[33] Interview

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(it's finally here! the one I've been waiting to post hehe. I think it it's so cute and I hope you guys do too I got cute little butterflies writing it, I don't know I think its adorable. :))

Ali Plumb walked into the room as the previous interviewer was exiting. He walked over to Sadie and Lux who were standing beside Pedro's entire press team. "Sadie, so nice to finally meet you. Congratulations on the wedding."

Sadie accepted his greeting of a hug carefully, trying to keep Pedro's sweater in place to cover her new body. "Nice to meet you also, I love watching your interviews. I'm a fan! And thank you! It's so weird still hearing people congratulating us for the wedding when it feels like it was ages ago."

Ali put his hand over his chest while holding Sadie's shoulder. "Listen, as a Pedrie fan from the beginning, this news is still fresh in my mind and my heart." Sadie smile so bright seeing he was actually genuine before he made his way over to Pedro who was also smiling after overhearing what he said. Ali took his seat across from him after shaking his hand and complimenting Pedro's outfit. He sported a shimmery silver sweater that Sadie wanted to steal so bad but wasn't sure if his stylist would let her.

Ali started the interview with Pedro's newly famous SNL voice which made Sadie laugh with Lux. She learned when the voice was created on the set of The Last of Us, that once it started it wasn't going to stop. It was going to continue on and on and on. She loved it though because that voice could always make her belly laugh and Pedro loved hearing her intense laughter. "That voice is inspired by the person who is standing just a few feet away, CoCo Ullrich." Sadie looked over to CoCo who whispered the LA Mush Mouth voice that they had coined. Her and Pedro did it back and forth which sent Sadie into a fit of laughter that made Pedro hunch over. "It also sends my wife into a laughing fit which I absolutely adore." Sadie blushed at him and Lex grabbed her hand seeing her red. She always got red and got butterflies when he said "my wife" it was still so new and surreal but she loved how it rolled off of his tongue.

"I would talk to you in my Mando voice but I can only do one word. 'Wizard.'"

"In the Mando voice?" Ali went to shy away after Pedro questioned his attempt at the Mando voice. "I can hardly do 'wizard.'" Pedro let out a laugh but Sadie's knees almost buckled. Pedro always described the Mando voice as a bedroom voice to the public but it couldn't be a more true statement. Hearing him do the voice now in the hormonal state she's in had her mind running in all the inappropriate places. Pedro knew it made her weak in the knees which was all the more reason to do it during an interview and tease her a bit.

Sadie pulled Pedro's sweater sleeves over her hands and subtly ran it over her stomach making sure it wasn't easily noticeable unless you really stared at her. They were doing really good at keeping it a secret and moving through the rumors and press trying to get something out of them. She was actually really proud of the both of them.

"Do you prefer Dadalorian or Mandadalorian?"

Sadie smiled watching Pedro begin to think about it. She started thinking to herself what she would call him if it was between the two but she was more curious as to what he would have wanted. "What do you prefor? Prefor?" Sadie laughed at his mistake quietly while grabbing on to Lux's arm to keep herself quiet.

"I like Dadalorian."

"I think I like Dadalorian too. Especially since I'm going to be a Dadalorian." Pedro crossed his legs not realizing what he had said until the room went silent and his name fell from Sadie's lips with shock. Pedro put his hands over his mouth and awkwardly stroked the hair on his face as he looked towards his wife and sister who were stood in shock. "I cannot believe I just did that." He breathily spoke while putting his face in his hands as he became incredibly red. "I am so sorry, Sadie."

Sadie shook her head while Lux grabbed her tighter. Lux was actually happy the secret was out, now she didn't have to keep it in anymore. "You don't have to be sorry, Pedrito. It was an accident and it's not like I was going to be able to really hide it for much longer anyway. I'm surprised it was honestly kept a secret for this long."

"Me too." Pedro laughed his contagious laugh at his sisters honesty and Sadie couldn't help but look up at Lux with a smile. Pedro looked back to the interviewer who was stunned but in the best way possible.

"So, you are really a Dadalorian?"

"I'm going to be yes. We've been keeping it a secret for quite some time and planned to do it for as long as we could. Well, it's out now."

"I could always just have them cut the interview and use this for blackmail someday."

Everyone laughed and Pedro shook his head. "Let the secret run free because honestly, I'm sick of keeping it inside. I'm going to be a dad! A Dadalorian! That's so exciting. When I found out I just wanted to put it everywhere because I was just so excited. And everyone calls me daddy anyway so it just works."

"How did Bella and Grogu react to the news?"

Sadie, Pedro, and Lux laughed remembering the say they told Bella that she was pregnant. Pedro adjusted himself in his seat before turning to see Sadie grasping on to Lux for dear life in excitement that they didn't have to hide it anymore even though it's what she wanted to do. "We sat Bella down for dinner and did the same with Nico as well. We made it seem like a regular old dinner until Sadie had pulled the picture out of her bag and placed it on the table. Bella shouted in the restaurant "HOLY SHIT!" And Nico said "You took the words from my mouth, B." It was really exhilarating telling them because it really felt like I was telling my two kids they were going to be older siblings. It was adorable."

The interviewer put his hand over his heart at the sweet recognition that Nico and Bella were seen as his own daughters but Sadie felt the exact same way. She spent every day with Nico and Bella, which made her bond with the two girls build more and more until they were calling her "mom" on set. "Well if my calculations are correct then you're outnumbered so do you want a boy so things are at least closer to being even?"

"Oh I don't care what that baby is, I'm going to love him or her or they regardless." Lux and Sadie watched so proudly at Pedro as he voiced his love for his unborn child so enthusiastically and beautifully. Sadie was happy Pedro was the father to her child and realized how lucky she was to have him as her forever and more.

The interview continued on and Sadie couldn't hold her emotions together anymore. She had been trying so hard but the baby was getting exactly what it wanted, total control over everything. Lux wrapped Sadie into a tight hug seeing her tear up and pushed her hair out of her face. "If you keep this up, I'm going to cry too." Lux joked and Sadie wiped her eyes.

"I'm just so fucking lucky." She said catching Pedro's eyes who hadn't seen the tears streaming just moments before. He just see his beautiful wife, the mother of his child, standing next to one of his best friends, his sister. He smiled that beautiful smile that blessed Sadie's days and couldn't wait for the day of press to be over so he could wrap the both of them up and have his own happy cry session.

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