Characters are..

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Okay so this is just the characters in the story:
Name: Y/N (Your name)
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Species: ???
Height: Y/H (Your Height or if you want you can make yourself taller if you are quite small)
(Sorry if any of you are males I just made Y/n a female for thus story since I'm also a female and I find it easier your hair/eye colours are up to you as well)

Name: Ranboo
Age: 20
Height: 6'6
Gender: Male
Species: Part endermen part ???

Name: Tubbo
Age: 21
Height: 5'6
Gender: Male
Species: Half goat half man

Name: Tommyinit
Age: 18
Height: 5'11
Gender: Male
Species: Half Raccoon half man

There are other characters some I including Philza, Wilbur Dream Niki and a special character as well. He'll he in the story later though. I've made up some other people too but just for this story, they aren't real. But Tommy and Tubbo are two of the main characters friends obviously. Ranboo and Y/n are the main, main ones. Now! Let's start it shall we?

You and I until the end.. Ranboo X Reader (COMPLETE/FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now