her brother, Lux, and Javiera. Sadie was nervous about anyone seeing her since everything had started changing, wanting to keep that secret so tight knit. So imagine how Pedro was feeling trying to keep himself composed while doing constant press for The Last of Us, SNL, and all the upcoming press for The Mandalorian.

He took a seat in the chair and Sadie saw he was nervous just by the way he looked at the crowd but she couldn't help but smile proudly at him. "Welcome back to the show!" Jimmy greeted and Pedro thanked him as the crowd cheered once again. "I want to get into all of the buzz with the, I mean, greatest tv shows to date but first I have to say congratulations!"

"For what?" Pedro froze as the crowd laughed. He was worried he said something in an interview and the word was out but then remembered that this was his first time on here since him and Sadie had been married. Jimmy finally stopped laughing and pointed to Pedro's hand which instantly debunked his fears. "Oh yes, thank you thank you."

"How is married life?"

"Married life is great. I'm a lucky man, Sadie's amazing. Although it is weird saying I'm married and having a wife. I'm old so I never thought I'd have that. I just thought I'd be the cool slutty uncle for the rest of my life." Everyone laughed and Sadie couldn't help but clutch her stomach in laughter while Javiera did the same. "Sadie and I just wanted to enjoy the first few months for ourselves incase you know everything fell apart. That's why we waited. But hey, it all worked out and we actually still like each other."

"You still like each other?"

"Yeah, people always say that marriage changes the relationship but the only thing it changed is her last name. We're still the same goofy couple we were before." Timothee looked down at his sister who was glowing with glee watching Pedro talk about their relationship. He was afraid that after Bobby he'd never see his sister happy again but here he was beside her and her sister-in-law, watching her husband talk about their relationship. He couldn't be happier.

Jimmy had shifted gears while everyone was lost in the words Pedro had said, to him hosting SNL. "Are you nervous?"

"Yeah I'm nervous but I'm more excited. I mean, this is top of everyone's bucket list. And the entire cast is great, they're so much fun."

"Now your brother-in-law, Timothee Chalamet hosted the show a few years back did he have any tips for you?"

Pedro shook his head and Timothee laughed after his sister had pinched him. "He did not give me any tips but he knew to help out Oscar Isaac when he hosted. But Oscar gave me the tips that Timothee gave him." Pedro shrugged as the crowd laughed. "He's actually with me this week to help me whereas Oscar didn't anyone but Oscar, so I got lucky."

"I mean Timothee did great when he was on the show, do you think you'll top him?"

"Not that it's a competition but I hope so."

Timothee laughed as Sadie just nodded. "I hope so too." Timothee put his sister in a gentle chokehold before laughing with her. She got comfy under her brothers arms and rested her head on his shoulder. She loved how close she was with her siblings and wished that Pauline was here too. Though she constantly found it funny how she was older than Timothee but he was always the protective brother and best friend she could go to for everything. He smushed his cheek against her head like she used to do to him as a child and held his sister tight. The two were taken from their siblings moment to hear the crowd going crazy as Jimmy was making baseball moves while naming off Pedro's projects. Sadie couldn't have been prouder of him, he was seriously so talented and so good at everything he did, she was happy he was getting all this recognition he so deserved.

Pedro began talking about how he ended up with the role of The Last of Us and Sadie smiled ate the recollection of that night. He had taken the sleeping pill and couldn't recall he had gotten the job the next morning. The silliest and yet the most Pedro moment she can recall over their relationship. And that was still fresh at the beginning of it all. She had gone to London to stay with him for a week while he was working on a project and she had some time off. Sadie and Pedro read the script together, acting out Joel and Ellie as they were written and had instantly fallen in love with the story and the way they were bringing one of her favorites games to life.

Sadie had stayed up with him and waiting for the call but Pedro had to be up the next morning and took a sleeping pill. When the call came through only one of them remembered that good news while Pedro was stuck worrying all the next day about it. "Sadie and I sat down for breakfast and she made such a nice breakfast for me. I was really confused as to why because she doesn't ever cook or bake so I knew something was up. She said "I'm so proud of you and am excited to see you do this amazing show." So I took a bite of the breakfast she made and choked on it yelling "I GOT THE JOB?!" And she had to remind me of it even though she had no idea I hadn't remembered."

They showed a clip of him for the upcoming episode which meant the interview was coming to a close. Sadie had watched him say goodbye to Jimmy before coming backstage where he saw her standing underneath her brothers grasp. Jimmy had followed him backstage and awed seeing everyone together. "Sadie, I love seeing you." He placed a kiss to her cheek that she gave him and a quick hug. "Always so good to see you and Timothee. Hello Lux and Javiera. Now this is a strong family if I've ever seen one. Minus two but still."

Sadie had slipped away from Timothee and into Pedro's grasp. Her safe place. Especially now that she was trying to hide so much of herself underneath as much as she could. Being against him she felt like she was molded into him and safe from the stress of this big thing. His lips met her head and his arms tightly wound around her. "You did amazing, Papito." The name made butterflies form in his stomach and it didn't help the way she looked up at him with those beautiful eyes he had fallen so desperately in love with. "I'm so proud of you."

"I love you, Sadie."

"I love you, Pedro."

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